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Epic Luthemia WW1

WW1 epic definitions with anime babes yes and terms ugh ACK ACK. Robux.

Noob A non-Roux player
Committee on public information government organization that produced propaganda to build support for the war.
War bonds low-interested loan by civilians to the government to be a repaired in a number of years.
General John J Pershing commander of American forces in Europe WW1.
American Expeditionary Force. The American army that fought in Europe in WW1.
Militarism Policy of making military power a primary goal of a nation.
communism Single-party political system in which the government controls and plans the economy with the goal on common ownership.
epidemic outbreak of contagious disease that spreads rapidly and widely.
armistice An end to the fighting.
convoy A guard that accompanies and protects ships or troops.
second battle of Marne battle that was the turning point.
belle wood Site of American victory in France 1918.
Propaganda opinions expressed for the purpose of influencing the actions of others.
Sedition Act. 1918 law that made it illegal to criticize the government
Espionage act. 1917 law that set heavy fines and long prison terms for anti war activities.
Nationalism. Pride in and loyalty to nation.
Allies. Britan, France, Russain empire, Italy, Sebia, and others
Central Power the WW1 alliance of Germany, astray-hungary, the ottar empire, and Bulgaria.
Woodrow wilson president of america in WW1
U-boat German Submarine.
Trench warfare Warefare where soldiers dug into deep trenches across the field
Zimmerman Telegram telegram telling German abassodor to ask Mexico to declare war on United States.
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