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Nerd Herd Science 1

Science pack 1 for academic team

Q. What C-word is the smallest unit of an organism that can still carry on the functions of life? A. Cell
Q. Which cell parts are small structures in the cytoplasm where cells make their own proteins? A. ribosomes
Q. What is the folded membrane that moves materials around in the cell? It is abbreviated E.R. A. Endoplasmic Reticulum
Q. What is the green fungus that grows on moldy oranges that is an antibiotic medicine? A. penicillin
Q. Which insect is commonly blamed for the spread of encephalitis? A. mosquito
Q. What is the leaf of a fern called? A. frond
Q. Which insect is commonly blamed for the spread of Lyme disease? A. Tick
Q. What is the reproductive cell of a fern that forms new ferns without fertilization? A. Spore
Q. Which branch of science explains how traits of organisms are passed from one generation to another? A. genetics
Q. Which branch of science studies how living things interact with each other and their environment on Earth? A. Ecology
Q. Which branch of science studies plants exclusively? A. Botany
Q. What is the more common name for your patella? A. Knee cap
Q. What is the more common name for your sternum? A. Breastbone
Q. What is the more common name for your clavicle? A. Collar bone
Q. Smog is the combination of which two basic ingredients? A. Smoke and fog
Q. What is the deadly, colorless, odorless gas which is present in automobile exhaust and charcoal fumes? A. carbon monoxide
Q. Most asteroids of our solar system are found between which two planets? A. Mars and Jupiter
Q. What is the phenomenon that occurs when Earth passes within the orbit of a comet that has broken apart? A. meteor shower
Q. What is the phenomenon that occurs when a star explodes? A. Super nova
Q. What is the length of time between when an organism is born and when it dies? A. Life span
Q. A mayfly has a life span of one day, one month, or one year? A. one day
Q. A bristlecone pine tree has a life span of 10 years, 500 years, or 4500 years? A. 4500 years
Created by: podlin
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