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decline of fuedalism


what did king henry the 2 do had a jury decide if someone was guilty of a crime had the courts in his royal court
what problems did king henry the 11 cause a conflict with the church
who is king john king henry the 2 younger son
how did the nobles address this problem forced him to sign the magna carta
king Edward/ model parliament included more people in the government
how did these lead to the decline of feudalisam power was shifting from king to lords to common people
where did the black death begin in central asia
where did the black death spread throughout china, india and europe
what are the symptons fever,formatting,coughing,sneezing and egg sized bumps
what contributed to the black death the dirty conditions caused the black death to spread,bacteria carried by fleas on rats
how did the black death affect the jews the jews were blamed for the black death, many jews were being persecuted
what did the plague do to the pollution of europe 24 million europeans died and chinas population was reduced by half
how did the black death affect the feudal system need for workers high many peasants left manors and went to towns for beater jobs
what is the English Peasants War peasants entered London and said their demands for more rights to King Richard II. the leader of the rebels was killed
reason for war english said they on this land france said they do
joan of arc saint told her to fight she lead a french army to victory. english captured her and the church said she was a witch
impact of the war on feudalism shifted power from lords to monarchs to common people
military technology divaluped longbow learned to use gunpowder to shoot cannons
nationalism new feeling of nationalism which shifted power away from lords
peasants peasants were forced to be in armies and pay heavy taxes often, those who survived where needed as soldiers or workers and had greater power and influence on their own lives
Created by: brandon.hare
Popular History sets




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