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US History Unit 3

US Becomes a world power, Progressive Era, and WW1

pan americanism the cooperation of all countries in north and south America
yellow journalism Journalism that is over-exaggerating, usually based on sensationalism
jingoism extreme nationalism or patriotism, usually aggressive foreign policy
sphere of influence a country that has another country's power able to affect its and development. No formal authority
diplomacy the act of managing relations overseas, by government and by peace
protectorate a state or territory protected by or controlled by another
muckrakers one who delves into politics to publish scandal and corruption in politics and business
child labor using children in industry, typically illegal
de facto segregation segregated by custom and tradition
de jure segregation segregated by law
conservation government control over resources to conserve them
bully pulpit using strong executive power to present your views
trustbusting use of government to break up trusts
temperance the moderation or abstinence of alcohol
militarism the belief that a country should have a strong military and to use it often
alliances an association between 2 countries for a benefit, usually aid if one goes to war
imperialism the process of extending one's power through diplomacy or military force
nationalism an intense feeling of patriotism or pride for one's country
espionage the use of spies to gain political and military info for the government
reparations making amends by paying money or other aid to a wrong party
Created by: Anafly
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