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Preparation for English Lit Test 2

What was the surname of the monarchs during this time? Tudor
Who produced the first printed version of the New Testament and began working on the Old Testament? Tyndale
Who put William Tyndale to death in 1536? Henry VIII
Who published the first printed version of the entire English Bible in 1535? Coverdale
Was Henry VIII Catholic or Protestant? Protestant
Who claimed himself the supreme head of the church? Henry VIII
Who became king when he was 9? Edward
Which king died at age 15? Edward
Which monarch tried to re-establish the Catholic Church? Mary
Which monarch persecuted many Protestant Christians? Mary
Which monarch established Protestantism? Elizabeth
Which monarch died in 1603? Elizabeth
Which monarch agreed with the Puritans? King James I
Which version of the Bible was published in 1611? King James Version
What is a "speech by a lone character on the stage"? soliloquy
What is "two rhyming lines which express a complete thought"? couplet
What are the two types of dramas? tragedy and comedy
What is a 14-lined poem? sonnet
Who was the founder of Italian sonnets? Petrarch
Which type of sonnet is made up of 3 quatrains and a couplet? English
For which type of poetry does this rhyme scheme apply: abab/cdcd/efef/gg English sonnet
Who wrote The Faerie Queene? Edmund Spenser
What literary term refers to symbolic meaning? allegory
Which character in The Faerie Queene represented Queen Elizabeth? Gloriana
In The Faerie Queene, who was represented by the Red Cross Knight? King Arthur
How many books did Edmund Spenser intend to write? twelve
What is the name of the villain in The Faerie Queene? Error
Who wrote Utopia? Thomas More
Who had 9 lines to every stanza of his poetry? Edmund Spenser
Definition: "the regular recurrence of sounds" rhyme
Definition: "the correspondence of sounds" rhythm
Who wrote The Book of Martyrs? John Foxe
Definition: "unrhymed iambic pentameter" blank verse
Which book contains the wedding vows that are often used in today's wedding ceremonies? The Book of Common Prayer
Who brought Doctor Faustus fire to warm his blood? Mephistophilis
Which character/speaker corresponds with the quote: "I have preached to you God's Word and truth, and am come this day to seal it with my blood" Dr. Rowland Taylor
Who was England's first essayist? Francis Bacon
Who was a personal advisor to Henry VIII, but beheaded because he could not be convinced that Henry's divorce should be approved? Thomas More
"No Place" Utopia
How many feet are in iambic pentameter? five
What does Renaissance mean? Rebirth
Which character/speaker corresponds with the quote: "I have preached to you God's Word and truth, and am come this day to seal it with my blood" Dr. Rowland Taylor
What type of writing combines qualities of medieval romance (knights) with allegory (ex. The Faerie Queene)? Romantic Allegory
Which author was a spy for the English government? Christopher Marlowe
Who wrote Doctor Faustus? Christopher Marlowe
Which character/speaker corresponds with the quote: "Come not, Lucifer - /I'll burn my books." Doctor Faustus
Which author corresponds with the quote: "Drink to me only with thine eyes,/And I will pledge with mine" Ben Jonson
Which author corresponds with the quote: "Upon a great adventure he was bond/That greatest Gloriana to him gave," Edmund Spenser
In which poetic foot are two unaccented syllables followed by an accented syllable? anapest
Name the special nine-line stanza. Spenserian stanza
Which author corresponds with the quote: "Come not, Lucifer-/I'll burn my books." Christopher Marlowe
Which work corresponds with the quote: "Drink to me only with thine eyes,/And I will pledge with mine" "Song to Celia"
Which work corresponds with the quote: "Upon a great adventure he was bond/That greatest Gloriana to him gave" The Faerie Queene
In which poetic foot is one unaccented syllable followed by an accented syllable? iamb
Definition: "the arrangement of events" plot
Definition: "classic love song dealing with shepherds and rustic life" pastoral
Definition: "the speeches or conversations in a play" dialogue
Which character ultimately goes to hell? Doctor Faustus
Which ruler was said to be shrewd and just? Elizabeth
Who sells his soul for 24 years of earthly glory and pleasure? Doctor Faustus
Who exhibits great fortitude through his martyrdom? Dr. Rowland Taylor
Which work stresses a planned society? Utopia
Who was England's first poet laureate? Ben Jonson
Sir Thomas Wyatt and the Earl of Surrey gave England what poetic form? sonnet
King James I was the first ___ monarch. Stuart
What does the speaker of Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 compare his love to? a summer's day
