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Small Steps: Polio
Question | Answer |
How many types of polio are there and how many did Peg have? | three, she had all of them |
What are the three types of polio? | • Spinal polio • Respiratory polio • Bulbar polio |
What are the two other names for "polio"? | poliomyelitis (official medical name) and infantile paralysis |
How old is Peg when she is diagnosed with polio? | 12 years old, in seventh grade |
Where does Peg live? | Austin, Minnesota |
In what month and year did Peg find out she had polio? | September 1949 |
What was the name of the first hospital that Peg went to after she was diagnosed with polio? | The Sheltering Arms Hospital in Minneapolis |
Peg was moved to a hospital where there was an iron lung. What was the name of that hospital? | University Hospital |
After University Hospital, where does Peg go to do her long recovery? | back to the Sheltering Arms Hospital in Minneapolis |
Although it was against the rules, Peg's parents brought what for her to drink? | a chocolate milkshake |
Peg has an older brother. What is his name? | Art |
What college does Peg's older brother attend? | Carleton College |
What gift does Art send to Peg? | a teddy bear |
What happens to all of the cards and gifts Peg received while in isolation at University Hospital? | they were burned, to avoid contamination |
Was Peg's hospital bed burned? | No, it was sterilized. |
Who was Peg's roommate at University Hospital? | Tommy |
How old is Tommy? | 8 years old |
What did Tommy use to help him breathe? | an iron lung |
Did Peg use an iron lung? | No, but she used an oxygen tent. |
What did Peg like about Tommy's iron lung? | It made a swoosh-swoosh sound and reminded her of the waves lapping on the shore of a lake |
Who was Peg's favorite doctor at the University Hospital? | Dr. Bevis |
Dr. Bevis brought Peg a special surprise. What was it? | he painted her toenails with bright red polish |
What radio program did Peg and Tommy listen to together? | The Lone Ranger |
What was Tommy's nickname for Peg? | kemo sabe (faithful friend) |
What was Peg's nickname for Tommy? | Tonto |
Who invented the "hot packs" and stretching treatment? | Sister Elizabeth Kenny |
Did Peg enjoy the "hot packs"? What part of her body did she say was the most senstitive to them? | No, the backs of her thighs |
What was Peg's nickname for the muscle stretching part of the Kenny Treatments? | Torture Time |
After three weeks of paralysis (being paralyzed) what was the first part of Peg's body to move again? | the fingers on her left hand when she went to scratch an itch |
When Peg left University Hospital what did she give to Tommy? | her radio |
What are the names of Peg's roommates at the Sheltering Arms hospital? | Alice; Dorothy; Renee; Shirley |
How long had Peg's roommate Alice been at the Sheltering Arms when Peg arrived? | 10 years |
Why didn't Alice go home to her family when the Sheltering Arms doctors said she could go home? | Her family couldn't care for her. |
What was the name of Peg's Physical Therapist at the Sheltering Arms? | Miss Ballard |
What does Peg name her wheelchair? | Silver |
What present did Peg's parents bring for each of the girls? | Alice: pink lipstick; Shirley: marshmallows; Dorothy: Peg's brother |
What does Peg's mother do with most of Peg's childhood books and toys? | donates them to the Sheltering Arms |
Peg fell when she was trying to demonstrate what dance for Alice? | the hula |
What did Peg do in her wheelchair that made the nurses nervous? | pop a wheelie |
Why did some patients have a hard time getting stronger? | They didn't get treatment soon enough when they first got polio. |
Which of Peg's roommates had a beautiful singing voice? | Alice |
Does Peg's weekend overnight at home go as she expects? | No, it is much harder to get along outside of the hospital than she thought. She isn't quite strong enough to do all of the things she needs to do. |
What instrument does Peg try to play as part of her therapy at the Sheltering Arms? | the accordion |
Who else learns to play the accordion and what song does that person play? | her dad plays the Beer Barrel Polka |
How does Peg keep up with her classmates back home while she is at the Sheltering Arms? | She goes to class at the Sheltering Arms. Her family brings schoolbooks home, and she keeps up on her lessons while in the hospital. |
Are Peg's roommates jealous when Peg successfully walks with her walking sticks? | No, they are happy for her. |
What role did Peg play in the Christmas pageant at the Sheltering Arms? | Mary |
What is Alice's role in the Christmas pageant? | She sings a solo, "Silent Night." |
What happens to Peg's roommate Dorothy two days before she is to go home for Christmas? | She gets pneumonia and can't go home. |
How does Peg's visit home for Christmas go compared to her first weekend visit home? | Much better. She can get around on her own. |
What surprise awaits Peg in her bedroom when she goes home for Christmas? | Her parents have redecorated her room. At first she is disappointed, but then she decides she likes the change. |
What did Peg balance on her head to help her stand up straight? | a book about birds |
After she is able to walk for short distances without her walking sticks, Peg gets what news from Miss Ballard? | Miss Ballard tells Peg she is ready to go home for good. |
On the way back home, why do Peg and her mother stop at University Hospital? | to show Dr. Bevis that she can walk on her own |
What presents do Peg and her mom give to Dr. Bevis? | a tie, and the gift of watching her walk again |
How long had Peg been away from school when she goes back for the first time? | seven months |
Is Peg behind her classmates in school work when she returns? | No, she might even be ahead of them. |
What does Peg consider the best weapon for fighting polio? | Determination (in other words, a decision followed by actions to not let polio get the best of her) |
Who is the author of Small Steps? What is her maiden name? | Peg Kehret, maiden name Schulze |
