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Ch 20 Genitourinary


ACTH (ADRENOCORTICOTROPIC HORMONE) hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates the growth of the adrenal gland cortex and the secretion of increase in secretion occurs in resoponse to low level of circulating cortisol
AFFERENT carrying toward a given point
CALCULI abnormal hard mass composed of minerals and salts; commonly referred to as a stone
CONDUIT channel or pipe conveying fluids
ESWL (EXTRACORPOREAL SHOCK WAVE LITHOTRIPSY) a noninvasive method that uses shock waves generated by an electrical discharge through water to pulverize calculi of the kidney
CORTEX outer most part of a structure
GEROTA'S FASCIA a fibrous capsule that encircles the kidney to aid in keeping the kidney in the correct anatomical position and to cushion it from injury
HILUM the medial border of the kidney that is convex and receives the renal blood vessels
HIRSUTISM abnormal hairiness, especially in woman
HYPERTROPHY enlargement or overgrowth of a sructure due to an increase in the size of its cells
HYPOSPADIAS a congenital abnormality characterized by the urethral opening located on the underside of the penis or on the perineum of the male, or in the vagina of the female
INCONTINENCE inability to control excretory functions
INTRAVENOUS UROGRAM AKA INTRAVENOUS PYELOGRAM (IVP) diagnostic study that involves the injection of a contrast medium into a vein; the rediopaque material is filtered through the kidney and excreted providing an outline of the entire urologic system
MEDULLA innermost part of a structure
PREPUCE a fold of skin that forms a cover that can be pulled back, such as the foreskin of the penis and the fold around the clitoris
RETROPERIONEAL referring to the space between the peritoneum and the posterior abdominal wall
STOMA an incised opening that is kept open for drainage or other purposes
SUPRARENAL GLANDS endocrine glands that rest on the superior portion of the kidneys; consists of cortex and medulla; the cortex secrets steroid-type hormones essential to the control of fluid and electrolyte balance; and the medulla secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine
TORSION a condition of being twisted
TURP (TRANURETHRAL RESECTION OF THE PROSTATE) the partial or full remobal of the prostate gland with a resectoscope that is placed through the urethra
UTI (URINARY TRACT INFECTION) inflammation or infection of one or more organs or structures of the urinary system
VESICAL TRIGONE an important anatomical landmark of the bladder formed by the two ureteral openings at the posterolateral angles, and the urethral opening at the inferior angle
Created by: E.Ochoa
Popular Surgery sets




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