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Who's who in Gender

Who is who in Gender Studies

Author of "an obstacle" & "The Yellow Wallpaper" Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Author of "A Room of one's own" & "The New Dress" Virginia Woolf
Author of "The Lady of Shalott" Alfred Lord Tennyson
Coined the term "Female Writing" to refers to women's writing, which derives women's unique experience Hélène Cixous
Author of "Alice's adventures in Wonderland" Lewis Carrol
Author of "Pygmalion" G.B. Shaw
Author of "Moods". She wrote about depressions connected with the struggle to balance artistic creativity with domesticity Louisa May Alcott
Wrote "The Female Malady" where appears the phrase "The domestication of insanity". She established the term "gynocriticism" to study the literature about and by women. Elaine Showalter
Wrote "A Doll's House" where appears the phrase "The New Woman" Henrik Ibsen
She point's out that there is not a female writing or a woman's voice but the hysteric's voice who speaks "masculinely" in a phallocentric world talking about feminine experience Juliet Mitchell
Author of "The Beauty Myth" & "Misconceptions". Her political programme is about individuals and criticizes “victim feminism” for saddling women with an “identity and powerlessness.” Celebrates gun ownership Naomi Wolf
Author of "Aurora Leigh", "To George Sand" and "Sonnets from the Portuguese": Sonnet XIV in which she asks her lover not to love her for her image or beauty Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Poeta estadounidense que pasó gran parte de su vida recluida en una habitación y cuya obra permaneció inédita y oculta hasta después de su muerte. Emily Dickinson
Author of "Girl", focused on domestic detail and physical appearance. The protagonist is in the middle of a conflict between her view of herself and how is viewed by the others Jamaica Kincaid
Author of "The Reincarnation of Captain Cook". Margaret Atwood
Female figure created by Virginia Woolf to stand for all the unrecognized and underdeveloped genius of the past. Judith Shakespeare
Author of "My Last Duchess" Robert Browning
Author of "In an Artist Studio" & "Goblin Market" Christina Rossetti
Author of "The Colossus" & "Lady Lazarus" Sylvia Plath
Author of "Trifles" Susan Glaspell
Author of "The Awakening" Kate Chopin
Main Character of "The New Dress" by Virginia Woolf Mabel Waring
Main Character of "The Awakening" Edna Pontellier
Author of "The Bridge Poem" which makes self-education a primary theme. With passion and frustration the speaker outlines her exhaustion with explaining, translating, mediating, legitimizing, and connecting people across difference Donna Kate Rushin
Author of "The Telling Part". Identity is at a crossroads of nation, race, gender, sexuality, and class. Voiced in Glasgwegian, different typefaces distinguish the child from the adoptive mother Jackie Kay
Author of "Top Girls" which faces the idea of a bourgeois feminism versus a social feminism and demonstrates the price women have to pay for the right to act like men Caryl Churchill
Author of "Vindication of the Rights of Women" which emphasizes the right for women to be educated and sees early marriages as a stop to improvement Mary Wollstonecraft
Absent invisible silenced woman who recovers her presence and her voice in front of the audience thanks to the other characters in "Trifles" and wife of the late John Wright Minnie Wright
Female visible characters in "Trifles" Mrs. Peters & Mrs. Hale
Author of "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings". Writer, essayist and activist hailed as a classic of feminist and black women’s writing. She refers to the the burden of black Americans with the legacy of slavery Maya Angelou
The name of the two female characters that shape the destiny of Edna in "The Awakening" Adele Ratignolle & Mademoiselle Reisz
A white woman writer whose novel "Uncle Tom’s Cabin" (1852) brought the experience of slaves and former slaves to the wide public attention, in and through literature. Harriet Beecher Stowe
Gender Difference Psychoanalytic Feminist that studied the way women had a “relational self” due to the primal relation to the mother and suggested men should have a greater involvement in parenting in order to change normative gender roles Nancy Chodorow
A radical “Women-centred” Gender Difference Feminist who insists that women are intrinsically different from men. She identifies women with the creative and life affirming Mary Daly
Exemplified the new Liberal feminism. She can be inserted in the 2nd wave of Liberal Feminism, which denounced that women remained confined to the domestic sphere, not only on the basis of merit but also on the basis of their sex. Betty Friedan