Who wrote the first piece of English literary criticism, the Apology for Poetry? Sir Philip Sidney
Who wrote a poem in which the phrase "Cherry ripe!" occurs? Thomas Campion
What is the title of a poem in which roses are sent to a beautiful lady to keep them from withering? Song to Celia
Who wrote "The Burning Babe?" Robert Southwell
According to one of Shakespeare's sons, who "keels" the pot? greasy Joan
According to Shakespeare's Sonnet 116, ___ is "an ever-fixed mark/That looks on tempests" and a "star to every wandering bark." love
Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, or Elizabethan? SHAKESPEARE Elizabethan
Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, or Elizabethan? THE PEARL POET Medieval
Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, or Elizabethan? BEOWULF Anglo-Saxon
Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, or Elizabethan? CHAUCER Medieval
Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, or Elizabethan? WYRD Anglo-Saxon
Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, or Elizabethan? IAMBIC PENTAMETER Elizabethan
Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, or Elizabethan? KING ALFRED Anglo-Saxon
Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, or Elizabethan? BUBONIC PLAGUE Medieval
Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, or Elizabethan? BEN JONSON Elizabethan
Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, or Elizabethan? KNIGHTS & CHIVALRY Medieval
Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, or Elizabethan? PERSECUTION OF CHRISTIANS Elizabethan
Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, or Elizabethan? BARBARIANISM Anglo-Saxon
Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, or Elizabethan? THE FAERIE QUEENE Elizabethan
Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, or Elizabethan? POETRY WAS SUNG Anglo-Saxon
Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, or Elizabethan? DARK AGES Medieval
Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, or Elizabethan? SPENSERIAN STANZA Elizabethan
Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, or Elizabethan? DRAMAS BASED ON BIBLICAL HISTORY Medieval
Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, or Elizabethan? SEAFARER Anglo-Saxon
Which poet funded the first exploration to the New World (Roanoke Island in North Carolina's Outer Banks) Sir Walter Raleigh
Which poet wrote a response to Christopher Marlowe's pastoral poem? Sir Walter Raleigh
In The Faerie Queene, which character represented the Roman Catholic Church? Error
Name one of the four new types of English literature begun in the Elizabethan period: literary criticism/romantic allegory/sonnet/essay
Who is the greatest dramatist and sonnet writer in English literature? Shakespeare
Which literary genre reached its zenith during the Elizabethan period? drama
Under which monarch did England develop into a world power? Elizabeth I
Who was the first of the Tudor kings? Henry VII
Middle English transitioned during this period, in the pronunciation of long vowels and the final "e" being dropped in pronunciation and spelling and became: Modern English
Which major figure developed the Book of Common Prayer? Thomas Cranmer
Definition: "the measured rhythm of poetry" meter
Bible translator responsible for the "Great Bible." Miles Coverdale
What was a favorite type of six-part song popular in Elizabethan times? madrigal
Which Catholic queen martyred Thomas Cranmer, Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley and Rowland Taylor? Bloody Mary
Definition: "a work of moderate length in which the writer tries to develop his/her own thoughts on some subject. The word means attempt." essay
Definition: "the repetition of the accented vowel sound and all succeeding sounds in words which come at the end of lines of poetry" end rhyme
Definition: "the pattern in a line of poetry, consisting of one accented syllable and one or two unaccented syllables" foot
In which poetic foot is an accented syllable followed by two unaccented ones? dactyl
In which poetic foot are there two accented syllables? spondee
Which poetic form is made up of two parts, an octave and a sestet, which represent a division in thought? Italian sonnet
Definition: "a group of four lines or a four-line stanza pattern used in poetry" quatrain
Definition: "an eight-line poem or stanza; often used to emphasize the first eight lines of an Italian sonnet" octave
Definition: "a six-line poem or the second stanza of an Italian sonnet which follows an eight-line division to clarify the preceding octave" sestet
Created by: 1348555001
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