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CH 1: Introduction to Excel

Accounting Number Format A number format that displays $ on the left side of a cell and formats values with commas for the thousands separator and two decimal places.
Active cell The current cell in a worksheet. It is indicated by a dark green border onscreen.
Alignment Placement of data within cell boundaries.
AutoComplete A feature that searches for and automatically displays any other label in that colums that matches the letters you typed.
Auto Fill A feature that enables you to copy the contents of a cell or a range of cells to continue a sequence by dragging the fill handle over an adjacent cell or range of cells.
Border A line that surrounds a cell or a range of cells to offset particular data from the rest of the data in a worksheet.
Cell The intersection of a column and row in a worksheet.
Cell address The unique identifier of a cell, starting with the column letter and then the row number, such as A9.
Column heading The alphabetical letters above the columns in a worksheet.
Column width The horizontal measurement of a column in a table or a worksheet. In Excel, it is measured by the number of characters or pixels.
Comma Style A number format that formats values with commas for the thousands separator and two decimal places.
Fill color The background color that displays behind the data in a cell.
Fill handle A small square at the bottom - right corner of a cell used to copy cell contents or text or number patterns to adjacent cells.
Formula A combination of cell references, operators, values, and/or functions used to perform a calculation. A formula starts with an equal sign (=).
Formula bar An element in Excel that appears below the Ribbon and to the right of the Insert Function command. It shows the contents of the active cell.
Horizontal alignment The placement of cell data between the left and right cell margins in a worksheet.
Indent A format that positions cell contents to the right of the left cell margin to offset the data.
Input area A range of cells in a worksheet used to store and change the variables used in calculations.
Name Box An identifier that displays the address or the range name of the current cell in an Excel worksheet.
Nonadjacent range A collection of multiple ranges that are not positioned in a contiguous cluster in an Excel worksheet.
Normal view The default view of a worksheet that shows worksheet data but not margins, headers, footers, or page breaks.
Number formats Predefined settings that control how values appear in cells.
Order of operations(order of precedence) A set of rules that determines the sequence by which operations are calculated in an expression.
Output area The range of cells in an Excel worksheet that contain formulas dependent on the values in the input area.
Page Break Preview The display that shows the worksheet data and page breaks within the worksheet.
Page Layout view The display that shows the worksheet data, margins, headers, and footers.
Paste Options button An icon displays in the bottom-right corner immediately after using the Paste command. It enables the user to apply different paste options.
Percent Style A number format that displays values as if they were multiplied by 100 and with the % symbol.
Pointing The process of using the mouse pointer to select cells while building a formula. Also known as semi-selection.
Range A group of adjacent or contiguous cells in an Excel worksheet.
Row heading The numbers to the left side of rows in a worksheet.
Row height The vertical measurement of the row in a worksheet.
Semi-selection The process of using the mouse pointer to select cells while building a formula. Also known as pointing.
Sheet tab A visual element that shows the name of a worksheet contained in the workbook.
Sheet tab navigation Visual elements that help you navigate to the first, previous, next, or last sheet within a workbook.
Spreadsheet An electronic file that contains a grid of columns and rows used to organize related data and to display results of calculations, enabling interpretation of quantitative data for decision making.
Status bar The row at the bottom of the Excel window that displays instructions and other details about the status of a worksheet.
Text Any combination of letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces not used in Excel calculations.
Value A number that represents a quantity or a measurable amount.
Vertical alignment The position of data between the top and bottom cell margins.
View controls Icons on the right side of the status bar that enable to change to Normal, Page Layout, or Page Break view to display the worksheet.
Workbook A collection of one or more related worksheets contained within a single file.
Worksheet A single spreadsheet that typically contains descriptive labels, numeric values, formulas, functions, and graphical representations of data.
Wrap text An excel feature that makes data appear on multiple lines within a cell.
Zoom control A control that enables you to increase or decrease the size of the worksheet data onscreen.
A spreadsheet that contains formulas, functions, values, text, and visual aids. Worksheet
A file containing related worksheets. Workbook
a range of cells containing values for variables used in formulas. Input area
A range of cells containing results based on manipulating the variables. Output area
Identifies the address of the current cell. Name Box
Displays the content ( text, value, date, or formula) in the active cell. Formula Bar
Displays the name of a worksheet within a workbook. Sheet tab
The intersection of a column and row. Cell
Includes letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces. Text
A number that represents a quantity or an amount. Value
Rules that control the sequence in which Excel performs arithmetic operations. Order of precedence
Enables you to copy the contents of a cell or cell range or to continue a sequence by dragging the fill handle over an adjacent cell or range of cells. Auto Fill
A small green square at the bottom - right corner of a cell. Fill handle
The horizontal measurement of a column. Column width
The vertical measurement of a row. Row height
A rectangular group of cells. Range
The position of data between the cell margins. Alignment
Formatting that enables a label to appear on multiple lines within the current cell. Wrap text
The background color appearing behind data in a cell. Fill color
A combination of cell references, operators, values, and/or functions used to perform a calculation. Formula
What is the first step in planning an effective worksheet? State the purpose of the worksheet.
What Excel interface item displays the address of the current cell? Name box
Given the formula =B1*B2+B3/B4^2 where B1 contains 3, B2 contains 4, B3 contains 32, and B4 contains 4, what is the result? 14
Why would you press Ctrl+~ in Excel? To display cell formulas.
Which of the following is a nonadjacent range? A1:A10, D1:D10
If you want to balance a title over several columns, what do you do? Merge and center the data over all columns.
What characteristic is not applicable to the accounting number format? Dollar sign immediately on the left side of the value.
You selected and copied worksheet data containing formulas. However, you wanted the pasted copy to contain the current formula results rather than formulas. What do you do? Click the Paste arrow in the Clipboard group and select Values&Source Formatting.
Assume that the data on a worksheet consume a whole printed page and a couple of columns on a second page. what can't you do to force the data to print all on one page? Increase the left and right margins.
What should you do if you see a column of pound signs(###) instead of value or results of formulas? Increase the column width.
spreadsheet program A computer application used to create and modify spreadsheets.
Column always written first in a cell address
Created by: TroyIS2241
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