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PBHS physics

Physics terms

change in speed or direction acceleration
value that includes magnitude and direction vector
value that only includes amount (not direction) scalar
objects continue at rest or in motion at same speed and direction is which law? Newton's 1st Law of Motion
Newton's 1st Law of Motion called? (law of)inertia
Unbalanced force produces acceleration; force = mass x accel is which law? Newton's 2nd Law of Motion
Action-Reaction law Newton's 3rd Law of Motion
Friction between surfaces non-moving static friction
Friction between moving surfaces kinetic friction
suppport force perpendicular to a surface normal force
force through a distance (Fxd= ) work
total length distance
ending position minus starting position displacement
acceleration rate of freefall on earth 9.8 m/s2
force toward the center of a curved path centripetal force
sum of all kinetic and potential energies mechanical energy
energy of motion kinetic energy
stored energy potential energy
rate of work (W/t) power
the time over which a force acts or the change in momentum (F x t) impulse
mass times velocity momentum
distance per time (d/t)with direction velocity
d/t without direction speed
rate of change in velocity acceleratio
attractive force between all masses gravitational force
directly proportional to product of masses and inversely proportional to square of distance between them gravitional force
capital/large 'G' universal gravitational constant
value of universal gravitational constant or universal constant or constant of proportionality 6.67 x 10e-11 N-m2/kg2
universal law of gravitation stated by? Sir Isaac Newton
any push or pull force
amount of matter in composition mass
pull of gravity on mass weight
amount of space occupied volume
SI unit of mass kg
SI unit of length m
SI unit of temp. K (the kelvin)
SI unit of amount of substance mole
SI stands for International System of Units
SI unit of current ampere (amps)
SI unit of charge coulomb
SI unit of luminous intensity candela
SI unit of time s
SI derived unit of force N
SI derived unit of energy or work J
SI derived unit of volume m3
SI derived unit of power watt, W
SI derived unit of pressure Pa (pascal)
SI derived unit of electrical potential or electrical differenctial (electrical force) volt (V)
Si derived unit of electrical resistance Ohm
SI derived unit of frequency (wave) Hertz
measurement of crest to crest on a wave wavelength, Lambda
frequency of one wave per second one Hz
from center of a wave to top of crest or bottom of trough amplitude
the greater the energy, the ____ the wavelength shorter
force per area (F/a) pressure
force of surfaces in contact friction
number of waves passing a point in a given amount of time frequency
distance a wave travels per time wave speed or velocity
an object in a fluid experiences an upward force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced Archimedes' Principle
upward force of a fluid buoyant force
mass per volume (m/v) density
the faster a fluid, the lower its internal pressure Bernoulli's Principle
Average KE of a substance's particles measures temperature
total energy of all of a substance's particles thermal energy
the transfer of energy from hotter to colder heat
-273.15 degrees Celsius Absolute Zero
0 kelvins Absolute Zero
Created by: gkarlish
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