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American (1607-1860)

American History (1607-1860)

This man defused the Newburgh Conspiracy George Washington
This man was nearly replaced by Horatio Gates in the Conway Cabal George Washington
The Citizen Genet Affair occurred during this man's presidency George Washington
This man's farewell address discouraged foreign alliances George Washington
The signing of Jay's Treaty occurred during this man's presidency George Washington
The Whiskey Rebellion was quelled during this man's presidency George Washington
This man and Harry Lee led the army against the Whiskey Rebellion George Washington
First Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton
First Secretary of War Henry Knox
First Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson
Douglas Freeman wrote a seven-volume biography of this man George Washington
This man was the subject of Henry Wiencek's "An Imperfect God" George Washington
This man was sent by Robert Dinwiddie to Fort Le Boeuf in 1753 George Washington
This man surrendered at Fort Necessity George Washington
This man was the subject of a biography by Parson Weems George Washington
The Pinckney Treaty was signed during this man's presidency George Washington
This man and Harry Lee led the Watermelon Army George Washington
This man was given the nickname "Town Destroyer" by his Iroquois Guide George Washington
George Washington's Vice President John Adams
This man's vice president was John Adams George Washington
President (1789-1797) George Washington
Vice President (1789-1797) John Adams
Won the election of 1789 George Washington
Won the Election of 1792 George Washington
This man worked for eight years to repeal the Gag Rule in Congress John Quincy Adams
This man lost a Senate seat when he went against his Federalist Party to support the Embargo Bill John Quincy Adams
As Secretary of State, this man purchased the Florida Territory John Quincy Adams
After winning an election, this man made Henry Clay his Secretary of State John Quincy Adams
Won the election of 1824 John Quincy Adams
Fries' Rebellion occurred during this man's presidency John Adams
This man served as the first ambassador to the U.K. and the Netherlands. John Adams
The Quasi War occurred during this man's presidency John Adams
This man appointed the "midnight judges" John Adams
This man signed the Alien and Sedition Acts John Adams
This man defended the perpetrators of the Boston Massacre in court John Adams
In exchange for an electoral vote from Louisiana, this man appointed James Brown as minister to France John Adams
William H. Crawford refused this man's offer to continue as Secretary of the Treasury John Quincy Adams
This man appointed Richard Rush as Secretary of the Treasury John Quincy Adams
This man signed a treaty with Luis de Onís John Quincy Adams
In a letter, this man's wife urged him to "remember the Ladies" in making laws John Adams
This man was given the Mendi Bible as a gift for his services John Quincy Adams
This man was the first US ambassador to Russia John Quincy Adams
This man died shortly after calling out "No!" to a House proposal of honoring Mexican War veterans. John Quincy Adams
This man was the defense lawyer during the Amistad Trials John Quincy Adams
This man won the Election of 1796 John Adams
This man lost the Election of 1828 John Quincy Adams
This man lost the Election of 1800 John Adams
The Treaty of Mortefontaine ended this conflict Quasi War
In 1834, this man ran for governor of his home state on the Anti-Masonic ticket but lost to John Davis John Quincy Adams
This president appointed Robert Trimble to the Supreme Court John Quincy Adams
This man proposed an amendment to the constitution making every child born after July 4, 1842 free John Quincy Adams
"Notes on the State of Virginia" Thomas Jefferson
This man signed the Embargo Act Thomas Jefferson
This man sent James Monroe and Robert Livingstone to negotiate a treaty with the French ambassador Nemours Thomas Jefferson
This man wrote the Kentucky Resolutions Thomas Jefferson
This man financed the Lewis and Clark Expedition Thomas Jefferson
This man wrote the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson
Won the Election of 1800 Thomas Jefferson
Won the Election of 1804 Thomas Jefferson
President (1797-1801) John Adams
President (1801-1809) Thomas Jefferson
