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Cardiovascular; Endocrine, Chemotherapeutic Drugs

DrugCategoryMechanism of ActionSide Effects - C/IGeneral CategoryComments
Enalapril ACE Inhibitors (Angiotensin-converting enzyme)(Vasodilator) 1) Blocks synthesis of angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor; 2) Reduces aldosterone secretion from adrenal cortex resulting in net water loss Causes Dry Cough Cardiovascular Particularly useful in hypertension that is a result of increased rennin levels. B/c do not affect glucose levels, used in tmt. of diabetes Pxs w/ hypertension.
Lisinopril (Prinivil) ACE Inhibitor 1) Blocks synthesis of angiotensin II; 2) Reduces aldosterone secretion from adrenal cortex resulting in net water loss Causes Dry Cough Cardiovascular Particularly useful in hypertension that is a result of increased rennin levels. B/c do not affect glucose levels, used in tmt. of diabetes Pxs w/ hypertension.
Losartan (Cozaar) Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists Interferes w/ binding of angiotensin II with its receptors (blank) Cardiovascular (blank)
Irbesartan (Avapro) Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists Interferes w/ binding of angiotensin II with its receptors (blank) Cardiovascular (blank)
Minoxidil Direct Vasodilator Directly relaxes arterioles; Usu. administered by IV Unwanted hair growth; Cardiovascular; Also marketed for male pattern baldness
Thiazide Diuretics Thiazide Diuretic - AntiHypertensive Inhibit Na & chloride reabsorption in the thick ascending loop & early distal tubule. This loss of ions increases urine volume Hypokalemia; Hyperglycemia; Hyperuricemia Cardiovascular (blank)
Ethacrynic Acid Loop Diuretic - AntiHypertensive Inhibit chloride reabsorption in ascending loop of henle Hyponatremia; Hypocalcemia; Hypomagnesemia; Hyperglycemia; Hyperuricemia; Ototoxicity Cardiovascular (blank)
Bumetanide (Bumex) Loop Diuretic - AntiHypertensive Inhibit chloride reabsorption in ascending loop of henle Hyponatremia; Hypocalcemia; Hypomagnesemia; Hyperglycemia; Hyperuricemia; NO Ototoxicity Cardiovascular (blank)
Spironolactone (Aldactone) Potassium Sparing Diuretic - AntiHypertensive Enhance sodium excretion & retain potassium by an action in the distal tubule. Often used w/ other diuretics to help maintain the K balance. Hyperkalemia Cardiovascular (blank)
Digoxin (Lanoxin) Cardiac Glycosides Inhibit Na+-K+-ATPase and enhance releases of intracellular calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum thereby increasing the force of myocardial contraction Low Therapeutic index; Toxicity= anorexia, nausea, diarrhea; fatigue; visual disturbances Cardiovascular Also used to control ventricular rate in atrial fibrillation or flutter
Dobutamine (Dobutrex) Sympathomimetics B1 agonist. Increases contractility of the heart w/o changing BP or heart rate Dopamine better for Px w/ impaired renal function Cardiovascular (blank)
Inamrinone (Inocor) Phosphodiasterase inhibitor Inhibit cyclic AMP phospodiasterase in cardiac & vacular muscle. Results in + inotropic action as well as a vasodilatory effect (blank) Cardiovascular (blank)
Milrinone (Primacor) Phosphodiasterase inhibitor Inhibit cyclic AMP phosphodiasterase in cardiac & vacular muscle. Results in + inotropic action as well as a vasodilatory effect (blank) Cardiovascular (blank)
Procainamide (Pronestyl) Antiarrhythmic Class I (Na+ channel blockers) Block Na entry into cell during depolarization. Decreases the rate of rise of phase 0 of the action potential (blank) Cardiovascular Useful in Tmt. of atrial & ventricular arrhythmias
Lidocaine (Xylocaine) Antiarrhythmic Class I (Na+ channel blockers) Block Na entry into cell during depolarization. Decreases the rate of rise of phase 0 of the action potential (blank) Cardiovascular Tmt. of ventricular arrhythmias
Propranolol (Inderal) Antiarrhythmic Class II (B-Adrenoceptor blockers) Stabilize cardiac membrane, slow down conduction through SA & AV nodes, and increase refractory period (blank) Cardiovascular Non-selective B Blocker
Amiodarone Antiarrhythmic Class III (K+ channel blockers) Prolong repolarization. Useful in treating intractable ventriculary arrhythmias (blank) Cardiovascular Effective in tmt. & prevention of ventricular fibrillation & ventricular tachycardia
Verapamil Antiarrhythmic Class IV/Ca++ channel blockers Block calcium influx into smooth muscle cells of the arteries causing them to dilate. H/A; dizziness, hypotension Cardiovascular Most effective vs. atrial than ventricular arrhythmias.
