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Question | Answer |
Spinal Column Structure? | 7 Cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 fused sacrum, 3-5 infused coccyx |
3 Normal Curves of spine | Thoracic spine curves anteriorly Cervical & Lumbar curves posteriorly Spinal curves enable to absorb blows & shocks |
Lordosis, Kyphosis, Lumbar Kyphosis, Scoliosis | increase posterior concaviry ot lumbar and cervical curves increase anterior concavity of thoracic curve reduction of normal lordotic curve/flat back lateral curvature |
Functional unit of spine? | 2 adjacent vertebrae and the disk that separates them |
Articulation of vertebral bodies? | -cartiledge joint -intervertebral discs=fibrocartiledge -permits compressin in any direction & torsion -shock absorber -weak annulus fibrosus with age/injury |
Inervertebral disk/herniated | nucelus protruding through annulus resulting from substanial weakening combined with compression -protrusion=pressure on spinal nerve root |
Joint vertabrae movement (except atlantoaxial) | -minimal movement -comulative effect from lots verts to move lots -gliding type joints due to limited gliding -gliding between superior and inferior articular processes of facet joints |
Articulation of Vertebral arches? Facets are? | -Facets or nonaxial -enclosed in a capsule, permit gliding -motion determined by the direct that the facets face |
Articulation of cervical veterbral arches? Where is free rotation modederate? | -slant 45 degrees -freely move in flexion/extenion/lateral flexion -rotation is moderate from C2 down |
Articulation of thoracic veterbral arches | -facets face backward, slightly upward and lateral -permit rotation freely -moderal flexion and extenion and lateral flexion |
Articulation of lumbar veterbral arches | -facets face inward & slightly backward -locked against rotation -permits flexion and exteion and lateral flexion |
Ribs? | 12 pairs-7 true attached to sternum, 5 fals pairs -3 attack indirectly to sternum, 2 pairs are free |
Atlanto-occipital Articulation? | -Condyles of occipital bone articulate with the aritular fossa of hte atlas -the two bones act like a hinge joint -permit flexion and exteion & slight lateral flexion |
Atlantoaxial Articulation? | -Pivot Joint -solve fuction is rotation/most mobile vertabrae pair -dens project upward from axis and held in place by transverse ligament |
Most Movement? Movement of Head? Trunk movements? | -movement occurs in cervical & lumbar, moderate thoracic -head: between cranium and 1st cervical and with other cervical vertabrae "cervical moments" -lumbar motion describes combined thoracic and lumbar since they move together |
Cervical region movement degrees? | Flexes & extends and lateral flexes 45 rotates 60 |
Lumbar spine movement degrees? | Flexes approximated 80, extends 20-30, lateral 35, rotational 45 |
Regional spinal movement classifications of : atlantooccipital, atlantoaxial, cervical joints | -flexion/extension/hyperextension/lat flex -rotation -flex/ex/lat flex/moderate rot |
Regional spinal movement of thoracic and lumbar | -mod flex/slight ex/mod lat flax/rot -flex/ex/lat flex/little rot |
Influences of stability and mobility? | Thick disks=more motion pressure/tension anteroposterior curves-degree of movement -thickness & strength-motions permiteted influence |
Abdominable wall attachments? | aponeurosis fascia aroudn rectus abdominus (external/interal) oblique &transversus abdominis |
Muscles that move the head? | Splenius & sternocleidomastoid move head lots of power |
Cervical Flexion? Cervical Extension? | Flexion: sternocleiodomastoid Extension: Erector Spinae & Splenius |
Cervical lateral flexion & rotation? | Lateral Flexion & rotation(be side specific): Sternocleidomastoid, splenius, erector spinae |
Lumbar Flexion and Extension? | Flexion: Rectus abdominis, external/interal oblique abdominable Extension: Erector spinae, quadratus laborum |
Lumbar Lat Flex and Rot? | Lat Flexion: Erector spinae, external/internal oblique abdominable, Rectus Abdominus & quatratus laborum Rotational: Erector spinae, internal/external oblique obdominable |
Good posture? | weight segments balance vertically, rotation gravity force is minimal (always present) |
Prolonged postural strain consequences? | -ligaments can permanently stretch -cartilage can be damaged due to abnormal friction -arthritis |
