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WW1 Key Terms

alliances a union formed for mutual benefit between countries
Nationalism loyalty and devotion to a country is most important
Militarism belief that the military should play a main role in society
Neutral not taking either side
U-Boats German submarine
Triple Entente WW1 alliance first between Russia,Great Britain and France -Us later joined
Central Powers WW1 alliance of Austria-Hungary,Germany and Ottoman Empire
Sussex Pledge Germany promises the US that it will not bomb any passenger ships again after the Lusitania
Trench Warfare trenches were long ditches in which soldiers take cover and lived in for long periods of time in wet,dirty, rat infested trenches
Conscientious Objector people who refuse to go to war
Liberty Bonds people would buy US bonds loaning the government money and the government would pay back after the war with intrest
Committee on Public Information purpose was to encourage public support for the war using movies,posters,magazines,etc
Treaty of Versailles brought and end to WW1 Germany is punished by paying war reparations
League of Nations organization of nations that would work together to settle disputes,protect democracy and prevent future wars.
Fourteen Points President Wilson's plan for world peace.
Created by: kylamcclendo
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