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Chapter 6 Vocabulary
This is vocabulary from Chapter 6 of Colloquial Hungarian
Question | Answer |
ad | gives |
aprópénz | change |
boldog | happy |
elég | enough |
először | first |
ember | person, man |
érkezés | arrival |
forint | Hungarian money |
hogy | that |
hova | where to? |
jön | comes |
Magyarország | Hungary |
még mindig | still |
megy | goes |
merre? | where? |
mindig | still |
mutat | shows |
nekem | to me |
örül | is glad, happy |
ötvenes | fifty-forint coin |
persze | of course |
rettenetesen | terribly, awfully |
szerinted | in your opinion |
taxival | by taxi |
telefonál | calls, telephones |
telefonkártya | phone card |
tetszik | is pleasing to |
utazás | trip |
van nálam | I have with me / I have on me |
vesz | to buy |
-nak / -nek | Dative endings which mean "to" and "for" that is meant to replace those English prepositions |
-nak | This ending attaches to back vowel words |
-nek | This endings attaches to front vowel words |
Note about how words that end in -a or -e | The -a and -e endings have to be lengthened to -á and -é |
Zsuzsa --> (with -nak / -nek ending)? | Zsuzsának (for Susan) |
Imre --> (with -nak / -nek ending)? | Imrének (for Imre) |
a család --> (with -nak / -nek ending)? | a családnak (for the family) |
ki? --> (with -nak / -nek ending)? | kinek? (for who?) |
az amerikai --> (with -nak / -nek ending)? | az amerikainak (for the American) |
a gyerekek --> (with -nak / -nek ending)? | a gyerekeknek (for the children) |
Personal Pronouns in Hungarian | nekem, nekünk, neked, nektek, neki, nekik |
nekem | to / for me |
nekünk | to / for us |
neked | to / for you |
nektek | to / for you all |
neki | to / for him, her |
nekik | to / for them |
Dative Cases of Formal Pronouns (maga, maguk, ön, önök) | magának, maguknak, önnek, onöknek |
Note About Demonstrative Pronouns Case (ez / ezek, az / azok) | They have to agree with number and gender of the noun |
ez:ennek --> (dative form) | ennek az embernek (to / for this person) |
ezek:ezeknek --> (dative form) | ezeknek az embereknek (to / for these people) |
az:annak --> (dative form) | annak a családnak (to / for that family) |
azok:annak --> (dative form) | azoknak a családoknak (to / for those families) |
Two Uses Of The Dative Cases | 1. Indirect Object: This is when you wish to indicate that an action is being done 'to' or 'for' someone. The person will be then marked with the dative case. 2. For the use of Hungarian verbs that don't correspond to the English indirect object. |
Olvasunk Tamásnak. | We are reading to Tamas. |
Adok neki egy csészét. | I will give him one cup. |
írsz anyának? | Are you writing to Mom? |
Kinek telefonálsz? | Who are you calling? |
Nagyon örülök az utazásnak | I am very happy about the trip. |
örülök neked. | I'm glad for you. |
Nekem nagyon tetszik Budapest!: | I really like Budapest! |
Gabinak tetszik az az ember. | Gabi likes that man. |
Tetsik neked a film? | Did you like the film? |
Ezek a bőröndnak. | For this suitcase. |
Ezekek a csomagoknak. | For these packages. |
Azoknak a turistaknak. | For those tourists. |
Mindenkinek. | For everyone. |
Telefonálom Lillanak. | I am calling Lila. |
én nagyon boldog vagyok az utazásak.. | I am very happy for the trip. |
írni a gyerekeknek? | Are you writing to the children? |
Ez nehézek nekem. | This is hard for me. |
Ez nagyon nehézek nekinek. | This is very hard for him. |
Irregular Conjugation for menni ("goes"): én, te, ő, mi, ti, ők | megyek, mész, megy, megyünk, mentek, mennek |
Irregular Conjugation for jönni ("comes"): én, te, ő, mi, ti, ők | jövök, jössz, jön, jövünk, jöttök, jönnek |
Mikor jön Tamás? | When is Tamás coming? |
Mikor jössz? | When are you coming? |
Melyik út mész? | Which way are you going? |
Hól mennek a szülők? | Where are the parents going? |
Mikor jön Lilla a repterre? | When is Lilla coming to the airport? |
Mi megyünk? | Are we going? |
Itt jönnek az Amerikai turisták. | Here comes the American tourists. |
Mikor jössz Budapestre? | When are you coming to Budapest? |
Hol megy a repülő? | Where is the plane going? |
Jövök! | I'm coming! |
fillér | smaller Hungarian currency |
Conversion of fillér to forint | 1 forint = 100 fillér |
pénzérme | coins of forints |