Erect standing: leg and hip? | Posteriior calf muscles more active then anterior, very little hip activity. -illopsoas constantly active, prevents hyperextention of hip |
Posture screening? | -Anterior to lateral malleolus & sacroilliac -midline of knee joint center -slightly posterior to hip |
Scapula and clavicle? | Move as a unit |
Shoulder girdle joint motion? | scapula moves on rib cage at sternoclavicular joint, a little on acromioclavicular joint |
SC *sternocalv* range of motion? | 15 protract, 15 retract, 45 elevate, 5 depress |
scapulothoracic joint? kind of joint? | -not a true synovial joint -no regular synovial features -depends on SC and AC -no ligament support -support dynamicalyl through muscles |
Movements of shoulder girdle | Abduction(protraction), adduction(retraction), downward/upward rotation, depress/elevate |
Shoulder girdle muscles stabilize? | -scapula so shoulder joint has stable base, moves shoulder girdle, enhance upper extremity movement when extreme ROM occurs |
When does shoulder girdlle-scapular lateral or medial tilt occur? | lateral-abduction, medial, extreme adduction |
Open and closed chain of shoulder girdle? Segment moved? | Open chain-distal(arm not fixed)=shoulder girdle Closed chain-proximal-fixed to something=trunk |
5 shoulder girdle muscles. attach to humerus? cause shoulder joint actions? | Trapezius (3 parts), rhomboid, levator scapula, serratus anterior and pec minor. Do not attach to humerus and do not cause shoulder joint actions |
Scapula/Shoulder girdle abduction? | Pec Minor & Serratus Anterior |
Scapula/Shoulder girdle adduction? | Middle & lower trap, rhomboid |
Scapula/Shoulder girdle Lateral & Upward rotation? | Upper, middle & lower trap. Serratus anterior |
Scapula/Shoulder girdle downward & medial movement? | Pec minor & rhomboid |
Scapula/Shoulder girdle elevation? | Levator scapula, middle & upper trap, rhomboid |
Scapula/Shoulder girdle depression | lower trap and pec minor |
glenohumeral joint/shoulder joint? What kind is it? #arthridol? how many planes? | multiaxial ball and socket joint, enarthridol, moves in all 3 planes, most moveable joint |
Size of gleniod fossa? Glenoid labrum does? | Shallow and smaller then humeral head. Glenoid labrum slightly enhances stability |
Ligaments are lax until? Lack of static stability enhances dynamic stability from? | wide range of motion is involved. rotator cuff muscles |
Shoulder joint movement degrees? | 90-95 abduction, 0-75 degrees anterior to trunk 40-60 extension, 90-100 flexion,70-90 rotation,45 horizontal adduct, 135 hori abduc |
Why shoulder joint frequently injured? | Shallowness of glenoid fossa, laxity of ligmant structures, lack of strength/endurance of muscles |
Should Joint pairing to shoulder girdle Abduction, adduction, flexion, extension, interal rotation, external rotation, horizontal abduction, horrizontal adduction | Upward Rot/elevation, downward rot/depression, elation/upward rot, depression/downward rot, abduction, adduction, adduction, abduction |
Open and closed chain of shoulder joint | Open chain-distal:Upper arm Closed chain-proximal: shoulder girdle |
Shoulder joint flexion | Flexion: Ant. Deltoid, upper pec major and coracobrachilais |
Shoulder Joint extension | teres major, lat dorsi, lower pec major, poster deltoid, Assist: subscapularis,infraspinatus, teres minor |
SHoulder joint abduction | Anterior, posterior and medial deltoid, Upper pec major 90 degrees and above, suprascapularis |
Rotator cuff muscles? | SITS: Supraspinatus, infraspintaus, teres minor, subscapularis |
Shoulder joint adduction? | -lattisimus dorsi, teres major, lower pec major, upper pec major 90 and below, Assistors: corochobrachialis, subscapularis |
Shoulder joint internal rotation? | -Latt dorsi, teres major, pec major (upper and lower) Assistor: delt anterior, subscapularis |
Shoulder Joint External rotation? | -infraspinatus, teres minor (tubercle), Assistor: posterior deltoid |
Shoulder joint horizontal abduction? | Posterior deltoid, infrasppinatus, teres minor, Assistor: latt dorsi |
Shoulder joint horizontal adduction? | Anterior deltoid,pec major (upp and lower), coracobrachialis |
Shoulder joint Diagnoal abduction? | Post delt, infraspinatus, teres minor, triceps brachii long head |