Diltiazem Antiarrhythmic Class IV/Ca++ channel blockers Block calcium influx into smooth muscle cells of the arteries causing them to dilate. (blank) Cardiovascular Most effective vs. atrial than ventricular arrhythmias.
Adenosine Antiarrhythmic Treats Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (blank) Cardiovascular (blank)
Nitroglycerine Antianginal Drug - Organic Nitrates Dilate the large myocardial arteries to increase the blood supply of HT. Reduces cardiac preload by reducing venous tone. Nitrates increase Nitrites - Increase Nitric Oxide - Inc. cGMP - Inc. Dephosphorylation of myosin light chain causing vacular smoot H/A; Postural hypotension -- Sildenafil (Viagra) increases action of nitrates causing dangerous hypotension. Cardiovascular (blank)
Nifedipine (Procardia) Ca++ channel blockers Block calcium influx into smooth muscle cells of the arteries causing them to dilate. (blank) Cardiovascular Black hypertensives respond well.
Amlodipine (Norvasc) Ca++ channel blockers Block calcium influx into smooth muscle cells of the arteries causing them to dilate. (blank) Cardiovascular Black hypertensives respond well.
Atenolol (Tenormin) B-Blockers (B1) Prevent sympathetic stimulation of the heart causing decreased HR and cardiac output Not as effective in lower BP in blacks Cardiovascular Good for young peope and Px w/ Angina or H/A
Metoprolol (Lopressor) B-Blockers (B1) Prevent sympathetic stimulation of the heart causing decreased HR and cardiac output Not as effective in lower BP in blacks Cardiovascular Good for young peope and Px w/ Angina or H/A
Methyldopa (Aldomet) Central Acting Adrenergic Drugs A2 agonist that reduces central sympathetic outflow (i.e. norepinephrine). No direct effect on kidneys (blank) Cardiovascular Safe w/ pregnant women
Sodium Nitroprusside Hypertensive Emergency Causes prompt vasodilation; poisonous if given orally (hydrolysis to cyanide) Only give by IV Cardiovascular Antidote= Sodium thiosulfate
Aspirin Antiplatelet Inhibits platelet aggregation by inhibiting thromboxane A2 synthesis in the platelets (blank) Cardiovascular 81 mg for PX w/ no history of HT attack; 325 mg to those who had a HT attack or stroke previously
Clopidegrol (Palvix) Antiplatelet Blocks platelet aggregation by inhibiting the binding of ADP to its receptor on platelets and, thuys, inhibit the activiation of GP IIb/IIIa receptors required for platelets to bind to fibrinogen blocking platelet aggregation (blank) Cardiovascular Given after stents
Dipyridamole (Persantine) Antiplatelet Inhibits phosphodiasterase, increasing cAMP levels in platelets to promote PGI2 (platelet aggregation inhibitor) increasing levels of adenosine, a coronary vasodilator (blank) (blank) (blank)
Heparin Anticoagulant Inhibit development and enlargement of clots; inactivates thrombin by making antithrombin III very active. (blank) Cardiovascular Protamine is a heparin antagonist to treat hemorrhage. Heparin is a natural anticoagulant in our blood
Warferin (Coumadin) Anticoagulant (Oral) Antagonize Vitamin K and interfere w/ the synthesis of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors (II, VII, IX, X) (blank) Cardiovascular Vitamin K is a antagonist
Streptokinase Thrombolytic Drugs Lyse already formed clots. Activate plasminogen to plasmin. Plasmin digests fibrin forming degradation products. (blank) Cardiovascular Aminocaproic acid: inhibits plasminogen activation.
