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The War of 1812

The United States in the early 1800's

What Political Party did John Adams belong to? The Federalists.
What was the name of the war that revolutionary French started to attack American ships to hurt Britain. The Quasi War.
What is the term for disrespecting Americans by taking them and turning them British. Impressment
What act increased eligibility for citizenship, expel enemies in time of war, and publish articles to hurt the government. The Alien & Sedition Acts
What document declared The Alien & Sedition Acts unconstitutional The Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions.
The first election to switch power of parties. Election at 1800
The biggest purchase of land in American history. The Louisiana Purchase
Discoverers sent to take note of the Louisiana Purchase. did not le Louis and Clark
What was the act that cut off trade with other countries. The Embargo Act of 1807.
What act repealed that Embargo Act. The Non-Intercourse Act.
What Indian influenced influenced an alliance with other tribes. Tecumseh
Who was a famous military officer who won the war at themes? William Henry Harrison.
The most famous win of American History and who led it. Battle of Baltimore with Andrew Jackson.
A British Slaughter battle. Battle of New Orleans.
What supreme court case exercised the judicial reviews powers. Marbury v. Madison
What court case did not let the states pass laws that interfere with the constitution. Gibbons v. Ogden
Which court case gave congress the power to establish a national bank. McCulloch v. Maryland
Who lost the Creek war? The Creeks
What president was John Marshall secretary of state for? John Adams
Who were Thomas Jefferson's vice presidents? Aaron Burr and George Clinton.
How much was the Louisiana Purchase? $15,000,000
Created by: Begnachr000
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