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Study Helps for English Lit: The Twentieth Century
Question | Answer |
Definition: the anti-philosophy of despair propounded by Kierkegaard and Nietzche | existentialism |
Definition: the teaching that there are no moral absolutes | relativism |
Definition: the doctrine that morality should be based on the regard tot he well-being of mankind in the present life | secularism |
Definition: the teaching that the human mind cannot know whether God and the human soul exist | agnosticism |
Definition: the deterministic doctrine of the two American psychologists J.B. Watson and B.F. Skinner | behaviorism |
Definition: the materialistic belief in direct government intervention to remove economic or social inequality | socialism |
Definition: the idea that matter is the only reality and that everything in the world can be explained in terms of matter | materialism |
Definition: the doctrine that the individual's actions are determined by a sequence of causes independent of his own will | determinism |
Definition: the use of precise images, free verse, and suggestion rather than complete statement | imagism |
Definition: the worship of science; the belief that society can reach a state in perfection through the application of the scientific method to all areas of thought and life | scientism |
Definition: the attempt to redefine the Bible and Christian truth in the light of Darwinism and other pseudo-scientific beliefs | Modernism |
Definition: the doctrine that man's reason is the sole criterion for truth | rationalism |
Who wrote Ulysses? | James Joyce |
Who wrote Brideshead Revisited? | Evelyn Waugh |
Who wrote Lord of the Flies? | William Golding |
Who wrote Of Human Bondage? | Somerset Maugham |
Who wrote The Heart of Darkness? | Joseph Conrad |
Who wrote Animal Farm? | George Orwell |
Who wrote Brave New World? | Aldous Huxley |
Who wrote the Father Brown mystery stories? | G.K. Chesterton |
Identify: the Apostle to the Skeptics who was one of the most imaginative and versatile writers of the 20th Century | C.S. Lewis |
Identify: the Irish poet and dramatist who led the Irish Renaissance | William Butler Yeats |
Identify: the first great science fiction author | H.G. Wells |
Identify: the party in power when Britain became a welfare state | Labour Party |
Identify: poet who became an American citizen and moved from Marxism to Freudianism to a religious phase | W.H. Auden |
Identify: famous journalist and TV personality who was reared Fabian Socialist but became a Christian | Malcolm Muggeridge |
Identify: form of literature answering the demand for brevity in writing | short story |
Which Norwegian playwright influenced modern drama? | Henrik Ibsen |
Identify: the Welsh poet who contributed rich poems about life in Wales | Dylan Thomas |
Identify: American-born novelist who spent most of his life in Britain | Henry James |
Definition: deterministic philosophy based on the idea that each individual is driven by unconscious and irrational impulses which would be harmful to repress | Freudianism |
Who wrote The Waste Land? | T.S. Eliot |
Identify: the group of British poets who idealized the beauties of nature | Georgians |