Erythropoietin Anemic Drugs Synthesized in Kidney in response to hypoxia or anemia. Used to treat end erythropoiesis. (blank) Anemia Treats end-stage renal failure
Cyanocobalamin (Vit. B12) Anemic Drugs Treats megaloblastic anemia (blank) Anemia Pernicious anemia
Atrovastatin (Lipitor) AntiHyperlipidemic - HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors Inhibit HMG-CoA reductase (final step in cholesterol synthesis). Decrease cholesterol, LDL, VLDL, & triglycerides, & increases HDL Liver Fx abnormalities; myopathy; rhabdomyolysis Cardiovascular (blank)
Rosuvastatin (Crestor) AntiHyperlipidemic - HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors Inhibit HMG-CoA reductase (final step in cholesterol synthesis). Decrease cholesterol, LDL, VLDL, & triglycerides, & increases HDL Liver Fx abnormalities; myopathy; rhabdomyolysis Cardiovascular (blank)
Niacin (Nicobid) Antihyperlipidemic Strongly inhibits lipolysis in adipose tissue Flush & pruritis (take aspirin) Cardiovascular (blank)
Ezetimibe Antihyperlipidemic - Cholesterol Absorption inhibitor Inhibit intestinal absorption of dietary & biliary cholesterol (blank) Cardiovascular (blank)
Methimazone (Tapazole) Endocrine - HyperThyroidism Inhibits iodination of tyrosine groups & coupling of these groups to form thyroid hormone (blank) Endocrine No effect on stored thyroglobulin
Propylthiouracil (PTU) HyperThyroidism Inhibits iodination of tyrosine groups & coupling of these groups to form thyroid hormone. Also inhibits peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 (blank) Endocrine Safe for pregnancy
Iodine/Iodide HyperThyroidism Inhibits release of thyroxine from thyroid gland (for 2 weeks) (blank) Endocrine (blank)
PropranololEndocrine - HyperThyroidism HyperThyroidism B-Blocker. Suppresses tachycardia & other catecholamine effects. For prpe. of hyperthyroid Px for surgery. (blank) Endocrine (blank)
Levothyroxine (T4) (synthroid) HypoThyroidism Replaces normal serum levels of T4 & T3 (blank) Endocrine (blank)
Hydrocortisone (Solu-cortef) Adrenocorticosteroid Cortisone Derivative (Steriod) (blank) Endocrine Preferred drug for replacement therapy
Prednisone Adrenocorticosteriod Cortisone Derivative (Steroid) (blank) Endocrine Drug of choice for maintenance therapy of severe asthma
Fludrocortisone (Florinef) Adrenocorticosteriod Cortisone Derivative (Steroid) (blank) Endocrine Potent mineralocorticoid activity
Aminoglutathione (Cytadren) Adrenal Hormone Synthesis Inhibitor Blocks conversion of cholesterol to prenenolone (first step in steroid synthesis) - Used to treat Cushing's syndrome Pxs. (blank) Endocrine (blank)
Spiranolactone (Aldactone) Adrenal Hormone Synthesis Inhibitor Inhibits Aldosterone (blank) Endocrine (blank)
Ketoconazole (Nizoral) Adrenal Hormone Synthesis Inhibitor Antifungal agent that inhibits all gonadal & adrenal steroid hormone synthesis; Used in Tx of Cushing's Syndrome (blank) Endocrine (blank)
Estadiol (Estraderm) Sex Steroid Estrogeon --Reduces osteoporosis in postmenopausal woman (blank) Endocrine (blank)
Diethylstilbestrol (Stilphostrol) Sex Steroid Estrogen -- Assoc. w/ cervical & vaginal carcinoma in daughters of women who took the drung during pregnancy Endocrine (blank)
Tamoxifen Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMS) Prevents endogenous estrogens from stimulating tumor growth; Used to treat estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer in postmenopausal women Increased risk of uterine cancer observed Endocrine (blank)
