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WW1 Vocab

Isolationism non-involvement in world affairs
Militarism Building up of military forces and weapons with an aggressive style of foreign policy
Central Powers One of the major sides of WW1-Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria
Allied Powers One of the major sides of WW1-Britain, France, Russia, Serbia, Belgium, and later U.S.
Zimmerman Telegram A message from the German foreign secretary to the President of Mexico proposing an alliance - it suggested that Mexico attack U.S. in return for U.S. territory, including Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico
Trench Warfare Fighting in a series of interconnected ditches along the battlefront; stationary battlefront dug into the ground for protection, support, and movement of troops
Reparations Payments made by the defeated nation to the winners for damages inflicted by war
Treaty of Versailles The agreement that ended WW1 and included the creation of new countries and harsh terms against Germany
Alliances An agreement made between two or more countries to give each other help and protection during a time of war
League of Nations International institution created to enforce the treaty ending the war and preventing future wars through conflict resolution
Nationalism Strong support for the rights and interests of one's country or ethnic group; identifying strongly with one's culture or ethnic group
Propaganda Manipulating public opinion through the distribution of posters, music, speeches, film, and publications to gain support for a political cause
Selective Service Act Used to draft men into the armed forces of the U.S. miltary
Neutrality A policy of not taking sides with any nations or alliances during war
U-Boat A German submarine, used successfully during WW1 to topedo and sink Allied ships
Ration To provide a fixed portion to soldiers, sailors, or civilians during a shortage
Convoy A group of merchant ships traveling with and protected by military ships
Ratify To confirm and adopt a measure suggested by someone else - usually referring to legal matters
Imperialism The policy of taking control of foreign territory, including its government and national resources, in order to build an empire
Created by: royalljm
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