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Network+ Media

Cat 3 Speed 10 megabit Ethernet or 16 megabit token ring
Cat 5 Speed 100 megabit Ethernet. Supports gigabit (1000 Mb) Ethernet
Cat 5e Speed 100 megabit Ethernet. Supports gigabit (1000 Mb) Ethernet
Cat 6 Speed 10 gigabit Ethernet
Cat 6 material Has a solid plastic core that keeps the twisted pairs separated and prevents the cable from being bent too tightly.
RJ-45 Connector Has 8 connectors and supports up to 4 pairs of wires. Uses a locking tab to keep connector secure.
RJ-11 Has 4 connectors and supports up to 2 pairs of wires. Uses a locking tab to keep connector secure. Primarily used for telephone wiring.
PVC cable Cannot be used to wire above ceilings because it is toxic when burned.
How is STP Constructed (Shielded Twisted Pair) Has a grounded outer copper shield around the bundle of twisted pairs or around each pairadding protection against EMI.
UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) These cables are easy to work with and are less expensive than shielded cables.
Components of Coaxial Cable This cable has an inner conductor which carries data signals and is made of copper or copper coated tin. It also has a mesh conductor used as a second physical channel that also grounds the cable.
Advantages of Coaxial cable This cable is highly resistant to EMI and physical damage
Disadvantages of Coaxial cable The main disadvantages of this cable is that it is expensive, inflexible and not supported by newer network standards.
RG-58 10GBase2 - This cable has a resistance rating of 50 ohms and is also called Thinnet.
RG-8 10GBase5 - This cable has a resistance rating of 50 ohms and is also called Thicknet.
RG-6 This cable has a resistance rating of 75 ohms, is good in networking applications and is especially good where long distances are involved.
RG-59 This cable has a resistance rating of 75 ohms and is used for cable TV and cable networking.
F-Type Connector This connector type is twisted onto the cable, used to create cable and satellite tv connections and to connect a cable modem to a broadband cable connection.
BNC Connector This connector is molded onto the cable and used in 10Base2 Ethernet networks.
AUI This connector is a DB15 serial connector and used in 10Base5 Ethernet networks.
How many strands are needed to connect fiber optic cables? Two strands are necessary to connect these types of cables. One for transmitting and one for receiving.
The core of this cable is made of plastic or glass Fiber Optic Cable
What helps maintain the signal in the bend of a fiber optic cable? The cladding is used to maintain the signal in the center of this cable.
Advantages of fiber optic cable This cable is immune to EMI, highly resistant to eavesdropping, allows greater cable distance without a repeater and supports extremely high data transmission rates.
Disadvantages of fiber optic cable The cable is very expensive, difficult to work with and requires special training to attach connectors and cables.
Single Mode Fiber This mode transfers data through the core of the cable using a single light ray and supports large amounts of data at great distances.
Singe Mode Fiber This cable is 10 microns in diameter
Multi-mode fiber This cable transfers data through the core using multiple light rays with cable lengths at great distances.
Multi-mode fiber This cable is 50 to 100 microns in diameter
ST Connector This cable uses a keyed bayonet type connector and is also called a push in and twist connector. As part of the assembly, it is also necessary to polish the exposed end of the fiber tip to ensure that light is passed on from one cable to another.
SC Connector This nickel plated cable connector uses push on, pull off connector and a ceramic ferrule to insure proper core alignment and prevent light ray deflection.
LC Connector This cable connector uses single connector with two ends and is plastic with a locking tab similar to an RJ-45 connector and a ceramic ferrule to insure proper core alignment and prevent light ray deflection.
MT-RJ Connector This cable connector uses a single connector with one end to hold both cables and uses a plastic connector with a locking tab and metal guide pins to ensure it is properly aligned.
UTP Pin 1 & Pin 2 In a UTP cable, these two pins are used to transmit (Tx).
UTP Pin 3 & Pin 6 In a UTP cable, these two pins are used to transmit (Rx).
T568A wire arrangement This UTP cabling standard arranges the pins in the order GW, G, OW, BL, BW, O, BrW, Br
T568B wire arrangement This UTP cabling standard arranges the pins in the order OW, O, GW, B, BW, G, BrW, Br
Crossover Cable A cable using the T568A standard on one end and T568B on the other end.
MDF This is the main wiring point for a building, typically located in the basement or bottom floor.
IDF This is a smaller wiring distribution point within a building typically located on each floor about the MDF.
Demarc Extension This typically consists of a single wire bundle that attaches to the existing demarc and supplies a termination point to a different location.
25 Pair Cable Consist of 25 pairs of copoer wires in a single bundle. Often used for telco installs that have multiple phone lines and to replace multiple cat3/5/53/6 cables in a single bundle. Also used for cross connects.
25 Pair Cable This pair cable uses an RJ-21 connecter and has two groups of wires containing 10 colors.
25 Pair Color Groups Group 1: white, red, black, yellow and violet Gropu 2: blue, orange, green, brown and slate
25 Pair block Also called a non-split block. All four pings are bonded or electrically connected. Use this block to connect a single wire with up to 3 other wires.
50 Pair block Also called a split block. Each set of 2 pins in a row are bonded. The left pin is connected with the middle left pin while the right pin is connected with the middle right pin. Use this block to connect a single wire to one other wire.
66 block This block has two types of configurations, 25 pair and 50 pair block.
10BaseT Twisted Pair Cat3,4,5 operates at 10Mbps Half Duplex and 20 Mbps Full Duplex
10BaseT Segment Length Twisted pair Cat 3,4, 5 100 meter segment length cable
10BaseFL 10Mbps fiber optic multi-mode cable
10BaseFL Segment Length Fiber 1000-2000 meter segment length cable
Two Ethernet standards 10BaseT and 10Base FL
Two Fast Ethernet standards 100BaseTX and 100BaseFX
100BaseTx Cat 5 or higher twisted pair cable operates at 100Mbps half and 200 full duplex
100BaseTx Segment Length Twisted paire Cat5 or higher 100 meter segment length cable
100BaseFx Segment Length Fiber 412 meter multi-mode and 2000 meter single mode segment length.
100BaseFx Fiber optic cable that operates at 100Mbps half and 200Mbps full duplex
Four Gigabit Ethernet Standards 1000BaseT, 1000BaseCX(short copper), 1000Base SX(short), 1000BaseLX(long)
1000BaseT segment length Twisted pair Cat5 or higher and 100 meter segments
1000BaseCX Segment Length 25 meter segment length and normally used within wiring closets.
1000BaseSX Segment Length Fiber optic cable 220 to 550 meter segment length
1000BaseLX Segment Length 550 meter multi-mode segment length or 5 kilometer single mode segment length.
10GBase standards that end in W are used for what? SONET Implementations
What is the maximum number of hosts ethernet supports on a single subnet? 1024 hosts
Four 10 Gigibit Ethernet Standards 10GBaseT, 10GBaseSR/10GBaseSW, 10GBaseLR/10GBaseLW,10GBaseER/10GBaseEW
Duplex Mode for 10G Ethernet Standards These standards use Full Duplex only.
10GBaseSR/10GBaseSW Multi-mode fiber optic with 300 meter segment length
10GBaseLR/10GBaseLW Single mode fiber optic with 10 kilometer segment length
10GBaseER/10GBaseEW Single mode fiber optic with 40 kilometer segment length
Created by: tlegens
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