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Keyboard Functions
This is for my computer class that I'm going to be taking a quiz.
Term | Definition |
QWERTY | first six letter in the top alphabet row |
F1 | brings up help application menu |
F2 | renames a seleceted item or object |
F3 | Find: All Files dialog box |
F4 | Go to a Different Folder |
F5 | refreshes current window |
F6 | moves panes in Internet Explorer |
F10 | activates menu bar options |
F11 | allows you to toggle between full screen viewing mode |
Print Screen/SysRq | obtains Screen Captures |
Tab | moves through options in a dialog box |
Caps Lock | locks keyboard in 'Capitals' mode |
Shift | allows selection of capital letters when depressing the alphabet characters, or selecting the characters above other non-alpha keys |
Esc | equivalent to the Cancel button |
Ctrl | allows multiple selections |
Ctrl + A | select All Items |
Ctrl + B | add or remove Bold font |
Ctrl + C | Copy |
Ctrl + C + C | opens clipboard |
Ctrl + F | opens Find what |
Ctrl+ H | |
Ctrl + I | add or remove Italic font |
Ctrl + N | opens New Window in Explorer: New Mail Message in Outlook: New Document in Word |
Ctrl + O | Open |
Ctrl + P | |
Ctrl + S | Save |
Ctrl + U | add or remove Underline font |
Ctrl + V | Paste |
Ctrl + W | Close |
Ctrl + X | Cut |
Ctrl + Y | Redo |
Ctrl + Z | Undo |
Ctrl + Esc | opens the star menu |
Ctrl + = | Spell checker |
Ctrl | While dragging a file to copy a file |
Ctrl + Shift | While dragging a file to create a shortcut |
Ctrl + Tab | Allows movement form one open window to the next |
Ctrl + F4 | close a window in an application without closing the app |
Ctrl + F5 | Refreshes the web page bypassing cache |
Windows Key | initiates quite a few action displays start menu |
Windows Key + D | minimizes/opens all windows |
Windows Key + E | opens a new explorer window |
Windows Key + F | displays the Find all files box |
Windows Key + L | locks Windows XP computer or logoff in Windows Pre-XP computer |
Windows Key + M | minimizes all open windows |
Windows Key + Shift + M | restores all previously open windows to how they were before you minimized them |
Windows Key + R | displays the Run command |
Windows Key + F1 | displays the Windows Help menu |
Windows Key + Pause/Break | displays the System Properties box |
Windows Key + Tab | cycles through Task Bar buttons |
Alt | located on either side of the space bar |
Alt + F4 | closes current active window |
Alt + undelrined letter inmenu | to carry out the corresponding command on the menu` |
Alt + left/right arrows | moves back or forward through pages visited in a window |
Alt + Space Bar | displays current window/ main windows's system menu |
Alt + Enter | diplays selected items properties |
Alt + PrtScn | captures the top window of active app |
Alt + Space Bar + C | closes a window |
Alt + Tab | displays a list of open applications |
Alt + Application Key + Ctrl | display selected item's shortcut window |
Space Bar | inserts a space between words |
Enter | creates a new paragraph |
Shift + Enter | creates a new line break |
Shift + Arrow | selects areas of content to be highlighted, copied, etc. |
Backspace | delete characters to the left of insertion point |
Home | hold the Ctrl key as you select Home to go to the first line of a document |
Page Up | moves up one full screen on a web page |
Delete | deletes characters to the right of the insertion point/ deletes when pressed with Shift, bypassing the recycle bin |
End | hold the Ctrl key as you select Home to go to the last line of document |
Page Down | moves down one full browser page |
Up Arrow | navigates in a document to the line above |
Right Arrow | navigates one character to the right |
Down Arrow | navigate in a document to the line below |
Left Arrow | navigate in a document one character to the left |
Num Lock | accesses the numeric keypad on the right of the keyboard |
* (asterisk) | in Windows Explorer the expands everything under current selection |
- (minus sign) | collapses the current selection (Windows Explorer) |
+ (plus sign) | expands current selection (Windows Explorer) |