Austrian neurologist considered ‘the father’ of modern psychoanalysis. Some of his most theories have been widely adopted by feminists because of its extraordinary account of the development of the self Sigmund Freud
“Women-centred”, Gender Difference theorists concerned with promoting a “care ethic” in society. Women’s intimate connection with others, especially children, suggests a better model of self and of social relations than Liberal competitive individualism. Carol Gilligan, Sara Ruddick & Virginia Held
“Women-centred” G.D., her position marked by its socialist feminist commitments. Women are not biologically different from men, yet patriarchal power relations produce different experiences and senses of self. Her Standpoint theory derives from Marxism. Nancy Hartsock
French psychiatrist, His work is important in Postmodern feminist psychoanalytic accounts because he replaces his biological stance with a cultural perspective. He sees gender difference as a psycho-social construction, based on language Jacques Lacan
Author of "The Bluest Eye" Toni Morrison
Liberal Feminist author of "Sex and Social Justice". She is against convention and habit, and for reason. She identifies her work with 2n-wave Liberal feminism. Gender equity must precede multiculturalism. Adopts a strong Modernist perspective. Martha Nussbaum
“Women-centred” Gender Difference theorist and poet who sees lesbians as having more in common with other women than with men. She outlines what she called a “lesbian continuum” Adrienne Rich
Author of "The Colour Purple" Alice Walker
American theorist and Postmodernist writer. Key figure in queer theory due to the book "Gender Trouble". Calls for for proliferation of radical gender performances to subvert assumptions. Judith Butler
Author of 4 books, she goes across many disciplinary boundaries. Has a strong interest in the interwoven connections between gender and race. Her position is attentive to psychoanalytic focus on the role of the Mother in gender identity. Jane Flax
Gloria Jean Watkins. Author of "Black Looks" & "We Real Cool", her writing is focused on the interconnectivity of race, class, and gender and their ability to produce and perpetuate systems of oppression and domination. bell hooks
Path-breaking scholar and historian of the music of the Black Atlantic diaspora, and as an archaeologist of the literary and cultural lives of blacks in the western hemisphere. He discusses race within the context of English national identity. Paul Gilroy
Post-Lacanian writer of “Sexual Difference”, she focuses on the problem of the masculine norm which equates difference with inferiority. She tries to deconstruct centres and advocates for "corporeal feminism" Elizabeth Grosz
Author of "Under Western Eyes: ..." in which she critiques "Thrid World woman" as a homogenous entity. She is a postcolonial and transnational feminist theorist. Chandra Talpade Mohanty
A very influential post-colonial feminist scholar whose works are based on postmodernism and poststructuralism originally born in India Gayatri Spivak
Author of "Ain't I a woman"? Sojourner Truth
Author of "The Gentleman of Shalott" Elizabeth Bishop
Author of "Look Back in Anger" John Osborne
Author of "Frankenstein" Mary Shelley
A theorist founding figure of the field of Masculinity Studies, which applies theories and concepts derived from women's studies to examine men and masculinities, and as a spokesperson for the pro-feminist men's movement. Harry Brod
Author of "Masculinities" & "Gender & Power", She was one of the founders of the research field for studies of the social construction of masculinity, coining the term "Hegemonic Masculinity". Raewyn Connell
American radical feminist and writer, anti-pornography, anti-war activist and anachist author of "Men Possessing Women" & "Intercourse". She is between Gender Difference and Social Constructivism Andrea Rita Dworkin
Author of "female masculinity" in which she discusses a by-product of gender binarism termed "the bathroom problem". Her analysis of Trans issues may be placed between multiple Differences and Postmodern/Queer theories, disengaging masculinity frome men Judith "Jack" Halberstam
American feminist lawyer specialized in sex equality issues under international and constitutional law. She pioneered claim for sexual harassment and created ordinances recognizing pornography as a civil rights violation Catharine Mackinnon
Radical pro-feminist. He's written books and articles criticizing traditional concepts of manhood or maleness. John Stoltenberg
Poets Laureate Carol Ann Duffy & Kay Ryan
Main characters of "Top Girls" Marlene & Joyce
Created by: MonDeKai
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