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Study helps for British Lit Unit 3B Test

During the Renaissance, what type of human love was considered the highest and most spiritual? friendship
In his sonnets, was Shakespeare concerned with the superiority of faith to reason? No
Shakespeare's great history plays were written during which half of his career? first
What type of effective medieval drama does Macbeth resemble? the morality play
Who has been seriously suggested as a possible author or the plays usually attributed to Shakespeare? Christopher Marlowe
During his lifetime, did Shakespeare achieve financial success along with a great reputation? No
Of the following, what does Macbeth NOT give up because of his treason: honor, love, sleep or ambition? ambition
What is Macduff most concerned about, even above the safety of his family? the political situation in Scotland
Shakespearean sonnets in the text cover which subjects? death, idealism and eternity
Name Shakespeare's two long narrative poems: Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece
What prompts Macbeth's soliloquy at the start of Act II? the sight of an imaginary dagger
What things do Macbeth's actions disrupt? family, society and nature
Who has served as a foil to Macbeth up to Act III of the play? Banquo
Whose appearance at the opening of the play foreshadows the struggle between good and evil? Weird Sisters (witches)
Who says this famous line from Macbeth? "Fair is foul, and foul is fair" Weird Sisters (witches)
What is the function of the Old Man in Act II? Greek chorus giving the facts and expressing public opinion
Which act contains the turning point of Macbeth? Act III
How many plays did Shakespeare write? 37
What is the major virtue praised in Sonnet 116? constancy
The typical Shakespearean sonnet comprises what four divisions? 3 quatrains and a couplet
What functions to establish an atmosphere or horror, prepares the audience for Macbeth's violent demands, and prepares the slaughter of Macduff's family? the witches' brew
Why does Macbeth call the dagger a "fatal vision"? it prompts him to murder Duncan, and it will be fatal to Macbeth both physically and spiritually.
What characters twist Macbeth's mind with their powers but are unable to destroy him? Weird Sisters (witches)
In Sonnet 116, what object serves as a metaphor for unshakable love? star
What is Macbeth's impact based on? artistry and Biblical values
The appearance of Banquo's ghost at the banquet in his honor is an example of what type of irony? situational
Who said this famous line from Macbeth: "Screw your courage to the sticking place"? Lady Macbeth
Who provides an objective perspective on the actions of the play in Macbeth? Lennox
Which prophecies about Macbeth is not fulfilled by the end of Act I? he would be king
What are some motives for Macbeth murdering Banquo? Banquo's regal nature and brave attitude
Who gives the last speech of the play? Malcolm
Why is the last speech of the play significant? As new king, Malcolm will restore order to Scotland and complete circular structure of the play
What is the one request Lady Macbeth makes of the spirits that is not granted? to make her unable to feel remorse
What are images of evil that are prominently associated with Duncan's murder? night, the raven and blood
What is the primary function of the Porter in Act II? to provide comic relief for the audience
Who said this famous line from Macbeth: "Is this a dagger I see before me?" Macbeth
What news prompts Macbeth's famous "Tomorrow" speech? the news of Lady Macbeth's death
What now "hang[s] loose about [Macbeth], like a giant's robe/Upon a dwarfish thief"? his title or kingship
What does the mirror represent in the parade of Banquo's heirs? the perpetuity of his line
What does blood signify in Macbeth? murder and guilt that cannot be eradicated
Who said this famous line from Macbeth: "Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow" Macbeth
What are two reasons Shakespeare probably used witches rather than devils? 1) more realistic; 2) not considered comical in Elizabethan theater as devils were
The witches' statement that "fair is foul, and foul is fair" introduces which major theme of Macbeth? deceiving appearances or reversal of values (things are not what they seem)
Who said this famous line from Macbeth: "Double, double, toil and trouble / Fire burn and cauldron bubble"? Weird Sisters (witches)
Who said this famous line from Macbeth: "There's daggers in men's smiles" Donalbain
Created by: 1348555001
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