Raloxifene (Evista) Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMS) Agonist activity in bone, & antagonist activity in breast and endometrial tissue. Binds to estrogen receptors & induces expression of genes that maintain bone density; used to treat & prevent osteoporosis. Does not cause endometrial/breast cancer Endocrine (blank)
Clomiphene (Clomid) Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMS) Acts as an estrogen receptor antagonist in the hypothalamus, interfering w/ the inhibitory feedback of estrogens. Results in an increase in release of GnRH & gonadotropins and in stimulation of ovarian function; used in tmt. of infertility Multiple conceptions. Endocrine (blank)
Medroxyprogesterone (Depo-provera) Progestins Progesterone mainas uterine endometrium in secretory phase weight gain, edema, depression, increased clotting Endocrine (blank)
Mifepristone ("morning after pill") Antiprogestin Terminates pregnancy by breaking down uterine lining (blank) Endocrine (blank)
Testosterone propionate Testosterone Derivative Useful for palliative TX of breast cancer (blank) Endocrine (blank)
Fluxymesterone Testosterone Derivative Treats hypogonadism which develops in childhood (blank) Endocrine (blank)
Nandrolone phenpropionate Testosterone Derivative Tx of metastatic breast cancer (blank) Endocrine (blank)
Finasteride (Propecia) AntiAndrogen Inhibit the enzyme which conversts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone which is the major intracellular androgen in most target tissues. Used to treat BPH. At low doses stimulates hair growth in men (blank) Endocrine (blank)
Flutamide Androgen Receptor Antagonist Treats excessive hair growth in women & prostate cancer in men (blank) Endocrine (blank)
Insulins (Administered by Injection) Hypoclycemic Drugs (blank) Hypoglycemia Hypoglycemic Drugs (blank)
Chlorpropamide (Diabenase) Hypoclycemic Drugs (blank) Hypoglycemia Hypoglycemic Drugs 1st Generation
Glipizine (Glucotrol) Hypoclycemic Drugs (blank) Hypoglycemia Hypoglycemic Drugs 2nd Generation
Acarbose (Precose) Glycemic Drugs Slow carbohydrate digestion resulting in lower serum glucose levels after means Flatulence, diarrhea & abdominal pain Glycemic Drugs Act on intestines
Rosiglitazone (Avandia) Glycemic Drugs Enhances response of target cells to endogenous insulin Must monitor liver function tests (LFTs) Glycemic Drugs (blank)
Metformin (Glucophage) Glycemic Drugs Reduces intestinal uptake & hepatic production of glucose. Increases sensitivity of tissues to insulin Lactic acidosis (rare) Glycemic Drugs (blank)
Albuterol (Ventolin) Respiratory Drugs - B2 Addrenergic Agonists Bind to B2 receptors on bronchial smooth muscle, causing an increase in the biochemical messenger cyclic AMP. Increased levels of cAMP cause relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle cells, resulting in bronchodilation. (blank) Respiratory Drugs (blank)
Terbutaline B-Adrenergic Agonist Bind to B2 receptors on bronchial smooth muscle causing an increase in the biochemical messenger cyclic AMP. Increased levels of cAMP cause relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle cells, resulting in brochodilation (blank) Respiratory Drugs (blank)
Salmeterol B-Adrenergic Agonist Bind to B2 receptors on bronchial smooth muscle causing an increase in the biochemical messenger cyclic AMP. Increased levels of cAMP cause relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle cells, resulting in brochodilation (blank) Respiratory Drugs Long acting. Not for acute presentations
