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5th SS Chap 6 4&5

Chapter 6 lesson 4-5 study guide

Commander in Chief The leader of all military forces
Earthwork Walls made of earth and stone for protection against attack
Olive Branch An ancient symbol of peace
Independence The freedom to govern oneself
Resolution A formal group statement
Declaration Official Statement
Preamble The first part of the Declaration of Independence
Grievance Complaints
What is the Declaration of Independence An official statement about independence to be sent to the king of England Explaining why the colonies had the right break away from Britain. It described the colonist main ideas about government.
When did congress approve the Declaration of Independence? July 4, 1776
What effects did the Articles of Confederation have on the new nation? The states were help together as a nation during the Revolutionary War.
What caused Congress to form an army? Congress agreed that the colonies should prepare for war.
Who was John Dickinson? Head of the committee for the Articles of Confederation. Representative from Pennsylvania that tried to AVOID fighting.
Who was suggested as the first commander in chief? George Washington
Who suggested George Washington as the first commander in chief? John Adams
What did the Battle of Bunker Hill show the British? That fighting the colonist would not be easy as they had thought.
What was the Olive Branch Petition? A petition that was sent to King George to ask for peace. It reached him to late. The Battle of Bunker Hill had angered British leaders.
Who was Phyllis Wheatley? She was born in Africa but was captured and sold to a Boston family that gave her their name. She became one of the best known poets of her time.
Who was Thomas Paine? He wrote Common Sense, a pamphlet that said the colonist should rule themselves.
What was Common Sense? A pamphlet or book telling the colonist that they should rule themselves.
Who was Richard Henry Lee? He called for a resolution in the Second Continental Congress for independence from Britain.
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson
What is John Hancock known for? He was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence. He signed his name very large so the King could read it.
Why were the new states afraid of a strong national government? Many colonist feared that a strong national government would threaten their freedom.
Created by: spalford
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