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Phobias - Fear of:
Phobia | Fear of |
Acousticophobia | Sound |
Acrophobia | Heights |
Agoraphobia | Open spaces |
Ailurophobia | Cats |
Algophobia | Pain |
Androphobia | Men |
Anglophobia | England, The English |
Anthropophia | People |
Apiphobia | Bees |
Aquaphobia | Water |
Arachibutyrophobia | Peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth |
Arachnophobia | Spiders |
Arithmophobia (numerophobia) | Numbers |
Autophobia (monophobia) | Loneliness |
Bacteriophobia | Bacteria |
Ballistophobia | Bullets (missiles) |
Bathophobia | Depth |
Bibliophobia | Books |
Botanophobia | Plants |
Brontophobia (keraunophobia) | Thunder |
Cacophobia | Ugliness |
Callophobia | Beauty |
Cancerophobia (carcinophobia) | Cancer |
Cardiophobia | Heart disease |
Carnophobia | Meat |
Chremetophobia | Money |
Chromophobia (chromatophobia) | Color |
Claustrophobia | Enclosed places |
Cyberphobia | Computers |
Cynophobia | Dogs |
Demophobia | People or crowds |
Dendrophobia | Trees |
Dentophobia | Dentists |
Dermatosiophobia | Skin |
Dipsophobia | Drinking |
Entomophia | Insects |
Ergophobia | Work |
Francophobia | France; the French |
Friggaphobia | Friday |
Gerontophobia | Old age |
Glossophobia (phonophobia) | Speech |
Graphophobia | Writing |
Gynephobia | Women |
Hedonophobia | Pleasure |
Heliophobia | Sun |
Hematophobia (hemophobia) | Blood |
Herpetophobia | Snakes, reptiles |
Hippophobia | Horses |
Hydrophobia | Water |
Hypnophobia | Sleep |
Iatrophobia | Doctors, hospitals |
Ichthyophobia | Fish |
Kleptophobia | Stealing |
Logophobia | Speaking, talking, or words |
Megalophobia | Large objects |
Microphobia (bacillophobia) | Germs |
Microphobia | Small things |
Mythophobia | False statements |
Necrophobia | Corpses |
Nyctophobia | Night |
Ochlophobia | Crowds |
Odontophobia | Teeth |
Ombrophobia | Rain |
Ophidiophobia (ophiophobia) | Snakes & Reptiles |
Ornithophobia | Birds |
Panphobia (pantophobia) | Everything |
Pathophobia | Disease |
Pedophobia | Children or dolls |
Pharmacophobia | drugs |
Phasmophobia (spectrophobia) | Ghosts |
Philophobia | Love |
Phobophobia | Fear |
Phonophobia | Noise, speech |
Photophobia | Light |
Pyrophobia | Fire |
Sinophobia | Chinese |
Stygiophobia | Hell |
Technophobia | Technology |
Thalassophobia | Ocean |
Thanatophobia | Death |
Traumatophobia | Injury, wound |
Triskaidekaphobia | The number 13 |
Vaccinophobia | Shots (Inoculation) |
Vermiphobia | Worms (or small animals) |
Xenophobia | Strangers or foreigners |
Zoophobia | Animals |