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Literary Terms 1 08

literary terms

Personification giving human qualities to something that is not human
Simile comparison of two unlike things (animals, objects, ideas) using like
Metaphor comparison of two unlike things (animals, objects, ideas) without using like or as
Hyperbole extreme exaggeration
Alliteration repetition of initial consonant sounds
Onomatopoeia imitation of sounds that occur naturally, the word implies its definition
Rhyme repetition of end sounds
Poetry language used to express feelings, usually within verse
Figurative language language that is not intended to be read literally, but used to develop word pictures for a reader
Idiom meanings of language are understood by native speakers, but usually misunderstood in translation
Plot Analysis using elements of plot to identify and discuss parts of a story
Exposition beginning
Characters fictional people within a story developed by physical traits, speech, and actions
Setting – Time when the story takes place
Setting – Place where the story takes place
Conflict struggle taking place within a story
Mood feelings/ emotions the author builds with the story
Memoir memory; autobiographical writing that tells about a specific memory
Main idea major idea that tells what the story is about
Voice a writer's unique use of language
Genre type of literature or format of writing
literary devices rhetorical elements used to create a desired mood or tone in a piece of writing
theme life message; central idea that may be stated directly or indirectly
Internal conflict man vs. self
man vs self internal struggle within a character
External conflict man vs. man or society or nature
man vs man character struggles with another character
man vs nature character struggles against nature
man vs society character struggles with groups of society
biography story written by an author about the life of someone else
falling action events in a story after the climax; "loose ends" are tied up
Created by: gdebrosse
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