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R+C-French Vocab

Relationships and Choices french Vocab pg 48-49

casse-pieds infuriating/a pain l'epouse(f) wife
comprehensif understanding l'epoux(m) husband
le concubinage living together(without being married) la femme woman/wife
le demi-frere half brother fier/fiere proud
deprime(e) depressed jaloux(-se) jealouse
le mari husband le mariage wedding/marriage
mechant(e) nasty/naughty mignon(ne) cute
naitre(ne) to be born penible annoying/a nuisance
le sens de l'humour sense of humour vivre(vecu) to live
j'en ai marre! I'm fed up! s'amuser to have fun
calme quiet se confier a to confide in
ensemble together se facher to get cross
gene(e) embarrassed de mauvaise humeur in a bad mood
se mettre en colere to get angry plein(e) de vie lively
render(rendu) to give back rire to laugh
souriant(e) cheerful divorce(e) divorced
l'eglise church epouser to marry(someone)
feter to celebrate les fiancailles engagement
la mairie town hall se marier to get married
monoparental(e) single parent rencontrer to meet
vivre en concubinage to live together(without being married) l'amis opinion
augmenter to increase le camion lorry
le/la client(e) customer l'egalite equality
l'enquete enquiry l'entreprise business
garder to look after le lieu place
lutter to struggle le metier job
passer un examen to take an exam le plombier plumber
la prise electrique electric socket le regime diet
le seche-cheveux hair dryer la tache task
agresser to attack le cimetiere cemetery
l'emplacement place la fete de l'Aid el Kebir Id Ul Fitr festival
le foulard scarf l'immigre(e) immigrant
l'immeuble building juif(-ve) jewish
la manifestation (public) demonstration le racisme racism
raciste racist amerliorer to improve
l'argent money le/la benevole volunteer
la chaleur warmth/heat le chomage unemployment
consacrer to devote(time) collecter(de l'argent) to collect/raise(money)
defavorise(e) disadvantaged desespere(e) desperate
l'espoir hope la guerre war
le manque lack manquer to miss
la nourriture food pauvre poor
la pauvrete poverty la pluie rain
l'organisation caritative charity sans domicile fixe homeless
le/la sans-abri homeless person le/la SDF homeless person
le sida AIDS souffrir(souffert) suffer
le travial benevole voluntary work
le beau-pere Step father se disputer to argue
la belle-mere Step mother s'entendre (avec quelqu'un) (entendu) to get on(with someone)
Created by: nourae
Popular French sets




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