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Unit 5 History

Unit 5 flashcards

What caused Pennsylvania whisky makers to rebel against tax? Tax on whiskey
Is the government now strong enough to enforce laws proving Constitution is a strong enough government to run the country? Yes
Was consent of the governed utilized during this tax? Yes
According to George Washington, should the country have political parties? No, because he believed it would divide or split our country
Based off of George Washington, should the county avoid foreign alliances and stay out of other countries wars? Yes
Who were the supporters in the Democratic Republican Party? The farmers
Which country did the people who favored a state government favor? France
Who were the supporters of the Federalist Party? The rich, and well educated
Which country did the people who favored a strong national government favor? Great Britain or England
What did the Alien Act allow? Allowed John Adams to deport or make immigrants or aliens who he thought were dangerous leave the country.
What did the Sedition Act allow? Allowed John Adams to arrest and fine citizens if they spoke of any criticism or hate toward the Federal government or President
What were the Alien and Sedition acts? Aimed to stop the Democratic Republicans and any sympathizers for the French cause.
What were the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions? Made by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Said that states created the government, so the states have rights.
What was Amendment XII? Puts the President and Vice President on separate ballots
What was the Election 1800? The House of Representatives break the ties between Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson after 35 votes
What was the Louisiana Purchase? Jefferson only wanted to buy the Port of New Orleans or New Orleans. But, Napoleon sells the whole area for 15 million because of war debt with Great Britain
What was the Louis and Clark Expedition? It was to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase. The number 1 goal was to find a Northwestern water passage.
What was the Cartoon about War of 1812? 3 reasons for Impressment of American Sailors, interfering with American shipping, and Native American resistance using British weapons
What made America a great world power and created great Nationalism or pride in the American country? War
What was the Monroe Doctrine? Issued by James Monroe that told all European countries to stay out of the affairs or business of North and South America.
Created by: audrey_b
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