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Unit 1-Colonization

Pilgrims English Protestants that wanted to seperate from the Church of England, first Englishmen to settle Massachusetts
Puritans (Include Great Migration) Members of the Church of England who wanted to “purify” the church and make it better, became largest and most powerful group to settle Massachusetts
Quakers Protestant sect that did not believe in violence and treated all people as equals, William Penn was a Quaker, so there were many in Pennsylvania and the Middle Colonies
Roger Williams Left Massachusetts, founder of the colony of Rhode Island, and founder of the Baptist Church
Thomas Hooker Left Massachusetts, founder of colony of Connecticut, writer of the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, one of the first constitutions in modern times
William Penn Quaker founder of Pennsylvania, stressed that all were welcome, and dealt with the Native Americans as equals
Cash Crop Crop that is grown to make money, usually involved crops like tobacco, indigo, and later cotton, also usually involved use of slave labor
Colonialism The settlement of foreign countries, or areas, to acquire raw materials and labor sources that will benefit the home country
Enlightenment A time of renewed interest in art and learning, and science in Europe
Great Awakening A rise in the importance, and role, of religion in the daily life of the colonies starting in the 1730’s up until the American Revolution, characterized by preachers traveling across large areas to hold religious services
Indentured Servant A person who agrees to work for a set amount of time to get free passage to the New World, indentured servants could be bought and sold, like slaves, during the term of their contract
Jamestown 1607 First permanent English Colony in the New World, John Rolfe/Tobacco, “Starving Time”
Joint Stock Company The pooling of money, by many investors, to invest in ventures to try and make a profit, investors can make money or lose money, used to help found colonies sometimes
Mercantilism The belief that the accumulation of gold and silver, or goods that can be traded for gold and silver, defines the strength of a nation or empire
Plantation A large scale farm, worked by slaves, that grew cash crops for exports, usually in southern or warmer climates
Protestant Reformation Conflict starting in the Catholic church, in the 1500’s in Northern Europe, led by Martin Luther, it caused a split and the formation of multiple Protestant (protest) churches
Representative Government A system of government where leaders are elected by the people
Salutary Neglect British Crown policy of avoiding strict enforcement of parliamentary laws meant to keep American colonies obedient to England
Triangular Trade (Include Middle Passage) A system of trade between the Americans, Europe, Africa, and the Caribbean that involved raw materials and cash crops, slaves, and manufactured goods, many “triangles” existed
Created by: RRIceboy883
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