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mass media 14 & 15

fourth estate the press as a player in medieval power structures, in addition to the clerical, noble and common estates
Edmund Burke British member of parliament who is sometimes credited with coining the term fourth estate
fourth branch the press as an informally structured check on the legislative, executive and judicial branches of U.S government
watchdog role concept of the press as a skeptical and critical monitor of government
equal time rule government requirement for stations to offer competing political candidates the same time period and the same rate for advertising
fairness doctrine former government requirement that stations air all sides of public issues
Don Burden Radio station owner who lost licenses because he favored some political candidates over others
Tornillo opinion the U.S Supreme Court upheld First Amendment protection for the print media even if they are imbalanced and unfair
Maxwell McCombs, Don Shaw scholars whose agenda-setting ideas further displaced powerful effect theory
agenda-setting the process through which issues bubble up into public attention through mass media selection of what to cover
CNN Effect the ability of television, through emotion-raising video, to elevate distant issue on the domestic public agenda
framing selecting aspects of a perceived reality for emphasis in a mass media message, thereby shaping how the audience sees the reality
horse race An election campaign treated by reporters like a game-- who's ahead, who's falling back, who's coming up the rail
sound bites the actual voice of someone in the news, sandwiched into a correspondent's report
trial balloon a deliberate leak of a potential policy, usually from a diversionary source, to test public response
leak a deliberate disclosure of confidential or classified information by someone who wants to advance the public interest, embarrass a bureaucratic rival or supervisor, or disclose incompetence or skullduggery
pseudo-event a staged event to attract media attention, usually lacking substance
photo op short for "photo opportunity" a staged event, usually photogenic,used to attract media attention
negative ads political campaign advertising, usually on television, in which candidates criticize the opponents rather than emphasizing their own platforms
attack ads a subspecies of negative ads, especially savage in criticizing an opponent, many playing loosely with context and facts
527 status for political support groups that independently create and finance campaign advertising
section 312 requires broadcasters to carry ads for federal candidates
section 315 Requires stations to sell equal time to competing candidates
straw donor a person who uses someone else's money to make a political contribution
political action committee creations of corporations, labor unions and ideological organizations to collect money to support candidates
First National Bank of Boston Litigant in U.S Supreme Court decision allowing corporations to advertise for and against ballot initiatives (FNB v. Bellotti, 1977)
Citizens United U.S Supreme Court decision allowing corporations to buy advertising directly for and against political candidates (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 2010)
swiftboating smear campaigns, generally by 527s
authoritarianism top-down governance such as a monarchy or dictatorshop
Henry VIII English king whose censorship epitomized early authoritarianism
pre-publication censorship authorities preview material before dissemination
King James I articulated the divine-right-of-kings theory
divine right of kings proper decisions follow the monarch's will, which is linked to the Almighty
John Milton Early libertarian thinker
marketplace of ideas an unbridled forum for free inquiry and free expression
Enlightenment a movement emphasizing reason and individualism
self-righting process although people make occasional errors in truth-seeking, they eventually discover and correct them
Thomas Paine Revolutionary War pamphleteer who defined libertarianism for common readers
Thomas Jefferson among libertarian drafters of Declaration of Independence
natural rights inherent human rights, including self-determination
First Amendment the free-expression section of the U.S constitution
microblogging online exchange forum, typically of sentence fragments
Edwin Stanton U.S secretary of state who organized Civil War censorship of sensitive military news
rice-roots reporting uncensored field reporting from the Vietnam War
Pool system reporters chosen on a rotating basis to cover an event to which access is limited
Victoria Clarke Designed policy to embed war reporters in combat units
nation-state a sovereign state whose people share a political system and usually language or ethnicity
WikiLeaks Unaffiliated online source that posts secret government and corporate documents. Designed to correct abusive practices and promote public dialogue and involvement
Julian Assange Founder of WikiLeaks
principled leaking concept that government and corporate employees serve a better good in whistle-blowing on corrupt, deceitful and secret practices
U.S Agency for International Development (USAID) government agency that administers non-military foreign aid
nation building encouraging governance and infrastructure systems in developing countries
soft diplomacy government's low-key initiatives to create a favorable context for foreign relations. Includes direct-to-the-people media messages
Radio Farda U.S government Farsi language service aimed at Iran and Iraq
Radio and Televison Marti U.S propaganda station aimed at Cuba
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty U.S propaganda stations aimed at countries in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Middle East without a free flow of information
Voice of America U.S government-funded producer of broadcast and internet programming sent into nations with state-controlled media to articulate U.S policies directly to the people
Golden Shield Firewall Chinese system to control internal internet communication within the country
Hammad bin Khalifa Founder of Al-Jazeera television news network
Al-Jazeera Qatar-based satellite news channel for Arab audiences; now global
propaganda widespread promotion of particular ideas, doctrines usually loose with truth or designed to promote a distinctly partisan or sectarian view
Dubai Media Incorporated Quasi-government agency building Dubai into a Mideast entertainment production center
Liu Di under the pseudonym Stainless Steel Mouse, she satirized the Chinese government until arrested and silenced
Emergency Response Law Chinese limits on news reporting of disasters, ostensibly to ensure social stability
embeds news reporters who are with military units on missions
prior censorship government review of content before dissemination
firewall a block on unauthorized access to a computer system while permitting outward communication
Next Carrying Network (CN2) Fast Chinese internet protocols built on new technical standards; incompatible with other protocols
Created by: emilyclawson
Popular Business sets




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