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Black History

Black history terms and definition

slaves people who are owned and forced to work by someone else
discrimination unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice
prejudice an opinion or strong feeling formed without careful thought or regard to the facts
civil rights human rights
African American A black American of African descent
justice the administration of law
integration the inclusion of people of all races on an equal basis into society
desegregation the abolishment of racial segregation, which happened due to the work of Civil Rights leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
equality having the same conditions and opportunities as everyone else
diversity different people/culture
apartheid the separation of black and white people in South Africa
racism belief that one racial group is superior to another. A type of discrimination.
King Cotton Cotton was the most valuable cash crop because of the invention of the cotton gin; rich new farmland appeared in the south, and the rise of textile manufacturing in England created a huge demand
Southern Society - how things were IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER that most southern white adult males were small farmers and NOT VERY WEALTHY. Most families owned NO slaves. Nonetheless, a small minority of planters who owned 20 or more slaves dominated southern society.
14th Ammendment No state shall deny any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law
Sharecroppers Most freedmen entered sharecropping arrangements with former masters; sharecropping and the crop lien system led to a cycle of debt and depression for southern tenant farmers; freedmen did NOT receive 40 acres each
Thirteenth Ammendment Abolished slavery and involuntary servitude
Fifteenth Ammendment Suffrage for black males
Booker T. Washington He stressed importance of vocational education and economic self help; economic self-help and industrial education; He gave a speech in 1895, called on blacks to seek economic opportunities rather than political rights
Disenfranchising black voters Literary tests and poll taxes denied blacks the ballot;
Created by: cjbmorrison
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