aprópénz | change |
váltópénz | change |
Two Ways To Express Coins And Banknotes | 1. Add -forintos after the numeric value of the money. 2. Use simplified phrases for money. |
egy forintos | one-forint coin |
öt forintos | five-forint coin |
ötös | 5 |
tizes | 10 |
húszas | 20 |
ötvenes | 50 |
százas | 100 |
kétszázas | 200 |
ötszázas | 500 |
ezres | 1000 |
ötezres | 5000 |
tízezres | 10,000 |
kettes villamos | tram number 2 |
tizenötös busz | bus number 15 |
hetvenötös troli | trolley number 75 |
egy --> (noun form) | egyes |
kettő --> (noun form) | kettes |
három --> (noun form) | harmas |
négy --> (noun form) | négyes |
öt --> (noun form) | ötös |
hat --> (noun form) | hatos |
hét --> (noun form) | hetes |
nyolc --> (noun form) | nyolcas |
kilenc --> (noun form) | kilences |
tíz --> (noun form) | tizes |
húsz --> (noun form) | húszas |
harminc --> (noun form) | harmincas |
negyven --> (noun form) | negyvenes |
ötven --> (noun form) | ötvenes |
hatvan --> (noun form) | hatvanas |
hetven --> (noun form) | hetvenes |
nyolcvan --> (noun form) | nyolcvanas |
kilencven --> (noun form) | kilencvenes |
szás --> (noun form) | szásas |
ezer --> (noun form) | ezres |
elvámolnivaló | items to declare |
Van valami elvámolnivalója? | Do you have items to declare? |
értékes | valuable |
kijárat | exit |
számitógép | computer |
turista | tourist |
valami | something, some, any |
vám | customs |
vámhivatalnok | customs official |
videókamera | video camera |
Note About Possession In Hungarian Nouns | You use possessive endings to indicate possession in Hungarian. |
Note about adding possessive endings to words that end in a vowel | The ending vowel must be lengthened to á, or é, before adding the possessive ending |
Possessive Endings For Words That End In A Vowel (én, te, ő, mi, ti, ők) | -m, -d, -ja/-je, -nk, -tok/-tek/-tök, -juk/-jük |
Possessive Endings For Words That End In A Consonant (én, te, ő, mi, ti, ők) | -om/-em/-öm, -od/-ed/-öd, -(j)a/-(j)e, -unk/-ünk, -otok/-etek/-ötök, -(j)uk/-(j)ük |
Note about the option (j) in the initial -j in the possessive endings for a word that ends in c, cs, gy, j, ly, ny, s, sz, ty, z, zs | NEVER use the initial -j possessive ending |
a poggyásza | his/her luggage |
a pénze | his/her money |
a lánya | his/her daughter |
a poggyászuk | their luggage |
a poggyászuk | their luggage |
a pénzük | their money |
a lányuk | their daughter |
a bajuk | their problem |
a barátja | his/her friend |
a csomagja | his/her luggage |
a családja | his/her family |
a barátjuk | their friend |
a csomagjuk | their luggage |
a családjuk | their family |
Note about adding the initial -j possessive endings for words that end in a vowel | These words ALWAYS require the initial -j ending |
Note about having to stress if an item is yours or his | Use a pronoun BEFORE the possessed item to indicate emphasis |
Exception of stressing possession for "their" endings | Use ő NOT ők |
Ez az én fénképezőgépem. | This is my camera. |
Hol van a te fénképezőgéped? | Where is your camera? |
Az az ő pénze. | That is his money. |
Az az ő pénzük. | That is their money. |
Note about contrasting possession for multiple objects | Use personal pronouns before the possessed items to indicate emphasis |
A ti családotok nagy, a mi családunk pedig kicsi. | Your family is big, my family however is small. |
A videókameránk. | Our video camera. |
A pénzeje. | His money. |
Te barátod. | Your friend. |
Ti problémátok. | Your (you all) problem. |
A lányuk. | Their daughter |
A autóm. | My car. |
A családja. | His family. |
A gyerekunk. | Our child. |
// Continue with Te utazásod in 05 Language Points (Possession) in 06 Tetszik neked Budapest | |
a pénzük | their money |
a lányuk | their daughter |
a bajuk | their problem |
Note about back vowel words that contain b, d, g, p, t, k | It is likely that you have to add the initial -j ending |
a barátja | his friend |
a csomagja | his/her luggage |
a családja | his/her family |
a barátjuk | their friend |
a csomagjuk | their luggage |
a családjuk | their family |
Note About Possessive Endings For Nouns That End In A Vowel | They ALWAYS require the initial -j ending |
Note About If You Want To Emphasize Possession Of Something | Add another pronoun BEFORE the possessed item. |
