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Social Studies 2019

Vocab Terms

Artifact An item from long ago that tells archeologists about past culture
Archeology Study of evidence left by early people in order to find out about past cultures.
Glacier Thick sheets of ice that covered the world over 10,000 years ago.
Land bridge theory Scientific explanation for the arrival of the earliest Americans who traveled over the Beringian "land bridge".
Irrigation A method to water crops by channeling water from rivers or streams.
Surplus Extra goods-------more than is needed.
Adobe Sun Dried brick used to build and protect homes of the Pueblo people.
Pueblo Adobe dwelling,with many rooms.
Culture Unique way of life that are shaped by a variety of factors overtime, how a group of people live.
Culture Area Region in which people share a similar way of life.
Native American Descendants of the first people to reach the Americas thousands of years ago.
Tribe A group of people who share common customs,languages, or rituals.
Clans Groups of families that were related to one another, Iroquois lived in clans.
Civilization An advanced culture which people have developed cities,science,and industries.
Sachem A tribal chief that was elected by woman of the clan.
Repeal To cancel.
Writs of Assistance Legal document that let British officials inspect ships or businesses without a reason.
Committee of Correspondence Letter writing campaign between the colonies that reported on events in Massachusetts.
Nonimportation Agreements Agreement between American merchants not to import or buy British goods taxed by the Townshend Acts.
Sons of Liberty Organization of men that protested the British laws and policies-protests,boycotts,occasional violence.
Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts) Laws placed on Massachusetts in early 1774 to punish them for the Boston Tea Party-closed Boston Harbor.
First Continental Congress September 1774-Meeting of colonial delegates in Philadelphia-agreed to boycott British goods and set up militias.
Militia An army of citizens who serve as soldiers.
Minutemen Massachusetts volunteer soldiers who trained regularly and was ready to fight.
French and Indian War War from 1753-1759 that was fought between England and her colonies and the French and the Indians.
Albany Plan of Union Plan created by Ben Franklin that attempted to get the 13 colonies to unite to fight the French. (1754)
Treaty of Paris Ended the French and Indian War, gave England all of France's land in America. (1763)
Proclamation of 1763 Law that drew an imaginary line along the Appalachian Mts, and forbid colonists from moving west of that line-avoid conflicts with Indians.
Sugar Act 1764-Law that put tax on many items including sugar and molasses.
Stamp Act 1765-Law that required all printed materials to have an official British stamp-raised the price of paper products.
Quartering Act Law that required colonists to feed and house British soldiers without any repayment. (1765 and 1767)
Townshend Acts 1767-Law that taxed common everyday items like glass, paint, lead, etc.
Tea Act 1773-Law that allowed British East India co. to sell tea directly to colonists. This upset colonial merchants.
Petition A formal written request signed by a group of people.
Boycott To refuse to buy goods or use services.
Constitution 1787 Document that sets out the laws and principles of government.
Confederation An alliance of independent states.
Articles of Confederation The first government used in the U.S. from 1781-1787. (weak)
Constitutional Convention Meeting in Philadelphia where state leaders met to revise the Articles of Confederation in May of 1787.
Republic A government in which citizens rule themselves through elected officials.
Compromise A settlement in which each side gives up some of its demands to reach an agreement.
Federalism Division of governmental powers amongst the state government and the national government.
Economic Depression A period when business activity slows, prices and wages fall, and unemployment rises.
Separation of Powers A principle of government in which powers are divided among individual and separate branches.
Executive Branch This group makes sure that all laws are carried out and put into effect and includes the President and Vice President.
Legislative Branch (congress) This group makes the laws and includes the Senate and House of Representatives.
Judicial Branch This group makes sure that all laws are fair and includes the Supreme Court.
Checks and Balances System where each branch of of government can check or control the actions of the other branches.
Census A periodic governmental count of population, helps determine the number of representatives from each state in the House of Representatives.
Electoral College Group of electors from every state who meet every four years to vote for the president and vice president.
Execute To carry out the laws.
Bill A proposed law.
Veto To reject.
Due process Idea that the government must follow the same rules in all cases brought to trial.
Impeach To bring formal charges of wrong doing against a government official. (president)
Amend To change
Bill of Rights List of freedoms that a government promises to protect; the first 10 amendments to the constitution.
Created by: 25eldremil
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