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LA Test
Question | Answer |
Pediatrician | A doctor for children |
Encyclopedia | A series of books which provide a child a well-rounded knowledge on all subjects |
Pedagogue | Tutor who escorted children to school |
Pedagogy | Art or skill of teaching children |
Paideia | education of children in all aspects of their society |
Pedant | Person who makes an excessive or inappropriate display of learning |
Pedantic | Overly concerned with minute details and formalities in teaching |
Pedantry | Slavish attention to formal rules or minute details |
School | A place of education; a group of fish swimming together; to teach or educate |
Scholastic | Of or pertaining to schools or school education |
Scholar | A student who is taught, especially one who is learned in classical languages and literature |
Scholarly | Pertaining to, or characterizing a scholar; learned, erudite |
Scholarship | The attainments of a scholar in learning; a grant-in-aid to a student at a school or university |