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World History

At the core of Hitler’s ideas was racism, especially ____________________. anti-Semitism
____________________ established the first European fascist movement in Italy in the early 1920s Benito Mussolini
After the collapse of Imperial Germany, a German democratic state called the ____________________ was formed. Weimar Republic
A _________________________ is a government that aims to control the political, economic, social, intellectual, and cultural lives of its citizens. totalitarian state
The goal of Stalin’s _____________________ was to transform Russia virtually overnight from an agricultural country into an industrial country, Five Year Plan(s)
The _____________________________ excluded Jews from German citizenship, forbade marriages between Jews and German citizens, and required Jews to wear yellow Stars of David to identify themselves as Jewish. Nuremberg Laws
Hitler seized power when two thirds of the Reichstag passed the ________________________ which gave Hitler’s government the power to ignore the constitution for four years. Enabling Act
The _______________________________ was designed to rebuild the prosperity and stability of war-torn Europe after WWII. Marshall Plan
The United States and the Soviet Union were involved in a growing ____________________________ in which both countries built up their armies and weapons. arms race
President ____________________ reached an agreement with North Vietnam that allowed the United States to withdraw its troops. Nixon
The _____________________________ stated that the United States would provide money to countries threatened by Communist expansion. Truman Doctrine
A country that was economically and politically dependent on the Soviet Union was called a ____________________________________. satellite state
Western European nations formed the _______________________ military alliance in which they agreed to provide mutual help if any one of them was attacked. NATO
In 1955, Eastern European countries joined in a military alliance called the ____________________. Warsaw Pact
The idea that allowing Communist aggressors to take over one country will encourage them to take over other nations has been called the ________________________________. domino theory
In ___________________________ local rulers are allowed to maintain their positions of authority and status in a new colonial setting. indirect rule
A general distrust of the British by Indian soldiers, plus specific rumors that their religious beliefs were being deliberately disrespected, led to the ____________________. Sepoy Mutiny
Conditions driving colonization by major European countries were racism, national prestige, the search for markets for manufactured goods and the need to obtain ____________________. raw materials
In ______________________ local elites were removed from power and replaced with a new set of officials brought from the colonizing country. direct rule
In the ________________________, the United States guaranteed the independence of the new Latin American nations and warned against any intervention in the Americas. Monroe Doctrine
____________________________ is the extension of a nation’s power over other lands including direct control over vast territories. imperialism
Before the Industrial Revolution, cloth was woven by individuals in their rural homes - a production method known as ___________________________. cottage industry
The domination of ___________________________ in much of Europe after the French Revolution led to liberal and nationalist calls for change that resulted in the Revolutions of 1848. conservatism
_____________________________ practiced realpolitik , which was a theory of politics based on practical matters rather than theory or ethics. Otto con Bismarck
The pitiful conditions created by the Industrial Revolution gave rise to ____________________ in which society owns and controls the means of production. socialism
According the ________________________ , the great powers of Europe had the right to send armies into countries where there were revolutions in order to restore legitimate monarchs to power principle of intervention
Karl Marx and Frederic Engels wrote ___________________________________ because they were appalled at the horrible conditions in factories. The Communist Manifesto
In the Second Industrial Revolution _______________, chemicals, electricity, and petroleum led the way to new industrial frontiers. steel
Although they made up only 5 percent of the population in the early 1900s, the __________________ controlled 30 to 40 percent of the wealth. new elite
Czar Nicholas II was forced to abandon absolute rule and create the ________________ in response to the growing discontent and opposition to his rule that led to the Revolution of 1905. Duma
Concerns over Germany’s policies in Europe, Great Britain, France, and Russia had an understanding called the ______________________________. Triple Entente
At the beginning of 1900, bands of Chinese roamed the country killing missionaries and Chinese Christians as well as foreign businessmen. This was known as the ____________________. Boxer Rebellion
Europeans who lived by their own laws while on Chinese soil practiced ___________________________. extraterritoriality
In 1899, U.S. secretary of state John Hay proclaimed that all major states with economic interests in China had agreed that the country should have an _________________________________. Open Door Policy
The ________________________________ signed in 1918 ended Russia’s involvement in World War I. Brest-Litovsk
The ____________________________ were a Serbian terrorist organization that wanted Bosnia to be free of Austria-Hungary and to become part of a large, independent Serbian kingdom. Black Hand
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire were know as the ___________________________ after the Ottoman Empire came into WWI on Germany’s side in 1914. Central Powers
President Wilson’s basis for a peace settlement was known as the “____________________.” Fourteen Points
The development of ________________________ baffled military leaders who had been trained to fight wars of movement. trench warfare
The return of the use of unrestricted submarine warfare by Germany brought the ____________________________ into WWI in 1917. United States
World War I involved a complete mobilization of resources and people that affected the lives of all citizens in the warring countries - a situation called ________________________. total war
During the 1920s, many countries in ____________________ became independent republics, but their economies were often dependent on large, wealthy nations. Central America
The Indian independence movement identified with ______________________ was secular, Western, and modern. Jawaharlal Nehru
_______________________ is the deliberate mass murder of a particular racial, political, or cultural group. genocide
Chinese communist leader _________________________ was convinced that a Chinese revolution would be driven by the poverty-stricken peasants in the countryside. Mao Zendog
President Mustafa Kemal, also known as ___________________, transformed Turkey into a modern, secular state. Ataturk
At the _____________________conference, Truman demanded free elections throughout Eastern Europe. Potsdam
During the _________________________ Germany bombed British cities nightly in hope of breaking British morale. Battle of Britain
Hitler demanded that Germany be given the ____________________ in Czechoslovakia because it was inhabited largely by Germans. Sudetenland
On December 7, 1941, Japanese aircraft attacked the U.S. naval base at __________________________. Pearl Harbor
At the ________________ Conference, the Big Three agreed to the creation of the United Nations. Yalta
The policy of giving in to Hitler’s demands before World War II has been called __________________. appeasement
The turning point of the war in Asia came June 4, 1942 at the Battle of ___________________. Midway Island
Germany got a clear path to invade Poland after Germany and the Soviet Union signed the ___________________________. Nazi-Soviet Nonagression Pact
On _____________________ forces under General Dwight D. Eisenhower landed on the beaches in Normandy to start the Allied invasion of Europe. D-Day
Created by: Paige Hackworth
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