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Command Line

Command Line Crash Course

pwd print working directory (displays path)
hostname my computer's network name
mkdir make directory
cd change directory
ls list directory
rmdir remove directory
pushd push directory
popd pop directory
cp copy a file or directory
mv move a file or directory
less page through a file
cat print the whole file aka streams a file
xargs Execute arguments. This is a combination of x which means to execute, and args, which means arguments. xargs is useful when used with other commands.
find find files
grep find things inside files
man read a manual page
apropos find what man page is appropriate
env look at your environment
echo print some arguments
export export/set a new environment variable
exit exit the shell
sudo DANGER! become super user root DANGER!
chmod change permission modifiers
chown change ownership
.. applies the command to a directory one step backward in a path
cd ../../../.. to go back multiple steps in a path
CLI command line interface
GUI graphical user interface
ls -1R displays tree within current directory
touch creates a empty file example: $ touch sample.txt
cp -r to copy a directory that contains files. This command always replaces files!
$|$ The | takes the output from the COMMAND on the left, and "pipes" it to the COMMAND on the right. In line 1 you see me do that.
$<$ The < will take and send the input from the file on the right to the program on the left. You see me do that in line 2. This does not work in PowerShell.
$>$ The > takes the output of the command on the left, then writes it to the file on the right. You see me do that on line 9.
$>>$ The >> takes the output of the command on the left, then appends it to the file on the right.
* matches anything; acts like a wildcard. Use this to designate a command to a group of files
ctrl-c aborts a command
find a specific kind of file find STARTDIR -name WILDCARD -print" ex: $ find . -name "*.txt" -print
. The dot symbol, in the terminal, means your current directory.
~ Tilde is the symbol for your home directory. You can use it with cd. For example, cd ~ This will take you to your home directory.
CTRL C This makes the terminal end the current processes.
clear clears screen of terminal.
the tab button this tells the terminal to auto complete your command or file, after you started typing.
the up key this will refer to the last command you typed, each time you press it.
touch filename touch is a command that creates a file immediately in the working directory. It will name it what you type as the filename. A file extension is not necessary but can be typed in as well. Ex: touch temporary.js
Created by: samanthadegges
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