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Settling NC

Jack's Study Guide

What was the first successful colony in the New World in 1607? Jamestown
What gave permission to establish the Carolina Colony? Carolina Charter of 1663
Who owned and ruled Carolina? 8 Lords Proprietors
Where was Carolina? Land of Charles-from Virginia to Florida
What was the 1667 protest of British taxes? Culpepper's Rebellion
What was the Tuscarora War? 1711 fight for more land and settlements; colonists won
When was Carolina split into NC and SC? 1712
What did the Proprietors do in 1729? Sold Carolina back to the King (of England); became a Royal Colony
What was sold in the Coastal Plains? tar and pitch (naval stores)
What was a large city in the Coastal Plains due to its many ports? Wilmington
List three cash crops. tobacco, rice, cotton
Who worked on plantations? slaves and indentured servants
Created by: mrscombs
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