Vice President (1797-1801) Thomas Jefferson
Vice President (1801-1805) Aaron Burr
This man's first Vice President was Aaron Burr Thomas Jefferson
This man was Thomas Jefferson's first vice president Aaron Burr
Vice President (1805-1812) George Clinton
This man was Thomas Jefferson's second Vice President George Clinton
This man's second vice president was George Clinton Thomas Jefferson
This man was James Madison's first vice president George Clinton
This man's first vice president was George Clinton James Madison
Oliver Cowdery was a leader of this movement Mormonism
This groups Nauvoo Legion perpetrated the Mountain Meadows Massacre Mormons
Martin Van Buren rejected the plea of their leader to overturn the Extermination Order that had been issued against them in Missouri Mormons
This group's 1850s "War" with the U.S. is sometimes called Buchanan’s Blunder Mormons
Founder of Mormonism Joseph Smith
Leader of the Mormons (1847-1877) Brigham Young
The doctrine established in this case was argued against by John B. Gibson in the dissent of the Pennsylvania case Eakin v. Raub. Marbury v. Madison
This case declared that Section 13 of the Judiciary Act of 1789 was unconstitutional Marbury v. Madison
This case argued that the body in question lacked the authority to issue writs of mandamus Marbury v. Madison
This case involved "midnight judges" Marbury v. Madison
This case established Judicial Review Marbury v. Madison
This man signed Macon's Bill, Number 2 James Madison
The First Bank of the United States expired during this man's term James Madison
This man signed into law the Second Bank of the United States James Madison
This man served as Thomas Jefferson's Secretary of State James Madison
This man refused to deliver the appointment of a Justice of the Peace, which the Supreme Court ruled was constitutional. James Madison
This man wrote Federalist Papers 10 and 52 James Madison
Edmund Randolph was this man's mouthpiece to propose the "large state" plan at the Constitutional Convention James Madison
The War of 1812 occurred during this man's presidency James Madison
This man secured the release of Thomas Paine from prison by claiming his American citizenship James Monroe
The Era of Good Feelings occurred during this man's presidency James Monroe
The Panic of 1819 occurred during this man's presidency James Monroe
This man's only Supreme Court appointment was that of his Naval Secretary, Smith Thompson. James Monroe
During this man's presidency, the Choctaw chief Pushmataha ceded territory to the U.S. in the Treaties of Doak's Stand and Washington City James Monroe
The Adams-Onis Treaty was signed during this man's presidency James Monroe
This man's secretary of state was John Quincy Adams James Monroe
The Rush-Bagot Treaty was signed during this man's presidency James Monroe
After the ambush of a trapping expedition, he sent Henry Leavenworth to suppress the Arikara tribe James Monroe
This politician was appointed Minister to France in 1794 James Monroe
This president sent Andrew Jackson to terminate the conflict in Florida James Monroe
This man defeated Rufus King for the presidency James Monroe
This man's early career included working as an army scout during the Battle of Monmouth James Monroe
His treatise A View of the Conduct of the Executive defended his conduct as minister to France and viciously attacked Washington James Monroe
This man assisted Robert Livingston in negotiating the Louisiana Purchase James Monroe
This President's supporters were inspired by an incident in Jefferson's presidency to give him a 1400 pound block of cheese Andrew Jackson
The Petticoat Affair occurred during this man's presidency Andrew Jackson
This man's advisers formed the Kitchen Cabinet Andrew Jackson
This man served as military governor of Florida after his success in the Seminole War Andrew Jackson
Victorious commander at the Battle of New Orleans Andrew Jackson
The Tariff of Abominations was passed during this man's presidency Andrew Jackson
The Nullification Crisis occurred during this man's presidency Andrew Jackson
The Trail of Tears occurred during this man's presidency Andrew Jackson
This president fought the Bank War against the Second Bank of the United States Andrew Jackson
Robert B. Randolph attacked this man after Randolph was dismissed from the navy for theft Andrew Jackson
