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Lecture 35

Fluid Balance

Balance Concept The ECF is proof of available material for cells.input comes from ingestion or metabolic production.output occurs from excretion or consumption.balance must occur over the ling run,w/input=output
Negative Balance output is greater than input. net reduction in pool concentration
Positive Balance input is greater than inc in pool concentration
Fluid Balance balance of h2o in the body.60% of the body is h2o w/ adipose tissue causing variation.plasma 90% water,soft tissues 70-90%,bone 22%,adipose 10%
Intracellular Fluid 2/3 of total body water. k+ dominated,w/protein
Extracellular Fluid 1/3 total body water,na+ dominated
Plasma 20% ECF,w/ protein
Interstitial Fluid 80% of ECF,no protein
Minor ECF Components Relatively small volumes:lymph,CSF,saliva etc
ECF Volume Regulation regulation of volume needed for long-term BP control.changes in BP cause shifts of fluid btw plasma and IF
Blood Pressure Control short term,a drop in pressure causes:auto-transfusion:movement of fluid from IF to plasma to maintain BP. changes in baroreceptor activity.long term control of vol is balance of thirst/intake and kidney fluid excretion
Salt Intake the kidneys need 0.5g nacl/day for fluid loss in sweat,feces,intake is 10.5 nacl/day excess excreted in follows na+
Salt Excretion kidneys good at eliminating na+, but inc retention inc BP.must balance 10.5g/day reduces na+ content in sweat.
Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System long term control of na+ excretion controls BP.everyone has their own set pt. for BP.
ECF Osmolarity Control needed to prevent swelling or shrinking of amount of material in a vol,regardless of composition,produces its osmolarity
Ions na+ and k+ dominate the osmolarity of ICF and IF.other non-penetrating substances like proteins,also contribute to osmolarity.water moves by osmosis if there are diff in ICF and IF osmolarity. Normal ICF and IF osmolarity is 300 mOsm
Tonicity the standard for tonicity isis not the # of dissolved particles but the behavior of cells in the solution. cells saved in hypotonic solutions-ECF is rarely hypotonic.
Hypertonicity Cells shrink in hypertonic solution (> than 300 mOsm). dehydration-low intake,excess loss,diabetes
Vasopressin controls osmolarity of urine. vp adds aquaporins to collecting duct to inc water reab.
Water Intake fluid drinking,food intake,metabolism,add water.balance water loss from lungs,skin,sweat,feces,urine.
Osmoreceptors receptors in hypothalamus that control VP release inc osmolarity,inc VP release,inc h2o retention. dec osmolarity,dec VP relese,inc h2o excretion
Created by: danamarie9323
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