What type of cells does the polio virus attack? | nerve cells in the muscle |
What was the first event that Peg missed at school? What time did it start? | The Homecoming Parade at 4:00 |
Where did Peg first feel her muscle weakness? | her left thigh was twitching |
When Peg came home for lunch, what did she spill? | a glass of milk |
How many blocks did Peg walk to school? | 12 |
What were Peg's early symptoms of polio? | headache, sore throat, back ache, stiff neck, fever, fatigue (tired), and muscle spasms in her legs & toes |
What temperature was Peg's fever for 8 days? | 102 |
Who was Peg's doctor at home? | Dr Wright |
What test did Peg have at the local hospital that confirmed her polio diagnosis? | a spinal tap |
What magazine did Peg say showed pictures of polio patients? | Life |
What agency did Peg mention that raised funds for polio research? | the March of Dimes |
What did Peg help the 7th graders make for the parade? What place did they get? | a float, 2nd place |
Who did Peg live with at home? | her mom, dad, brother (he's in college tho), grandpa, and dog |
What was the most common type of polio and what does it paralyze? | Spinal Polio paralyzes the arms and legs |
What type of polio causes difficulty breathing? | Respiratory Polio |
How many days had passed from when Peg was diagnosed with polio until she was being transferred to University Hospital because she was having difficultly breathing? | 3 days |
What bit Peg when she was being put in the ambulance? Where? | a mosquito bit her on the cheek |
What's the least common type of polio and what does it affect? | Bulbar Polio affects the ability to talk and swallow |
What did Peg think being in an iron lung would be like? | being in a coffin while still alive |
What did she say the iron lung (respirator) looked like while it sat in her room? | a gray octopus |
What did Peg say her earliest childhood memory was? | Swinging amidst purple lilacs |
What were Peg's 2 favorite dolls? | Raggedy Ann and Marilyn |
What did Peg say looking through the oxygen tent was like? | looking through a foggy windshield |
What did one mean nurse refuse to do for Peg? | turn her over |
What type of drink was Peg not allowed to have when she was having difficulty? | milk |
What drink did Peg choke on and send through her nose? | 7-up |
After 8 days, what changed after Peg drank the milkshake? | her temperature dropped |
What was the book titled that Peg wanted to read but wasn't allowed to keep? | Ann of Green Gables |
What kind of jokes did Peg tell Dr Bevis? What was her favorite one? | knock knock jokes; Wendy toenails are painted, de patient gets well |
What days and times was The Lone Ranger on? | M,W,F at 6:30pm |
What did Peg call the therapist who gave her the Sister Kenny Treatments? | Mrs Crab |
How long and how often were the Torture Treatments? | 1 1/2 hrs, 2 times/day |
How tall was Peg at age 12? | 5'8" |
What were the only movies Peg had ever seen? | Bambi & Snow White |
What two things did Peg want to be when she grew up? | A vet or a writer |
In what month was Peg discharged from University Hospital and sent back to Sheltering Arms? | mid-October |
What did Dr Bevis give to Peg when she left? | he pinned a yellow rose to her pj top |
What room was Peg in at the Sheltering Arms the 2nd time? | Room 202 |
What day of the week did Peg's parents always visit? | Sunday |
What did Peg's parents bring that the girls loved? | potato chips |
What was Peg's only 13th birthday wish? | to walk again |
What did the roommates do the Sunday after Peg's birthday party? | watch a movie of themselves |
What did Miss Ballard let Peg do instead of hot packs? | take a hot bath |
What did Jeanette (the occupational therapist) have Peg do with her feet? | pick up marbles with her toes and move them over to her other foot |
What did Peg stash under her bed? | food her parents brought |
Who came to visit Peg at Sheltering Arms besides her family? | Dr Bevis |
What did the girls like to do every night after it was lights out? | sing |
What were Peg's favorite foods that her mother fixed for her on her visit home? | mac & cheese, green beans, waldorf salad, cream puffs |
The term "sister" in the Australian military is the equivalent of what in the US Army? | 1st lieutenant |
Sister Kenny left Australia and moved where? | Minneapolis, Minnesota |
Before the Kenny Treatments how were polio patient's legs and arms kept straight? | with splints & casts which caused the muscles to wither away |
How many steps did Peg take the first day she used the walking sticks? | 10 small steps |
What did Peg say when she rode her wheelchair? | Hi Yo Silver! Awaaaay! |
Who played Joseph in the Christmas pageant? | Kenny |
How did Peg get down the aisle? | with Kenny's help, she walked without her sticks |
What book did Peg's mom donate to the Sheltering Arms Hospital that she missed the most? | Donkey, Donkey |
Who went home after Peg? | Dorothy |
Peg thought she sounded like what, just after she was paralyzed from the neck down? | a bad tape recording of herself |
What is the most serious form of polio? | bulbar polio (If you have it, it prevents you from swallowing or talking.) |
What is another name for a respirator? | an iron lung |
When Peg first gets sick, what time does she begin to vomit? | midnight |
What was Peg's last class before lunch at her school? | chorus |
What is it called when you are in the hospital and no one (except doctors and nurses) is allowed to see you? | isolation |
What are the names of the songs that Peg remembers her mother's family singing? | "Sleep, Kentucky Babe" and "You Are My Sunshine" |
How long did the oxygen tent stay in Peg's room after she stopped using it? | one day |
When the nurse packs up all of Peg's cards and gifts so that they can be burned, what does Peg's mother do? | She takes the nurse's side; she agrees with the nurse. |
What is the punch line to Peg's knock-knock joke for Dr. Bevis? | Wendy toenails are painted, de patient gets well. |