This man appointed Roger Taney to the Supreme Court Andrew Jackson
The Peggy Eaton Affair occurred during this man's presidency Andrew Jackson
This president signed the Indian Removal Act Andrew Jackson
This man issued the Specie Circular Andrew Jackson
This man's first vice president was John C. Calhoun Andrew Jackson
This man's second vice president was Martin van Buren Andrew Jackson
This man's image appeared on the Confederate thousand dollar bill Andrew Jackson
After defeating the Red Sticks, this man spared Chief Weatherford Andrew Jackson
Richard Lawrence tried to assassinate this man Andrew Jackson
This man vetoed the Maysville Road Bill Andrew Jackson
This man won the Election of 1828 Andrew Jackson
This man won the Election of 1832 Andrew Jackson
This man imprisoned Jose Maria Callava Andrew Jackson
This man successfully defeated a writ of habeas corpus issued by Eligius Fromentin Andrew Jackson
This man asked the president to send him tacit support in a letter from John Rhea Andrew Jackson
This man sent Edmund P. Gaines to destroy the so-called "Negro Fort." Andrew Jackson
This man hung two British citizens in the Arbuthnot-Ambrister affair Andrew Jackson
Victorious commander at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend Andrew Jackson
This man signed the Force Bill Andrew Jackson
This man's Treasury Secretary was Levi Woodbury Andrew Jackson
His wife's divorce from Captain Robards was not finalized before this president married her Andrew Jackson
Some of this man's advisers were newspaper editors Francis Blair and Amos Kendall Andrew Jackson
One political cartoon about this man shows him "slaying the many headed monster" Andrew Jackson
This president nominated John McLean to the Supreme Court Andrew Jackson
The Treaty of New Echota was signed during this man's presidency Andrew Jackson
This man was attacked by the "coffin handbills" Andrew Jackson
This commander defeated Mateo Manrique at the Battle of Pensacola Andrew Jackson
This man dueled John Sevier Andrew Jackson
During this man's presidency, a group of Canadian rebels declared a republic on Navy Island Martin van Buren
The Aroostook War occurred during this man's presidency Martin van Buren
The Caroline Affair occurred during this man's presidency Martin van Buren
This man was the leader of the Albany Regency Martin van Buren
The Panic of 1837 occurred during this man's presidency Martin van Buren
This man's vice president was the only one selected by the senate due to the 12th amendment Martin van Buren
This man's vice president was Richard Mentor Johnson Martin van Buren
This man was Martin van Buren's vice president Richard Mentor Johnson
This man was elected to the Senate over Nathan Sanford Martin van Buren
This man was the key organizer of the Bucktails political machine Martin van Buren
The Amistad affair occurred during this man's presidency Martin van Buren
This man ran for president in 1848 for the Free Soil Party Martin van Buren
This man ran with Charles F. Adams in 1848 Martin van Buren
This man was subject to an attack campaign about his supposed use of gold spoons to dine Martin van Buren
Joseph Smith appealed to this president to intervene against Lilburn Boggs's extermination order Martin van Buren
After supporting William H. Crawford, this politician received Georgia's vote for Vice President Martin van Buren
This man ran the "hard cider and log cabin" campaign William Henry Harrison
Victorious commander at the Battle of Tippecanoe William Henry Harrison
Victorious commander at the Battle of the Thames William Henry Harrison
This man won the election of 1840 William Henry Harrison
This man's vice president was John Tyler William Henry Harrison
This man was William Henry Harrison's vice president John Tyler
This president sent Caleb Cushing to negotiate the Treaty of Wanghia with China John Tyler
When the Civil War broke out, this president was elected to the Confederate Congress John Tyler
This president lost two cabinet members in the explosion of the Princeton John Tyler
All of this man's cabinet, save his Secretary of State, resigned when this man broke with his party John Tyler
Abel Upshur served in this man's cabinet John Tyler
The annexation of Texas occurred during this man's presidency John Tyler
Dorr's Rebellion occurred during this man's presidency John Tyler