Exception For Possessive Ending For "Their" Ending | Use ő NOT ők for the possessive ending. |
Ez az én fénképezőgépem. | This is my camera. |
Hol van a te fénképezőgéped? | Where is your camera? |
Az az ő pénze. | That is his money. |
Az az ő pénzük. | That is their money. |
Note About Contrasting Multiple Possessed Objects | You should still use pronouns before each possessed item to stress emphasis on ownership |
A videókameránk. | Our camera. |
A pénzeje. | His money. |
Te barátod. | Your friend. |
Ti problémátok. | Your (you all) problem. |
A lányuk. | Their daughter. |
A autóm. | My car. |
A családja | Her family. |
A gyerekunk. | Our child. |
Te utazásod | Your trip. |
Ti telefonkártyatok. | Your (you all) phone card. |
Note About Adding The Accusative And Possessive Endings | Add the accusative ending after the possessive endings |
Note About Linking Vowels With Possessive And Accusative Endings | Use a linking vowel after a possessive ending and before an accusative ending (a, e) |
Exception To Linking Vowel With Possessive And Accusative Endings | Third person endings already end in a vowel so don't add another one |
Note Of Linking Vowel Choice | Use -a for back vowel words, and -e for front vowel words |
Note Of Using the Third Person Singular Possessive Ending | Lengthen -a to -á, and lengthen -e to -é |
Kerem a csomagomat. | I would like my luggage. |
Kerem a csomagodat. | I would like your luggage. |
Kerem a csomagjat. | I would like his luggage. |
Kerem a csomagunkat. | I would like our luggage. |
Kerem a csomagotokat. | I would like your (you all) luggage. |
Kerem a csomagjukat. | I would like their luggage. |
Mutatja a képemet. | She is showing my picture. |
Mutatja a képedet. | She is showing your picture. |
Mutatja a képét. | She is showing his picture. |
Mutatja a képünket. | She is showing our picture. |
Mutatja a képeteket. | She is showing your (you all) picture. |
Mutatja a képüket. | She is showing their picture. |
Note About Adding Other Cases Like The Dative Case ("for" case) | You don't need to add a linking vowel, and only need to lengthen the one that is present. |
a nővéremnek | To my sister |
a nővérednek | To your sister. |
a nővérének | To his sister |
a nővérünknek | To our sister. |
a nővéreteknek | To your (you all) sister. |
a nővérüknek | To their sister. |
Nem látom a képünket. | I don't see our picture. |
Mutatok egy képet a londoni barátotoknak. | You all show a picture of your London friends |
Kerem a csomagomat. | I am asking for your luggage. |
Nézem a vámhivatalnokunkat. | I am looking at our customs official. |
hol? | Asks where something is |
hova? | Asks where something is going |
merre? | Where / in what direction? |
Hol tudok telefonkártyát venni? | Where can I buy a phone card? |
Hova sietsz? | Where are you hurrying to? |
Merre van a taxiállomás? | Where is the taxi stand? |
Merre van Magyarország? | Where is Hungary? |
Mikor érkezik a gép? | When does the plane arrive? |
Kik ők? | Who are they? |
Ki ez a turista? | Who is this tourist? |
és hol van az ő barátja? | And where is his friend? |
én amerikai vagyok, ő pedig japán. | I am American, he however is Japanese. |
Hol van a repülőjegy? | Where is your plane ticket? |
Hol van az apropénzéje? | Where is his change? |
A szomszédjuk most jön. | Our neighbor is coming now. |
Hol van a te apad? | Where is your father? |
Mikor jön a unokatestvéred? | When is your cousin coming? |
Ez a szomszédunk. | This is our neighbor. |
apa | father |
anya | mother |
szülő | parent |
gyerek | child |
testvér | sibling |
édes | sweet |
édesapa | sweet father |
édesanya | sweet mother |
báty | older brother |
öcs | younger brother |
nővér | older sister |
húg | younger sister |
nagyszülők | grandparents |
nagypapa | grandfather |
nagyapa | grandfather |
nagymama | grandmother |
nagyanya | grandmother |
unoka | grandchild |
unokatestvér | cousin |
rokonok | relatives |
após | father-in-law |
anyós | mother-in-law |
sógor | brother-in-law |
sógornő | sister-in-law |
vő | son-in-law |
meny | daughter-in-law |
nagynéni | aunt |
nagybácsi | uncle |
bácsi | older male |
néni | older woman |
Sam bácsi | Mr. Sam |
Férfi WC | men's bathroom |
Férfiak | men |
Urak | gentleman |
Női WC | women's bathroom |
Nők | women |
Hölgyek | ladies |