Beclomethasone (Beclovent) Corticosteriods Reduce inflamation by reversing mucosal edema, decreasing the permeability of capillaries, and inhibiting the release of leukotriens. Oral candiasis. Systemic ones cause sodium & water retention & subsequent cardiovascular probloems, weakenss, osteoporosis, peptic ulcers. Respiratory Drugs (blank)
Aminophyline Methylxanthines Increase cAMP levels H/A, insomnia, tachycardia, dizziness, seizures, etc. Respiratory Drugs (blank)
Cromolyn (Intal) Inflammatory Cell Stabilizers Prevent release of inflammatory mediators (eg. histmine) from mast cells, machrophages, neutrophils & easinophils Throat irritation Respiratory Drugs (blank)
Montelukast (Singulair) Leukotriene Modifiers Blocks binding of leukotriene D4 to its receptor (blank) Respiratory Drugs Leukotriens (products of arachidonic acid metabolism) increase eosinophil migration, mucus production & airway wall edema, and cause brochoconstriction
Zileutin (Zyflo) Leukotriene Modifiers Blocks binding of leukotriene D4 to its receptor (blank) Respiratory Drugs Leukotriens (products of arachidonic acid metabolism) increase eosinophil migration, mucus production & airway wall edema, and cause brochoconstriction
OmalizumAB Monoclonal Antibody Specific for IgE it binds to human IgE leading to decreased binding of IgE to its receptor on the surface of mast cells & basophils preventing activation & degranulation of these cells. (blank) Respiratory Drugs (blank)
Surfactant (Exosurf) (blank) (blank) (blank) Respiratory Drugs Administered endotracheally in infant respiratory distress syndrome
Dornase Alfa (DNase) (Pulmozyme) (blank) Decreases viscosity of bronchial secretions (blank) Respiratory Drugs Admin. by inhalation to Px w/ cystic fibrosis
PalivizumAB Antibody Provides passive immunity in high risk infants (blank) Respiratory Drugs Targeted against Respiratory Syncytical Virus
Budesonide (Rhinocort) Intranasal Steroids Inhibits inflammatory cells in nasal mucosa (blank) Respiratory Drugs (blank)
Amoxycillin, Clarithromycin, Metronidazole Antibiotics Treats H. Pylori unlcers (blank) Gastrointestinal - Upper GI (blank)
Cimetidine (Tagamet) H2 Histamine Receptor Antagonist Prevent histamine-induced acid release. Binds to cytochrome P-450 Increases concentration of anticoagulants, theophyline, lidocaine,phenytoin, benzodiazepines, propranolol by inhibiting enzyme Gastrointestinal - Upper GI (blank)
Ranitidine (Zantac) H2 Histamine Receptor Antagonist Prevent histamine-induced acid release. Binds to cytochrome P-450 Increases concentration of anticoagulants, theophyline, lidocaine,phenytoin, benzodiazepines, propranolol by inhibiting enzyme Gastrointestinal - Upper GI Less inhibition of P-450
Famotidine (Pepcid) H2 Histamine Receptor Antagonist Prevent histamine-induced acid release. Binds to cytochrome P-450 Increases concentration of anticoagulants, theophyline, lidocaine,phenytoin, benzodiazepines, propranolol by inhibiting enzyme Gastrointestinal - Upper GI No inhibition of P-450
Aluminum Salts Antacid Neutralize gastric acids Constipation Gastrointestinal - Upper GI (blank)
Magnesium Salts Antacid Neutralize gastric acids Constipation Gastrointestinal - Upper GI (blank)
Omeprazole (Prilosec) Proton pump inhibitors Inhibit H+-K+-ATPase enzyme (Proton pump) of the parietal cell reducing acid secretion (blank) Gastrointestinal - Upper GI Used to treat GERD, DU, & ypersecretory states (eg. ZE syndrome)
Lansoprazoe (Prevacid) Proton pump inhibitors Inhibit H+-K+-ATPase enzyme (Proton pump) of the parietal cell reducing acid secretion (blank) Gastrointestinal - Upper GI Used to treat GERD, DU, & ypersecretory states (eg. ZE syndrome)
