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Colonial America

Grade 4

Large landowners - lived in the Southern colonies - relied on indentured servants and slaves to produce their crops and keep their plantations/farms running - tended to hold a greater amount of power and wealth compared to others in their communities
Farmers - Smaller family farms were found in all three regions - Some family farms were large enough to produce crops for sale - smaller farmers were self-sufficient - susceptible to adverse weather, armed conflict with Native Americans and governmental whims
Artisans - people skilled in trades (blacksmiths, butchers, millers, gunsmiths, and printers) - New England and Mid-Atlantic colonies lived independently - Southern colonies, some were slaves and worked for their “owners,” or were leased out to work
Women - Unable to vote - viewed as living in a separate sphere of home and family - Women from poorer families or enslaved women were typically expected to work (physically) as hard as any man, while still maintaining a home and family life.
Indentured servants - people who came to the colonies without funds necessary for their voyages across the Atlantic. - In exchange for paying for these servants’ passage, larger farmers and landowners would receive a set term (indenture) of labor without payment.
Slaves - people were enslaved in the Mid-Atlantic, New England and Southern colonies – no personal or economic freedoms, and treatment was typically quite cruel
American Indians - The original inhabitants of all of colonial America were subjected to numerous failed treaties and attacks at the hands of the British settlers. - While a tiny minority continued to live in their traditional lands, most were pushed far west
New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut What are the four New England colonies?
a market economy What type of economy was found in the New England colonies?
fishing, shipbuilding, and working in a sawmills What were some of the trades found in the New England colonies?
Puritans and Pilgrims What religious groups were found in the New England colonies?
when people trade goods and services with each other, instead of using money What is a barter system?
logging and shipbuilding What were two major industries found in the New England colonies?
tobacco What was the main cash crop in Maryland, Virginia, and northern North Carolina?
rice What major cash crop in South Carolina is also called Carolina gold?
indigo What cash crop in South Carolina was used in the clothmaking process?
Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia What are the five Southern colonies?
farming What was the most important industry in the Southern colonies?
James Oglethorpe Who founded the Georgia colony?
interdependence What is it called when one depends on one another from economic resources?
The Breadbasket Colonies What is a nickname for the Middle Colonies?
Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, and New York What are the four Middle Colonies?
wheat, corn, and rye What were three crops grown in the Middle Colonies?
The Atlantic Ocean What ocean borders the Middle Colonies?
Because they grew so many crops used in making bread Why were the Middle Colonies called the "breadbasket colonies"?
Quakers, Lutherans, and Presbyterians What religious groups were found in the Middle Colonies?
Created by: mochateacher
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