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neuroplasticity br

np br

The goal of therapy and plasticity is: To induce new learning through activating new circuits.
What do the neighbors of dead neurons do? / They start taking over the functions that the dead neurons used to do.
For the neighbors, what happens to their current job functions? Those functions get passed along back and get kind of crowded out.
What is the second piece of plasticity? Living neurons reach into the dead areas and try to live there.
how fast do neurons grow? 1 mm/day
how long does it take to connect Broca's and Wernicke's areas 6 months
what is required from the brain to recover from aphaisa grow new connections
what is the purpose to growing new connections and new synapses when recovering from aphasia? the idea is to have a way to encode information that has been lost
what is the goal of therapy to shape the regrowth of neural connections
What are an early recover pattern things that Dr. Stead would like to see? restoration and reorganization
what does dr. stead like to see in later recovery compensation.
what is the ultimate goal the ability to perform a task the same way as before.
what is the timeline of recovery? 1. event 2. shock 3. reperfusion 4. physical repair 5. capitalization of intact areas 6 new learning
what is shock? shock helps protect tissue and prevents death
what is reperfusion when blood flow comes back on line
what is capitalization of intact areas intact areas take over the damage areas skills
what are the largest indicators of prognosis? etioloty (ischemic or hemorragic) tumor, progressive. how big it was what got hurt/take out.
which has better chances of recovery? right or left handed people Left handed people are more likely to have bilateral use of language and better recovery
what is a block? ischemic stroke
what is a bleed? hemorrhagic stroke
what is the recovery pattern for ischemic stroke greater and sooner recovery (the clot goes away) noticable recover in the first few weeks maximum recovery in 3 months 8-12% mortality
what is essential to maximum recover in ischemic strokes clot busting drug TPA
what is the recovery pattern in hemorrhagic strokes? little recovery in teh first 4-8 weeks (takes a while to repair torn walls. more rapid recover in 4-8 weeks stabilazion slowing with greater residual deficits. 38% mortality
what are some plasticity principles for treatment relating to dosage? p. 61 use it or lose it, use it and improve it, specificity, repetition matters, intensity matters, time matters, salience matters, age matters, transference matters, interference
what are the primary changes (within a week) of a CVA? immediate necrosis (cell death), signs of inflammation in the cell, retrograde cell degeneration proximal tot eh lesion and anterograde cell degeneration distal to the lesion.
what are the secondary changes? trnasneuronal degeneration, denervation supersensitivity, development of diaschisis, vascular disruption, collateral sprouting
what are structural biochemical and physiologic mechanism of recovery? 2 regenerative sprouting p.54 Collateral regenerative sprouting p.54
what are funcitonal changes biochemical and physiological mechansism of recovery relatively ineffective synapses denervation sensitivity synapse potentials
what are the behavioral mechanisms of recovery? restoration reactivation, restitution 1. restitution-restoration-reactiviation. thi is the reactivation of temporarily impaired language function.
what is reorganization reconstitution and substitution withini a funciton system as a behavioral mechanism of recovery? this is the rerouting of the communication lines in teh brain. using a different route to get to the same area.
what is relearing as a behavioral mechanism of recovery? relearning how to do lost skills.
what is facilitation as a behavioral mechanism of recovery? this is employed in the case of difficulty accessing intact information in a functional system.
Created by: deleted user
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