Sucralfate (Carafate) Mucosal protective agent Sucrose & polyaluminum hydroxide polymerize at low pH to form protective coating Constipation Gastrointestinal Drugs - Upper GI tract (blank)
Misoproston Prostaglandins Increases HCO3 & mucin release reducing acid secretion Uterine contraction Gastrointestinal Drugs - Upper GI tract Used for prevention of ulcers caused by aspirin & other NSAIDs
Dicyclomine (Bentyl) Muscarinic antagonist Nonspecific direct relaxant effect on smooth muscle decreasing motility of bowels (blank) Gastrointestinal Drugs - Upper GI tract Used to treat IBD Pxs
Metoclopromide (Reglan) Misc. Increases rate of gastric emptying (blank) Gastrointestinal Drugs - Upper GI tract (blank)
Cisapride (Propulsid) Misc. Increases rate of gastric emptying (blank) Gastrointestinal Drugs - Upper GI tract (blank)
Diphenoxylate & Atropine (Lomotil) Opiate Diphenoxylate is an agonist at opiate receptors in GI tract & atroppine blocks muscarinic receptors inhibiting perstalsis (blank) Gastrointestinal Drugs - Lower GI tract Used for Diarrhea
Loperamide (Imodium) Opiate Inhibits peristalsis (blank) Gastrointestinal Drugs - Lower GI tract Used for Diarrhea
Bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) Absorbents Absorbs toxins produced by bacteria & other GI irritants (blank) Gastrointestinal Drugs - Lower GI tract Diarrhea
Kaolin/Pectin (Keopectate) Absorbents Absorbs toxins produced by bacteria & other GI irritants (blank) Gastrointestinal Drugs - Lower GI tract Diarrhea
Mesalamine (5-aminosalicylic acid) Inflammatory bowel agent (blank) (blank) Gastrointestinal Drugs - Lower GI tract Primary therapy for ulcerative colitis & Crohn's disease
Sulfasalazine (Azulfadine) Inflammatory bowel agent (blank) (blank) Gastrointestinal Drugs - Lower GI tract (blank)
Infliximab (Remicade) Monoclonal Antibody Binds to & inhibits TNF-A, a proinflmmatory protein produced by immunce cells. (blank) Gastrointestinal Drugs - Lower GI Tract Refractory Crohn's diseas; Also used for rheumatoid arthritis
Psyllium (Metamucil) Bulk Forming Agent Nondigested plant cell wall absrobs water into feces (blank) Gastrointestinal Drugs - Lower GI Tract (blank)
Bisacodyl (Dulcolas) Stimulant Laxatives & Cathartics Increases water & electrolytes in feces & increases intestinal motility (blank) Gastrointestinal Drugs - Lower GI Tract (blank)
Lactulose Stimulant Laxatives & Cathartics Hyperosmolarity draws water into colon (blank) Gastrointestinal Drugs - Lower GI Tract Used for Px w/ severe LV disease
Docusate (Colace) Stimulant Laxatives & Cathartics Improves penetration of water & fat into feces (blank) Gastrointestinal Drugs - Lower GI Tract (blank)
Sildenafil (Viagra) PDE-5 Inhibitors Inhibit phosphodiasterase Potentiate hypotensive action of nitrates Erectile Dysfunction Drugs NO is released fr nerve endings & endothelial cells. It binds to receptors on smooth muscle of corpus cavernosum & triggers formation of cGMP; cGMP cuases relaxation of smooth muschles allowing engorement. This process is reversed by a phospodiasterase
Alendronate (Fosamax) Biphophonates Inhibit osteoclastic activity & decrease bone turnhover & resorption Must be taken w/ full glass of water in morning & should stay upright for at least 30 mins until after first food of the day Osteoporosis Drugs (blank)
Raloxifene Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMS) Estrogen agonist on bone & antagonist in breast & uterus. (blank) Osteoporosis Drugs Not as effective as estrogen in increasing bone density
Estrogens Estrogens Enhance calcium retention & retard bone loss (blank) Osteoporosis Drugs Not as effective at increasing bone mass that has already been lost