Dorr's Rebellion occurred in this state Rhode Island
Fries' Rebellion occurred in this state Pennsylvania
The Whiskey Rebellion occurred in this state Pennsylvania
The Treaty of Webster-Ashburton occurred during this man's presidency John Tyler
This man took John Clopton's seat in the US House of Representatives John Tyler
This man was the President Pro Tempore of the Senate before becoming President John Tyler
The Walker Tariff was passed during this man's presidency James Polk
This man defeated John Bell to become Speaker of the House James Polk
This man's vice president was George Dallas James Polk
This man was James Polk's vice president George Dallas
This man's Secretary of the Navy was George Bancroft James Polk
The Mexican-American War occurred during this man's presidency James Polk
The Spot Resolutions demanded that this president show the exact location of spilled blood on the US-Mexico border James Polk
This man appointed Levi Woodbury to the Supreme Court James Polk
This man's presidency saw the establishment of the Naval Academy at Annapolis James Polk
This man's secretary of state was James Buchanan James Polk
This man made Caleb Cushing his attorney general Franklin Pierce
This man nominated John Campbell to the Supreme Court Franklin Pierce
This president recognized William Walker's filibuster in Nicaragua Franklin Pierce
This man's Secretary of State was William Marcy Franklin Pierce
This man's secretary of War was Jefferson Davis Franklin Pierce
This man was Franklin Pierce's Secretary of War Jefferson Davis
This man suggested that James Buchanan and John Mason should meet with Pierre Soule to discuss purchasing Cuba William Marcy
The Ostend Manifesto was issued during this man's presidency Franklin Pierce
This future president led the "Amalgamator" faction in his home state James Buchanan
This man was threatened with war by the Austrian ambassador Hulsemann Millard Fillmore
This president sent a ship to Istanbul to help Hungarian refugees Millard Fillmore
The Treaty of Kanagawa was signed during this man's presidency Millard Fillmore
This president signed the Fugitive Slave Act Millard Fillmore
This man is the shortest-living vice president William Rufus King
This man was the American Party presidential candidate in the Election of 1856 Millard Fillmore
This man was the most prominent member of the Know Nothing Party Millard Fillmore
This man received Black Hawk's surrender Zachary Taylor
This man defeated the Seminoles at Lake Okeechobee Zachary Taylor
Victorious commander at the Battle of Buena Vista Zachary Taylor
The Clayton-Bulwar Treaty was signed during this man's presidency Zachary Taylor
This man won the Election of 1848 Zachary Taylor
This man lost the Election of 1848 Lewis Cass
This man's Secretary of State was John Clayton Zachary Taylor
This man died of cholera after eating strawberries and milk Zachary Taylor
This man defeated Mariano Arista at Resaca de la Palma Zachary Taylor
This man was the father-in-law of Jefferson Davis Zachary Taylor
This man's vice president was Millard Fillmore Zachary Taylor
This man was Zachary Taylor's Vice President Millard Fillmore
This man was Franklin Pierce's vice president William Rufus King
This man's vice president was William Rufus King Franklin Pierce
This president supported the LeCompton Constitution in Kansas James Buchanan
This man, along with John Mason and Pierre Soule, signed the Ostend Manifesto James Buchanan
The Crittenden Compromise was passed during this man's presidency James Buchanan
This man negotiated the Oregon Treaty with Richard Pakenham James Buchanan
The Utah War occurred during this man's presidency James Buchanan
This man sent Albert Sydney Johnston to oust Brigham Young in Utah James Buchanan
During this politician's campaign, he was criticized for saying that ten cents a day was enough for a worker James Buchanan
Economic troubles during this man's presidency were sparked by the wreck of a ship carrying bullion, the Central America James Buchanan
This man's vice president was John C. Breckinridge James Buchanan
This man was James Buchanan's vice president John C. Breckinridge
This man's administration was harassed by the Covode Committee James Buchanan
The Dred Scott case occurred during this man's presidency James Buchanan
Created by: Lee Holden
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