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Herbs That Stabilize and Bind

HerbPropertyTasteMeridiansFunctionsCaution & Contra
1. Shan Zhu Yu Sli Warm Sour Liv/Kd 1.stabilize Kd & retain the essence 2.stop excessive sweating & support collapse 3.tonify & augment Liv + Kd 4.stabilize mens & stop bleeding 1.painful & difficult urination 2.damp heat
16. Hai Piao Xiao Sli Warm Astrg/Salty St/Liv/Kd 1.stop bleeding & vaginal discharge 2.retain the essence 3.control acidity & alleviate pain, use to harmonize St acidity such as St/epigastric pain, belching or acid regurgitation4.resolve dampness & promote healing 5.stop dairrhea Long term use may lead to constipation
5. He Zi Neatral Sour/Astrg/Bitter Lu/St/Li 1.bind up the intestine & stop diarrhea2.contain the leakage of Lu Qi, stop coughing & improve the condition of throat 1.damp heat stagnation 2.exterior pattern
10. Jin Ying Zi Neutral Sour/Astrg Li/Kd-UB 1.stabilize Kd & retain the essence 2.1.bind up the intestine & stop diarrhea 1.excess heat 2.over use/long term use may cause abdm pain/constipation
8. Lian Zi Neutral Swt/Astrg Ht/Sp/Kd 1.tonify Sp & stop diarrhea 2.Tonify Kd & stabilize the essence 3.nourish Ht & calm spirit 1.abdm distention 2.constipation
11. Fu Pen Zi Neutral Swt/Astrg Liv/Kd 1.augment & stabilize Kd, bind the essence & restrain urine 2.assist Yang & improve vision yin def with heat
9. Qian Shi Neutral Swt/Astrg Sp/Kd 1.strengthen Sp & stop diarrhea 2.stabilize Kd & retain essence 3.expel dampness
13. Bai Guo Neutral/Sli Toxic Swt/Astrg/Bitter Lu/Kd 1.expel phlegm & stop wheezing 2.eliminate dampness & stop discharge 3.stabilize the lower burner 1.large amount or long term use due to toxic 2.symptom of overdose include headache, fever, tremor, irritability & dyspnea 3.antidote Gan Cao
7. Chun Pi Cold Astrg/Bitter St/Li 1.clear heat, dry dampness, bind up Intestines (For excess case) 2.Kill parasites Def cold from Sp-St
14. Fu Xiao Mai Cool Swt/Sli Salty Ht 1.stop excessive sweating due to def 2.nourish Ht & calm spirit -emotional instability, disorientation associate w/restless organ disoder (Zang Zao Syndrome) 3.Use for bed wetting in children
2. Wu Wei Zi Warm Swt/Sour Ht/Lu/Kd 1.contain the leakage of Lu Qi & stop coughing 2.tonify Kd, bind up essence & stop diarrhea 3.inhibit sweating & generate fluid 4.quite spirit & calm Ht 5. recent use for allergic skin disorder & to improve Liv Funct in patient w/ Hepatitis excess heat interior
3. Wu Mei Warm Sour/Astrg Lu/Sp/Liv/Li 1.inhibit leakage of Lu Qi & stop cough 2.bind up intestine & stop diarrhea 3.generate fluid & alleviate thirst 4 expel roundworm & alleviate pain5.sto bleeding 6.use topically as a plaster to treat corn & warts 1.internal excess heat & stagnation2.exterior disorder
4. Chi Shi Zhi Warm Swt/Sour/Astrg Sp-St/Li 1.bind up the intestine & stop diarrhea 2.contain blood & stop bleeding 3.promote healing of wound 1.damp heat accu2.cuation pregnancy
6. Rou Dou Kou Warm Acrid Sp-St/Li 1.bind up the intestine & stop diarrhea 2.warm the Mid, move Qi & alleviate pain Hot dysenteric disorder
18. Lian Xu Neutral Swt/Astrg HT/SP/KD 1.clears heat. 2.stops bleeding. ( strongly Astrg than Lian Zi) 1.Abdo distention. 2.constipation.
2. Wu Wei Zi Warm Swt/Sour Ht/Lu/Kd 1.contain the leakage of Lu Qi & stop coughing 2.tonify Kd, bind up essence & stop diarrhea 3.inhibit sweating & generate fluid 4.quite spirit & calm Ht 5. recent use for allergic skin disorder & to improve Liv Funct in patient w/ Hepatitis excess heat interior
3. Wu Mei Warm Sour/Astrg Lu/Sp/Liv/Li 1.inhibit leakage of Lu Qi & stop cough 2.bind up intestine & stop diarrhea 3.generate fluid & alleviate thirst 4 expel roundworm & alleviate pain5.sto bleeding 6.use topically as a plaster to treat corn & warts 1.internal excess heat & stagnation2.exterior disorder
4. Chi Shi Zhi Warm Swt/Sour/Astrg Sp-St/Li 1.bind up the intestine & stop diarrhea 2.contain blood & stop bleeding 3.promote healing of wound 1.damp heat accu2.cuation pregnancy
6. Rou Dou Kou Warm Acrid Sp-St/Li 1.bind up the intestine & stop diarrhea 2.warm the Mid, move Qi & alleviate pain Hot dysenteric disorder
Created by: djraspberry
Popular Acupuncture sets




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