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Nat to Sectionalism

U.S. History

Nationalism Pride and devotion to one's country
American System proposed by Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun to benefit all sections of nation to create economic independence for U.S. Think "PIN"
Protection Part of American System that had protective tariffs for manufactures and an improved market for farmers
Internal Improvements Part of American System that had roads, canals, and other transportation needs- better transportation for agricultural and industrial goods, with money raised by a protective tariff
National Bank Part of American System that created a national currency and encouraged economic growth
Tariff of 1816 designed to protect American manufacturers by placing high taxes on imports
McCulloch v. Maryland (1816) involved an attempt by Maryland to tax Baltimore branch of the second Bank of the United States/established federal govt's authority over the states, so the states could not tax a federal institution
National Road starting from Cumberland, MD in 1811 and ended in Wheeling, VA in 1818, then west to Vandalia, IL
steamboats Robert Fulton perfected them, launching the Clermont which traveled Hudson River from NY City to Albany 150 mi. in 32 hrs.
turnpikes roads that were barricaded in areas by poles until travelers paid a toll built by state-chartered private companies
Erie Canal (1825) ran from Albany on Hudson R. to Buffalo on Lake Erie, making possible for barges to move a ton of cargo cheaper, faster, and further- made NY City greatest port in America & encouraged other states to build canals
railroads faster than roads and passable in almost all weather, did not freeze in winter like canals and rivers, and not limited by topography
Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) ruling established that anything crossing state boundaries came under federal control, providing federal gov’t with the broad powers that it exists today
Rush-Bagot Treaty of 1817 US and Britain agreed to remove all warships from Great Lakes except for a few small vessels to control smuggling
Convention of 1818 specified where a.) US ships could fish in Canadian waters b.) set the northern boundary of Louisiana Purchase at 49th parallel from Minnesota to Rockies c.) joint occupation of Oregon territory for 10 years
Andrew Jackson pursued Seminole force into FLA where he seized Spanish settlements at Pensacola and St. Marks
Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819 Spain ceded(gave up) FLA to US/US reimbursed US citizens who had claims against Spain/set western boundary of US Louisiana Purchase from Gulf of Mexico to Oregon territory then west to Pacific
Monroe Doctrine Western Hemisphere no longer open for colonization/US would regard any interference in the Western hemispheric affairs as a threat to its security/US would refrain from participation in European wars and would not disturb existing colonies in the Western
Sectionalism loyalty to one’s own region
American Colonization Society Founded Liberia in Africa as a place to send freed slaves
“Cotton is King” popular phrase in the South, showing how important cotton was to the South’s economy
cotton gin made it more possible to clean seeds out of cotton faster- 50 pounds could be cleaned per day per person rather than 1 pound, greatly increasing cotton production
North's position on protective tariffs They supported them b/c they protected their businesses
South's position on protective tariffs Didn't like them b/c they made imported goods more expensive
North's position on internal improvements Wanted them b/c protective tariffs paid for them
South's position on internal improvements Didn't want them b/c south already had a good river system
Created by: ltrudeau
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