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Computer Basis

Computer Review Final

Computer Final QuestionsAnswers
What is an operating system? An operating system provides an interface between the user or application program and the computer hardware.
Is Word an operation system? No
Is Windows an operating system? Yes
If a computer is networked, what resources can they share? Hardware and software resources.
Which one of these hold the most information? Hard Drive
Which holds the least? Floppy Disk
Is a Zip drive an opital storage device or a magnetic device? Magnetic Device
Which software program is the one to use when you want to do a letter? Word Processor/Word
Which software program is the one to use when you want to do process numbers? Spreadsheet/Excel
What should you do frequently when you are working on a project on the computer so that you don't loose your work? Save
Which piece of hardware is necessary on your computer if you want to send info to another computer? Network Hardware/Modems
What is an Internet Search Engine? Give an example. Programs written to query and retrieve information stored in a database. Example: Yahoo, Google.
What is another word for software? Programs
When a company is tracking how may times their web site is visited they are tracking the amount of _____ the site gets. Hits
_______ devices give commands to the computer. Input
______ devices get data from the computer. Output
Is the keyboard an input or output devise? Input
A code that can be harmful to your computer is called a _________. Virus
Info-RAM is called a volatile memory system. RAM is called a volatile memory system.
What type of software would you use to do a resume? Word Processor
An_________ __________ is the name for the Software that allows the user to interact with the computer hardware? Operating System
What type of software is used to perform queries? Database
What is the "interface" between the user and the World Wide Web called? Browser
What type of software used formulas? Spreadsheet/Excel
What type of software would you want to use to create a pamphlet or a small book with diagrams and pictures? Desktop Publisher Program
Put these Internet connection in the proper order based on their speed? Dial-Up, DSL, Cable, T1
What is the definition of copyright? The exclusive right, granted by law for a certain number of years, to make and dispose of literary, musical, or artistic work.
What is the definition of Public domain? Material on which copyright protection has lapsed, thereby making it available for anyone to copy.
What is the definition of Computer hardware? Tangible, physical computer equipment that can be seen and touched.
What is the definition of ARPANET? Original name for the Internet designed by the military.
What is the definition of Mainframe computer? A supercompute is a large, expensie computer, capable of supporting hundreds or even thousands of users.
What is the definition of Handheld computer? Handheld computers are designed to be carried from one location to another.
What is the definition of Personal computer? Computers designed for use by an individual.
What is the definition of Laptop computer? A copmputer that will fit in a briefcase.
What is the definition of A LAN connection? Local Area Network
What is the definition of A WAN connection? Wide Area Network
What is the definition of editing? Allows user to make changes to existing record.
What is the difference between: Google, American Online, Hotmail and Internet Explorer? Google is a search engine, American Online is an ISP (Internet Service Provider), and Internet Explorer is a "browser".
What is the definition of desktop? Desktop has a screen with icons.
A hard disk drive is a _______ storage device? Magnetic
What type of software is used to create slide shows? Presentation/Power Point
Created by: MichaelAJ007
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