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Civil Rights Terms I

Terms from the 1950's and 1960's

Arrested for not giving up her bus seat to a white man; prompted the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Rosa Parks
First African-American Supreme Court Justice. Thurgood Marshall
Process of bringing people of different races together. Integration
Civil rights leader who opposed discrimination against African-Americans by organizing nonviolent resistance and peaceful mass demonstrations; was assassinated in Memphis, TN. Martin Luther King, jr.
Opposing a law one considers unjust by peacefully disobeying it and accepting the punishment. Civil Disobedience
Protest in which people sit in a place and refuse to move until their demands are met. Sit In
African-American leader and supporter of the Nation of Islam; supported black separatism, black pride, and the use of violence for self-protection. Malcom X
A policy to hire and promote more minorities and women. Affirmative Action
Organization founded in 1909 to work for racial equality. NAACP
Supreme Court case which led to the eventual desegregation of schools in 1954. Brown v. Board of Education
Outlawed discrimination in employment on the basis of race, sex, or religion. Civil Rights Act of 1964
Separation of people based on racial, ethnic, or other differences. Segregation
Treating members of different races, religions, ethnic groups differently. Discrimination
Civil rights campaign in which African-American and white protesters traveled by bus through the South to desegregate bus stations. Freedom Rides
Protests in 1955-1956 by African-Americans against racial segregation in bus system of Montgomery, Alabama. Montgomery Bus Boycott
Nine African-American students who would be admitted to a white school after integration ruling. Little Rock Nine
Limited voting rights of African-Americans, such as literacy tests, the grandfather clause, and poll taxes. Jim Crow Laws
1896 Supreme Court ruling that segregation in public facilities was legal as long as the facilities were equal ("separate but equal"). Plessy v. Ferguson
An opinion or strong feeling formed without careful thought or regard to the facts. Prejudice
Civil rights law that banned literacy tests and other practices that discouraged African-Americans from voting. Voting Rights Act of 1965
14-year old Chicago boy who was murdered in Mississippi after whistling at white woman. Emmett Till
A refusal to buy or use goods and services. Boycott
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court when Brown v. Board of Education was ruled upon. Earl Warren
Governor of California who signed a desegregation order in his state. Earl Warren
Labor Director for the NAACP, pushed labor unions and Hollywood to desegregate and give real opportunities to advance for African Americans Herbert Hill
Governor of Arkansas who did not want integration in public schools Orval Faubus
NAACP legal counsel who presented the Brown vs Board of Education case and then later became the first African American Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall
"Law that outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin" Civil Rights Act of 1964
First African-American MLB player. Jackie Robinson
A student who was part of the Little Rock 9 attending Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas and had to walk through the hostile white crowd by herself Elizabeth Eckford
President in 1957 who sent troops into Arkansas to suppress mobs in the Central High School desegregation issue Dwight D Eisenhower
Leader of the Nation of Islam for many years. Elijah Muhammad
This person's arrest instigated the Montgomery Bus Boycott Rosa Parks
Chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and now a US Representative from GA John Lewis
President in 1960 who began civil rights initiatives and played a role with student who wanted to enroll in the University of Mississippi in 1962 John F Kennedy
Created by: dsalvucci
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