Shoulder joint diangnal adduction? | ant delt, coracobrachilais, biceps brachii short head, upper and lower pec major |
Where ulna is larger? where radius is larger? | Ulna is larger proximaly, radius larger distaly |
Elbow joint type? movement allows? Interrelated joints? | Ginglymus/hinge type joint, only flexion/extension, humeroulnar and radiohumeral joints |
Elbow joint stability? | Elbow flexes 20 degrees or more its bony stability is unlocked allowing for more side-to-side laxity -stability in flexion is more dependant on the lateral and medial legiamanets |
Ulnar collateral ligament? | Providing medial support to prevent elbow from abducting when in physical activity |
Radial collateral ligament? | Provides lateral stability and is rarely injured Annular ligament proves a slight effect around radial head for stability |
Radioulnar joint type? Where radial and distal radius rotate? | Pivot-joint type, radial head rotates around proximal unla, distal radius rotatres around distal ulna, annular ligament maintains radial head in its joint |
Radioulnar joint supinate/pronate? | 80-90 supinate, 70-80 pronate |
Elbow flexors? | Biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis, some from pronator teres |
Elbow extensors? | Triceps brachii, anconeus some assistance (psuh up) |
Radioulnar pronators | pronator teres, pronator quadratus, brachioradialis |
Radioulnar supinator | biceps brachii, supinar muscle, brachioradialis, tightening a screw |
Extension and Supination Arm | triceps brachii, anconeus, supinator |
Flexion and Pronation Arm | Biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradailis, pronator teres, pronator quadratus |
Open and closed chain hands | Open chain(bicep curl)-distal: forearm Closed: pullup/pushup-proximan: upper arm |
Posterior Logitudinal Ligament of Spinal column limits? Anterior? | Flexion of trunk, extension of trunk |
What type of joint occurs between the superior and inferior articulating facets of adjacent vertebrae | non-axial gliding |
The internal oblique generates ________________, and the external oblique generates _________________. | rotation Same side, rotation opposite side |
In order to look over your shoulder behind you, rotation in the transverse plane must occur in the _____________ regions. | cervical and thoracic |
The spinous processes of the thoracic vertabrae protrude _______________, which limits thoracic _____________. | : downward/backward, extension |
In anatomical position, where is the center of gravity located relative to the spine? | Anterior |
An action common to the teres minor and infraspinatus is? | External Rotation |
Which of the following is a factor that contributes to stability of the shoulder joint? | tight configuration of the ligaments |
Where does most of the motion of the elbow joint occur? | humeralulnar joint |
Supination and pronation of the radioulnar joint motion predominately occurs by the _____________ with respect to the _______________. | radius, ulnar |
Raising the humerus high out to the side (abduction of the shoulder joint) to ask a question involves which motion of the scapula? | Elevation |
Which of the following are actions of the shoulder girdle? | upward rotation, abduction, elevation |
Which of the following actions is performed by the levator scapulae? | elevation |
An action common to lattisimus dorsi, teres major, and lower pectoralis major is ___________________. | extension |
Which of the following is not a function of the latissimus dorsi? | external rotate |
The actions of the lower portion of the trapezius include all of the following except: | elevation |
Which of the following is an action of the middle fibers of the deltoid? | abduction |
What Latt dorsi do? | Extension, Adduction, horizontal abduction, internal rotation |
What deltoid Ant, Middle, Post fibers do? | Anterior: Flexes, abducts,horizontal adduction, & internal rotation Middle: abduction Post: extension, horizontal abduction,external rotation, abduction |
Motions of corochobrachialis? | Flexion, adduction, horizontal adduction |
Motions of subscapularis? | internal rotation, adduction, extension |
Motions of supraspinatus? | abduction |
Motions of infraspinatus? (back) | -extension, external rotation, horizontal abduction |
Motions of teres major? | Extension, adduction, internal rotation |
Motions of teres minor? | external rotation, horizontal abduction, extension |