Calcitonin (blank) Regulates calcium levels by inhibiting osteoclastic activity (blank) Osteoporosis Drugs Has some analgesic action
Orlisat (Xenical) Lipase Inhibitor Is a reversible pancreatic lipase inhibitor (blank) Obesity Management (blank)
Clavulanic Acid B-Lactamase Inhibitor Inhibits Cell Wall Synthesis of Bacteria (blank) Antibiotics (blank)
Benzathine Pen G Natural Penicillin Inhibits crosslinking of cell wall compenents of bacteria (blank) Antibiotics Best for syphilis & streptococcal sore throat
Nafcillin/Oxacillin Pnincillinase Resistant Inhibits crosslinking of cell wall compenents of bacteria (blank) Antibiotics Best for penicillinase-producing Staph. aureus
Piperacillin Antipseudomonal Inhibits crosslinking of cell wall compenents of bacteria (blank) Antibiotics Best of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Ticarcillin Antipseudomonal Inhibits crosslinking of cell wall compenents of bacteria (blank) Antibiotics Best of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Ceftriaxone (Rocephin) Cephalosporin Inhibits crosslinking of cell wall compenents of bacteria (blank) Antibiotics Gonorrhea; Meningitis in children - Hemophyllus influenzae
Vancomycin (blank) Inhibits synthesis of bacterial cell wall phospholipids Flushing "red man syndrome" & shock due to histamine release caused by rapid infusion; Dose-related ototoxicity (hearing loss) in PXs w/ renal failure Antibiotics Excreted by Kidneys
Streptomycin Aminoglycosides Inhibits protein synthesis Nephrotoxicity & Ototoxicity & Neuromuscular toxicity Antibiotics Most active vs. M. Tuberculosis. Aminoglycosides have Very small margin of safety
Neomycin Aminoglycosides Inhibits protein synthesis - Inhibits ammonia formation (blank) Antibiotics (blank)
Tetracycline Tetracyclines Inhibits protein synthesis Food impairs absorption of tetracyclines; Also form insoluble chelates w/ certain metals & minerals thus can't use w/ antacids Antibiotics (blank)
Doxycycline Tetracyclines Inhibits Protein Synthesis Food impairs absorption. Forms chelates w/ Ca, Mg, & other metals. Antibiotics Safe in renally impaired Px
Erythromycin Macrolides Inhibits Protein Synthesis (blank) Antibiotics For mycoplasma infections, pneumonia, legionnaires' disease, chlamydial infections, diptheria, pertussis. Safe in pregnancy
Azithromycin Macrolides Inhibits Protein Synthesis (blank) Antibiotics (blank)
Clarithromycin Macrolides Inhibits Protein Synthesis (blank) Antibiotics (blank)
Telithromycin Ketolides Inhibits Protein Synthesis (blank) Antibiotics (blank)
Chloramphenical Chloramphenicol Inhibits Protein Synthesis Bone marrow depression & aplastic anemia; Gray baby syndrome Antibiotics (blank)
Clindamycin Clindamycin Inhibits Protein Synthesis (blank) Antibiotics Assoc.l w/ Pseudomembranous colitis b/c C. deficile is resistant to it
Sulfonamides/Trimethoprim Folate Antagonists Inhibits synthesis of folic acid in bacteria (blank) Antibiotics Used for UTI & Pneumocystitis carinii pneumonia
Sulfasalazine Folate Antagonists Inhibits synthesis of folic acid in bacteria (blank) Antibiotics IBS
Nalidaxic Acid Quinolones Inhibits DNA gyrase/DNA synthesis Damage to cartilage in animals; Ingestion w/ antacids will interfere w/ absorption Antibiotics (blank)
Ciprofloxacin Quinolones Inhibits DNA Synthesis (blank) Antibiotics Anthrax, gonorrhea, typhoid
Levofloxacin Quinolones Inhibits DNA Synthesis (blank) Antibiotics (blank)
Metronidazole Quinolones Inhibits DNA Synthesis (blank) Antibiotics Vs. clostridium (tetanus); trichomonas; enterocolitis
