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Hand Yang Ming Large Intestine Channel

LI 1 Shang yang, Shangyang
LI 4 He Gu, Union Valley
LI 5 Yang Xi, Yang Ravine
LI 6 Pian Li, Veering Passage
LI 11 Qu Chi, Pool at the Bend
LI 15 Jian Yu, Shoulder Bone
LI 20 Ying Xiang, Welcome Fragrance
What is the location of LI 1? On dorsal aspect of index finger, at the junction of lines drawn along the radial border of nail and base of the nail, 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail.
What is the point category of LI 1? Ling-well/ Metal
What is the location of LI 4? On the dorsum of the hand, between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones, at midpoint of 2nd meta-carpal and close to the radial border.
What is the point category for LI 4? Yuan source point
What is the main caution of LI 4? Contraindicated in pregnancy.
How much is LI 4 used? 1 of the 5 most used points
What is Li 4 commonly used for? Dental Analgesia, reduces pain
What is the location for LI 5? On the radial side of the wrist, in the center hollow formed by tendons of extensor pollicis longs and brevis (anatomical snuffbox)
What is the category for LI 5? Jing-river, fire
What is the location for LI 6? 3 cun proximal to LI 5 on the line connecting LI 5 to LI 11
What is the category for LI 6? Network point
What is special about the location of LI 6? 1.5 cun proximal to lung 7
What is the location of LI 11? At the elbow, midway between LU 5 and lateral epicondyle of humerus, at the lateral end of the transverse cubital crease (located with elbow flexed)
What is the category of LI 11? He se point / Earth
What is LI 11 good for? clearing heat throughout the body
What is the location of LI 15? In depression anterior and inferior to acromion, at origin of deltoid.
What is the location of LI 20? In naso-labial groove, at level of midpoint of lateral border of ala nasi
What is LI 20 the principe point of? All nose disorders
Created by: swalters4
Popular Acupuncture sets




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