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The data from this StudyStack can be printed in several different formats. Select the format below that best suits your needs.

Table View

Table view of data   Print all the data as a table. Use this if you want all the data on as few pages as possible. After clicking the button below, you can also click on a column heading to sort by that column before printing the page.

3x5 Index Cards

3x5 inch index cards Print cards on standard 3x5 inch index cards for printers that can print on standard size index cards. Print the document double sided so that questions can be on one side and answers on the others. The question will be on the odd pages and the answers on the even pages.
Please confirm what will be printed.
Font Size
Question: (odd pages)
Answer: (even pages)

4x6 Index Cards

4x6 inch index cards Print cards on standard 4x6 inch index cards for printers that can print on standard size index cards. Print the document double sided so that questions can be on one side and answers on the others. The question will be on the odd pages and the answers on the even pages.
Please confirm what will be printed.
Font Size
Question: (odd pages)
Answer: (even pages)

Index Cards for perforated stock

3x5 inch flashcards on perforated stock Print cards on standard index card stock which puts three cards per page. Print the document double sided so that questions can be on one side and answers on the others. The question will be on the odd pages and the answers on the even pages.
Please confirm what will be printed.
Font Size
Question: (odd pages)
Answer: (even pages)

Two 4x6 Index Cards per page

3x5 inch flashcards on perforated stock Print two 4x6 inch cards on standard paper with borders and cut out your cards. Print the document double sided so that questions can be on one side and answers on the others. The question will be on the odd pages and the answers on the even pages.
Please confirm what will be printed.
Font Size left align
Question: (odd pages)
Answer: (even pages)

8 Cards per page

2.5x3.5 inch flashcards on perforated stock Print 8 cards per page. Print the document double sided so that questions can be on one side and answers on the others. The question will be on the odd pages and the answers on the even pages.
Please confirm what will be printed.
Font Size draw borders left align
Top Margin
Bottom Margin
Left Margin
Right Margin
Question: (odd pages)
Answer: (even pages)

Business Cards

2x3.5 inch flashcards on perforated stock Print cards on standard business card stock which puts 10 cards per page. Print the document double sided so that questions can be on one side and answers on the others. The question will be on the odd pages and the answers on the even pages.
Please confirm what will be printed.
Font Size draw borders left align
Question: (odd pages)
Answer: (even pages)

Post Cards

4.25 x 5.5 inch flashcards on perforated stock Print cards on standard post card stock which puts 4 cards per page. Print the document double sided so that questions can be on one side and answers on the others. The question will be on the odd pages and the answers on the even pages.
Please confirm what will be printed.
Font Size draw borders left align
Question: (odd pages)
Answer: (even pages)

One Card Per Page

one answer or question per page Print cards one card per page. This format is especially useful for viewing on a PDA.
Please confirm what will be printed.
Font Size
Question: (odd pages)
Answer: (even pages)

Word Search Puzzle

Word Search Puzzle Print out a word search puzzle using a random group of words from this set of data.
Puzzle words:

Crossword Puzzle

Crossword Puzzle Print out a crossword puzzle using a random group of words from this set of data. If you want an answer key, click the "Show Answer" button on the next page and then print the page again.
Puzzle words:

Bingo Cards

Bingo Cards Print BINGO game cards using data from this set.
Bingo Squares:
Call sheet:
Number of cards:

Matching Quiz

Matching quiz print-out Print out a matching worksheet using a random selection from the flashcards of this set of data.


Quiz print-out Print out a multiple choice quiz using a random selection from the flashcards of this set of data.
Max questions:
include answer key


Test print-out Print out a matching and short answer test using a random selection from the flashcards of this set of data.
include answer key

Created by: 1157511652
Popular Standardized Tests sets