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Unit Four

Forming a Government

Most states set up two house, or __________legislatures to divide the work of government. bicameral
People agreed the new country should be a __________, a government in which citizens rule through elected representatives. republic
The issue that needed to be settled before the smaller states agreed to the Articles of Confederation. selling of western lands
Women, African-Americans, and ____________ did not take part in the Constitutional Convention because they lacked rights. Native Americans
Congress decided to pass the___________, which divided western lands into townships to help pay off the national debt. Land Ordinance of 1785
Daniel Shays and his men protested ___________. high taxes
Three-Fifths Compromise addressed the issue of how _____________________. slaves would be counted
where most of the power was held under the Articles of Confederation state
number of representatives from each state in the Senate two
The main objective of the _____________________ was to create a system for bringing new states into the Union. Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Representatives in the House are ________________________. based on state population
keeps any branch of government from becoming too powerful checks and balances
government branch that writes the laws legislative
government branch that make sure laws are carried out executive
government branch that interprets the laws judicial
The _________________states the monarch is subject to law. Magna Carta
In the Articles of Confederation, how many votes did each state have for representation? one
supporters of the ratification of the U.S. Constitution Federalists
French writer declaring the powers of government should be separated and balanced against each other. Montesquieu
shared power between the state and national government federalism
plan suggesting a one-house legislature with equal representation. New Jersey
fraction of the states needed for an amendment to be ratified 3/4
freeing of individual enslaved persons manumission
another word for meeting convention
another word for revise amend
settlement of a dispute by each party giving up some demands compromise
powers that are specifically given to Congress enumerated
powers that belong to the States reserved
powers that are suggested but not directly stated in the Constitution implied
The act that the Court can review the actions of the executive and legislative branches to determine whether or not they violate the Constitution. judicial review
established procedures in taking actions against a citizen due process
Created by: cgutzwiller
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