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Abrahamic Religion
Question | Answer |
This man helped seven shepherdesses near the Well of Midian | Moses |
This man's wife was Zipporah | Moses |
This man's father in law was Jethro | Moses |
This man made water appear by striking a rock with his staff | Moses |
This man saw God in a burning bush | Moses |
This man killed an Egyptian overseer after witnessing his brutality against the Jews | Moses |
This man's brother was Aaron | Moses |
This man received the Ten Commandments from God | Moses |
This man warned Pharaoh of the Ten Plagues against Egypt | Moses |
This figure's sister was stricken with leprosy for seven days | Moses |
This man flung a tree into the water at Marah to make it sweet | Moses |
This man's arms were held up by Hur and this man's brother to help his people defeat the Amalekites | Moses |
Jesus responded to this man at the Last Supper by saying “I am the way and the truth and the life.” | Thomas the Apostle |
This man was the grandson of Alpheus | Thomas the Apostle |
This apostle led a ministry to India | Thomas the Apostle |
This man is the patron saint of architects | Thomas the Apostle |
This man is sometimes called "Didymus" | Thomas the Apostle |
This man doubted the resurrection of Jesus | Thomas the Apostle |
This figure creates an altar on Mount Ebal and carves the Ten Commandments into it. | Joshua |
This man is one of twelve spies sent to scout the land, but only he and Caleb gave a positive report | Joshua |
Two of this man's spies are saved by the prostitute Rahab. | Joshua |
This figure prays for the sun and the moon to stop in their tracks during a battle with the Amorites | Joshua |
This man succeeded Moses as leader of the Israelites | Joshua |
This man conquered Jericho | Joshua |
The "Throne Verse" is in this text | Quran |
"The Cow" is one section of this text | Quran |
This text is divided into suras | Quran |
All but the ninth section of this text begins with the Bismillah | Quran |
This man and three of his sons were killed at the Battle of Mount Gilboa | Saul |
This man ordered the murder of eight-five priests of Nob | Saul |
This man took the concubine Ripzah | Saul |
This man's son Ish-Bosheth succeeded him | Saul |
This man summoned the Witch of Endor | Saul |
This man was anointed, but later rebuked, by Samuel | Saul |
David succeeded this man as King of Israel | Saul |
This is the Islamic Pillar of declaring faith in God and God alone | Shahadah |
This is the Islamic Pillar of ritual prayer | Salat |
This is the Islamic Pillar of fasting | Sawm |
This is the Islamic Pillar of alms-giving | Zakat |
This is the Islamic Pillar of traveling to Mecca | Hajj |
Legend states that this man travelled up the Dnieper river to establish the future location of Kiev | St. Andrew |
This man was executed on the order of Aegeas in Patrae | St. Andrew |
This man was crucified on an X-shaped cross | St. Andrew |
This man was the brother of St. Peter | St. Andrew |
Pope Paul VI sent relics of this saint to Greece in 1964 | St. Andrew |
In John 6, verse 9, this figure asks how five barley loaves and two fishes could feed five thousand people | St. Andrew |
This book is the subject of the Moralia, by St. Gregory | Book of Job |
People in this work claim twice that “the ear tastes arguments like the palate tastes food.” | Book of Job |
This book features Elihu’s speech after Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar | Book of Job |
Pope Paul VI reiterated this doctrine in Mysterium fidei | Transubstantiation |
The Lutheran doctrine of the Sacramental Union and is an alternatives this doctrine | Transubstantion |
The Anglican doctrine of the Real Presence is an alternative to this doctrine | Transubstantion |
This doctrine was first declared at the Fourth Lateran Council | Transubstantiation |
This doctrine was defined by the Council of Trent | Transubstantiation |
This figure's brothers included Jabal and Jabel | Noah |
Tubal-Cain was a brother of this man | Noah |
This man cursed his grandson Canaan after Caanan's father had seen this figure drunk and naked | Noah |
This man was the father of Shem, Ham, and Japeth | Noah |
This man survived the flood in the Bible | Noah |
This sect's school in Edessa was closed by imperial edict | Nestorianism |
This sect was condemned by one council for denying the title of Theotokos, or God-Bearer, for the Virgin Mary | Nestorianism |
The Indian portion of this sect was known as the Christians of St. Thomas | Nestorianism |
This sect is sometimes called the Assyrian Church and the Church of the East | Nestorianism |
Members of this sect who reunited with the Roman church in 1551 were called Chaldeans | Nestorianism |
This sect was condemned at the councils of Ephesus and Chalcedon | Nestorianism |
In a work attributed to Joseph of Arimathea, this figure is the only witness to the assumption of Mary. | Thomas the Apostle |
This figure urged Jesus' disciples to visit Lazarus so that “we might die with him.” | Thomas the Apostle |
This man escaped from Gundafor's prison | Thomas the Apostle |
This is the term for Islamic Law | Sharia |
Theodore Beza was a disciple of this man | John Calvin |
At the Synod of Dordtrecht this man's views were attacked by the Dutch theologian Arminius | John Calvin |
This man's theology was based on the “Five Points" | John Calvin |
"Institutes of the Christian Religion" | John Calvin |
John Knox carried this man's teachings to Scotland to establish Presbyterianism | John Calvin |
This movement was opposed by a group whose name literally means those who oppose | Hasidic Jews |
This movement was founded on the two principles of religious panentheism and Devekus | Hasidic Jews |
This movement's sects are organized into dynasties | Hasidic Jews |
According to legend, this man's life was taken five years early to prevent him from seeing his evil grandson | Abraham |
This man twice presented his wife as his sister | Abraham |
This man was buried in a cave purchased from Ephron | Abraham |
This man built an altar at Sechem | Abraham |
This man's first son was Ishmael | Abraham |
This man's second son was Isaac | Abraham |
This is Ishmael's mother | Hagar |
This is Isaac's mother | Sarah |
This man had a child with his servant Hagar | Abraham |
This man nearly sacrificed his son on Mount Moriah | Abraham |
One section of this book sees the title character place a circle of ash around a temple to priests for eating the sacrifices to Bel | Book of Daniel |
This book tells of a dream in which a metallic statue has faulty feet | Book of Daniel |
This book features Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego | Book of Daniel |
Belshazzar's Feast occurs in this book | Book of Daniel |
The title character of this book is throne into a lion's den | Book of Daniel |
The phrase, "Through a glass, darkly" originates from this book | First Corinthians |
This book features the killing of the prophet Balaam | Book of Numbers |
In this book, a war with the Midianites results in their destruction | Book of Numbers |
This book includes a section in which a bronze snake known as Nehushtan is constructed | Book of Numbers |
In this book, the Levites are given command of the Tabernacle | Book of Numbers |
In this book, Miriam is punished for speaking out against Moses | Book of Numbers |
This book opens with a census to discover how many men are able to serve in the military | Book of Numbers |
This holiday takes place on the twenty-fifth day of Kislev | Hanukkah |
This holiday commemorates the successful rebellion against Antiochus IV by the sons of Mattathias | Hanukkah |
Participants in this holiday gamble by spinning a dreidel | Hanukkah |
This holiday celebrates an oil lamp in the Second Temple miraculously lasting eight days | Hanukkah |
This holiday involves lighting the menorah | Hanukkah |
This text is composed of the Mishnah and the Gemara | Talmud |
This is the written compendium of the Oral Torah | Mishnah |
This text is an elucidation of the Mishnah | Gemara |