Isoniazid Tuberculosis Drugs Inhibits synthesis of mycolic acids Hepatotoxicity & peripheral neuropathy (VIt. B6 counters) Antibiotics (blank)
Pyrazinamide Tuberculosis Drugs (blank) Increases levels of serum uric acid Antibiotics (blank)
Rifampin Tuberculosis Drugs Inhibits RNA synthesis Inducer of cytochrome P-450 enzymes; Red-orange color secretions Antibiotics (blank)
Ethambutol Tuberculosis Drugs (blank) Retrobulbar optic neuritis Antibiotics (blank)
Dapsone Leprosy Drugs Competitive inhibitor of folic acid synthesis (blank) Antibiotics (blank)
Thalidomide Leprosy Drugs (blank) (blank) Antibiotics (blank)
Amphotericin B Antifungal Drugs Binds to principal fungal membrane sterol Nephrotoxity Antibiotics (blank)
Fluconazole Antifungal Drugs Oral tmt. of chronic candiasis infections (blank) Antibiotics (blank)
Nystatin Antifungal Drugs Oral agent for tmt. of oral candiasis (blank) Antibiotics (blank)
Zidovudin/ Lamivudine (CombiVir) Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor (NRTI) Inhibit formation of viral DNA from RNA by RT (blank) Antiviral Drugs (blank)
Indinavir/Nelfinavir Protease Inhibitors Inhibit protease enzyme inolved in maturation of newly forming viral particle (blank) Antiviral Drugs (blank)
Enfuvirtide Fusion Inhibitors Block binding of HIV to CD4 lymphocytes receptors (blank) Antiviral Drugs (blank)
Amantadine (blank) Inhibit virus penetratin or uncoating (blank) Antiviral Drugs For influenza type A infesctions
Zanamivir/Oseltamivir Neuraminidase Inhibitors Block release of influenza virus from infested cells (blank) Antiviral Drugs For Influenza type A & B
Acyclovir/Gancyclovir Herpes & Cytomegalovirus (blank) (blank) Antiviral Drugs (blank)
Ribavirin Respiratory Syncytial Viral Infections (RSV) (blank) (blank) Antiviral Drugs Used. Esp. for children
PalivizumAB RSV Antibody that produces passive immunity (blank) Antiviral Drugs (blank)
Interferon/Lamivudine/Adefovir Hepatic Viral Infections (blank) (blank) Antiviral Drugs (blank)
Cyclophosphamide Alkylating Agents Alkylation of DNA Local tissue necrosis AntiCancer Drugs (blank)
Buslphan Alkylating Agents Alkylation of DNA Local tissue necrosis AntiCancer Drugs (blank)
Cisplatin Alkylating Agents Alkylation of DNA Local tissue necrosis AntiCancer Drugs Cancer of Testes
Methotrexate Antimetabolites Compete for binding site of dihydrofolate reductase Neurotoxicity AntiCancer Drugs Leucovorin reverses all effects except neurotoxicity
Doxorubicin Antibiotic Disrupts DNA function of cancer cells Cardiotoxicity; alopecia; & bone marrow depression AntiCancer Drugs (blank)
Bleomycin Antibiotic Disrupts DNA function of cancer cells Pulmonary fibrosis AntiCancer Drugs (blank)
Plicamycin Antibiotic Disrupts DNA function of cancer cells (blank) AntiCancer Drugs Used to treat hypercalcemia assoc. w/ malignancy
Anthrcyclines Antibiotic Disrupts DNA function of cancer cells Cardiac toxicities, arrhythmias, . Creastes free radicals & lipid peroxication -- Antidote = Dexrazoxane chelates intracellular iron that would interact w/ free radicals. AntiCancer Drugs (blank)
Vinca alkaloids Microtubule Inhibitors Bind to tubules & disrupt the spindle apparatus during cell division neurologic toxicity AntiCancer Drugs (blank)
Glucocorticoids (eg. prednisone) (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank)
Isosorbide dinitrate/mononitrate Organic Nitrate (blank) (blank) Cardiovascular Prophylaxis of angina; not for acute attack
Created by: pititdlo
Popular Acupuncture sets




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