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Old history

What was the first civilian Sumer
Where was Sumer? Urk or U.K.
Sumerians invented early writing Hieroglyphics
Conquered Sumer to build the first empire known to history Sargon
Most Sumerian people were Farmers
First female ruler Hatshepsut
Cyrus did what for God's people Allowed them to keep their temple
What was the 1 famous codes Criminal code
What is the consumer law Laws in place to protect buyers and sellers
What are marriage and family laws Arrange marriage The father paying the son in law
A house has fallen on and killed its owner because of bad nails and boards. What should be done to the carpenter who built the house? The carpenter's family member should be killed
A sister of god (a nun) has entered a bar for a drink. The bar is known for immoral behavior and housing criminals. What should happen to the nun? The sister of god shall be killed
A man has taken out large amounts of loans and owes a lot of people money. What should happen to this man if he is unable to pay his debts? Take the mans family and make them work for him for 2 years and then let them good
Mesopotamia means between the rivers”
The Epic of Gilgamesh one of the earliest surviving works of literature
Ziggurats larged, stepped platform topped by a temple dedicated to the city’s godness or god
Neolithic new stone
Domesticate grow a plant or raise an animal in a way that makes it best suited for humans
Artisans People with skilled in a trade
Traditional economy relies on habit, custom, or ritual
Features that define civilization 1. Organized Government 2. Complex Religions 3:Job specialization Social classes Public work Writing
Cultural diffusion the spread of ideas, customs, and technologies from one people to another
Zoroastrianism One of the world’s oldest religions - predates Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Xerxes I ● Continued military conquests of his father Darius ● Failed at invading Greece ● Built the great city of Persepolis ● Crushed revolts in his territory
Darius I Ruled the Persian Empire at its peak
Satraps governors of Cyrus’s territories
Why was Abraham considered the father of the Jewish people Abraham promised to be faithful and obedient to God. Abraham made a covenant with God
Moses renewed the Israelites’ covenant with God.
Diaspora many remained in small communities living by their laws and traditions.
When did cities start to develop? Neolithic Revolution
Where was Mesopotamia located? Between Tigris and Euphrates river aka Turkey and Iraq
Where were most civilization based by ? Rivers
Civil law was Personal or private rights and matters
Criminal law Laws that deals with offenses against other people
What did hotties discover? How to extract iron from ore
What were the Assyrian's people Warriors
What did Nebuchadnezzar? Revived Babylon Made the hanging gardens Armed Babylon with a moat
What code did Hammurabi make? Hammurabi's code
Hammurabi conquered what lands? Sumer and Assimilated Mesopotamia
The Delta was at what part of Egypt Lower and North
Where was upper Egypt? South near the desert
Moses did what the the covenant? Renewed it
How long did it take Moses and his people to get the promise land 40 years
Where did Moses Renew the covenant? Mt. Sinai
King David made what land Israel
King David united how many tribes ? 12
King Solomon did what ? Builded up Jerusalem Competed a temple
King Solomon was known for having Wisdom and understanding
What was Jerusalem divided into ? Judah and Jerusalem
Ancient Phoenicians were Sea traders
What did Phoenicians do for a living Farm
What did Phoenicians make Glass from sand Purple dye 1st Alphabet
Where did Phoenicians speared to North Africa Sicily Spain
Who was the 1st pharaoh Menes
What city did Menes found? Memphis
When did cities start to develop? Neolithic Revolution
Where was Mesopotamia located? Between Tigris and Euphrates river aka Turkey and Iraq
Where were most civilization based by ? Rivers
Civil law was Personal or private rights and matters
Criminal law Laws that deals with offenses against other people
What did hotties discover? How to extract iron from ore
What were the Assyrian's people Warriors
What did Nebuchadnezzar? Revived Babylon Made the hanging gardens Armed Babylon with a moat
What code did Hammurabi make? Hammurabi's code
Hammurabi conquered what lands? Sumer and Assimilated Mesopotamia
The Delta was at what part of Egypt Lower and North
Where was upper Egypt? South near the desert
Moses did what the the covenant? Renewed it
How long did it take Moses and his people to get the promise land 40 years
Where did Moses Renew the covenant? Mt. Sinai
King David made what land Israel
King David united how many tribes ? 12
King Solomon did what ? Builded up Jerusalem Competed a temple
King Solomon was known for having Wisdom and understanding
What was Jerusalem divided into ? Judah and Jerusalem
Ancient Phoenicians were Sea traders
What did Phoenicians do for a living Farm
What did Phoenicians make Glass from sand Purple dye 1st Alphabet
Where did Phoenicians speared to North Africa Sicily Spain
Who was the 1st pharaoh Menes
What city did Menes found? Memphis
Created by: Abraiya
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