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French Stack 1

la valise a suitcase
découvrir to discover
apporter to bring
prendre to take
les renseignements information
avoir hâte de to look forward to/to be happy about
dernier last
premier first
le soir the evening
le matin the morning
partir to leave
historique historic
curieuse curious
expliquer to explain
aéroport airport
une jupe a skirt
les pantalons pants
l'arrivée an arrival
le départ a departure
un courriel an email
donc therefore
mais but
une promenade a stroll
congestionnné congested
la courtoisie courtesy
bonne aubaine good deal
bruyant noisy
inéxistant non-existant
chouette cool
parisien Parisian (someone from Paris)
mieux better
le mieux the best
meillure/e/s better (être)
le/la meillure/e/s the best (être)
une répétition a rehearsal/practise
assister to attend
la pièce de résistance main attraction
la barbe à papa cotton candy
le monde the world
le métro the metro
un méli-mélo a mixture
cher expensive
moins cher less expensive
une cimetière a cemetary
génial great
le Marché aux Puces the Flea Market
la fin de semaine weekend
favori favourite
essentiel(le) essential
sympa nice
une raison a reason
une excuse an excuse
incompris misunderstood
compliqué(e)(s) complicated
toujours always
jamais never
les ados/adolescents kids/teenagers
typique typical
rarement rarely
une béte noire a pet peeve
l'argent de poche pocket money
la communication ouverte open communication
normalement normally
d'habitude usually
rapidement quickly
pressé(e) busy
nerveux/nerveuse nervous
en retard late
lentement slowly
Created by: bmart
Popular French sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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