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SSUSH 13 and 14

US History Standards 13 and 14

Upton Sinclair Muckraker – exposed meat-packing industry – resulted in FDA (The Jungle)
The Jungle Novel that exposed poor working conditions and health violations of the meat industry
Jane Addams Established "Hull House" as a place for widowsand orphans
Ida Tarbell Muckraker – exposed Standard Oil – resulted in gov’t regulation of business
Muckrakers Investigative journalists exposing corruption in industry
Inititive Progressive reform – people can write a law that can be voted on (locally)
recall Progressive reform – elected officials can be voted out.
referendum Progressive reform – people can petition something to happen (locally)
17th Amendment Direct election of Senators
Jacob Riis Danish-American social reformer, "muckraking" journalist and social documentary photographer. Famous for "How the Other Half Lives"
Jim Crow Laws name given to the south’s segregation laws
Plessy v. Furguson “separate but equal” is okay in South
NAACP African-American civil rights organization in the United States, formed in 1909
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 Banned Chinese immigrants from U.S. – result of Nativism
Spanish-American War Imperialistic war (expansion) against Spain for Cuban, Puerto Rican, & Philippine independence
Roosevelt Corollary Pres. Teddy Roosevelt adds to the Monroe Doctrine that invasion of Latin America will result in US military force
Panama Canal Waterway through Panama that connects Atlantic to Pacific Ocean – made trade more efficient
Progressive Era a period of widespread social activism and political reform across the United States, from the 1890s to the 1920s.
Created by: croper1
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