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Chapter 4 Vocabulary

Culture Group of belief systems, norms, and values practiced by a people.
Folk culture Small, homogenous population that is typically rural and cohesive in cultural traits that are passed down from generation to generation.
Popular culture Cultural traits such as dress, diet, and music that identify and are part of today’s changeable, urban-based, media-influenced, global society.
Local culture People who see themselves as a collective or a community, share experiences, customs, and traits, and work to preserve their traits and customs in a place
Material culture Physical aspects of culture, including art, tools, buildings, and clothing that are made by people.
Nonmaterial culture Non physical aspects of culture, including beliefs, practices, aesthetics, and values that are defined by people.
Hierarchical diffusion Spread of an idea or innovation from one person or place to another person or place based on a hierarchy of connectedness. Specific type of expansion diffusion.
Hearth Area or place where an idea, innovation, or technology originates.
Customs Common practice or routine way of doing things in a culture.
Assimilation When a minority group loses distinct cultural traits, such as dress, food, or speech, and adopts the customs of the dominant culture. Can happen voluntarily or by force.
Indigenous local cultures People who see themselves as a community and also identify as indigenous, or original, to a place.
Context The physical and human geographies creating the place, environment, and space in which events occur and people act.
Neolocalism Conscious effort to define a sense of place for local or regional culture. Often used by local businesses, such as microbreweries, to identify local products with local or regional culture.
Ethnic neighborhoods Area within an urban area where a relatively large group of people from one ethnic group or local culture lives.
Gentrification Renewal or rebuilding of a lower income neighborhood into a middle- to upper-class neighborhood, which results in driving up property values and rents and the dispossession of lower income residents.
Cultural appropriation When one culture adopts customs and knowledge from another culture and uses them for its own benefit.
Commodification Transformation of goods and services into products that can be bought, sold, or traded.
Authenticity The idea that one place or experience is the true, actual one.
Distance decay Decreasing likelihood of diffusion with greater distance from the hearth.
Time-space compression Increasing connectedness between world cities from improved communication and transportation networks.
Music festival Concert event featuring multiple performers and additional entertainment that often lasts more than one day.
Hallyu (Hanryu) South Korean waves of popular culture, especially in music, television, and movies.
Reterritorialization When a local culture shapes an aspect of popular culture as their own, adopting the popular culture to their local culture.
Stimulus diffusion A process of diffusion where two cultural traits blend to create a distinct trait.
Relocation diffusion Spread of an idea or innovation from its hearth by the act of people moving and taking the idea or innovation with them.
Cultural landscape The visible human imprint on the landscape
Placelessness Loss of uniqueness of a location so that one place looks like the next.
Convergence of cultural landscapes Merging of cultural landscapes that happens with broad diffusion of landscape traits.
Urban morphology The layout of a city, including the sizes and shapes of buildings and the pathways of infrastructure.
Created by: pl233612
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