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Command Line


pwd print working directory
hostname my computer's network name
mkdir make directory
cd change directory
ls list directory
rmdir remove directory
pushd push directory
popd pop directory
cp copy a file or directory
robocopy robust copy
mv move a file or directory
move a file or directory page through a file
type print the whole file
forfiles run a command on lots of files
dir -r find files
select-string find things inside files
help read a manual page
helpctr find what man page is appropriate
echo print some arguments
set export/set a new environment variable
exit exit the shell
attrib change permission modifiers
iCACLS change ownership
call to procedure or another script from within a script
assoc Displays or modifies the current file extension associations
break Sets for debugging
endlocal Ends localization of variables.
goto Directs the command interpreter to a labeled line in a batch script.
ftype Displays current file types or modifies file types used in file extension associations.
if Performs conditional execution of commands
path Displays or sets the command path the operating system uses when searching for executable and scripts.
pause Suspends processing of a batch file and waits for keyboard input.
popd Makes the directory saved by PUSHD the current directory.
prompt Sets the text for the command prompt.
Pushd Saves the current directory location and then optionally changes to the specified directory.
rem Sets a remark in batch scripts or Config.sys
ren (rename) Renames a file or files.
Set Displays current environment variables or sets temporary variables for the current command shell.
setlocal Marks the start of variable localization in batch scripts.
shift Shifts the position of replaceable parameters in batch scripts.
start Starts s separate window to run a specified program or command.
time displays or sets the system time.
title sets the title for the command-shell window.
type display the contents of a text file.
verify causes the operating system to verify files after writing files to disk
Vol Displays the disk's volume label and serial number.
Created by: 1155127622
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